Tuesday, November 27, 2012

support Sandy affected schools through Wiley

Wiley Family
As you know, Hurricane Sandy affected many families, and schools were left in ruins. Donors Choose is working with teachers to help them restock much needed supplies to get students back on track, even if classes meet elsewhere because the school building was devastated. After Black Friday and Cyber Monday comes Giving Tuesday. It is a campaign to create a national day of giving at the start of the annual holiday season. Giving Tuesday celebrates and encourages charitable activities that support nonprofit organizations. Learn more here http://givingtuesday.org/about/. The CEO of Donors Choose is one of the key team members so it seems a perfect fit.

While we nourish and feed our own Wiley community through the Food Friends food drive, we can reach out to other students who need help as well. We're partnering with Donors Choose to help children just like our own who are eager to learn and refreshingly curious. And the best part is today's Groupon for Donors Choose! Your $10 donation will buy $20 worth of supplies!

Here are the projects that we hope to support through kind, generous donations from our Wiley community:

Reading Materials: 

Non-fiction books: http://www.donorschoose.org/project/did-you-knownonfiction-books/921721/?challengeid=266404

Kindergarten Supplies: http://www.donorschoose.org/project/kindergarteners-learning-to-read-after-h/922197/?challengeid=266404

Art and Craft Supplies: http://www.donorschoose.org/project/inspiring-creativity-in-music-class-afte/921169/?challengeid=266404

Monday, November 26, 2012

Food Donation Needs

Donating food to Wiley?

*Please remember no glass containers!

*We need grocery bags-please consider donating those too!

Thank you!!!

Sunday, November 25, 2012

Updates 11/26/12

Updates 11/26/12

Welcome Back Wiley Family! How was your Thanksgiving? I hope it was restful and full of joy! Don't forget that our Food Friends Food Drive begins today. We are collecting food to help Wiley families sustain the long holiday break. Please send in non-perishable, non-glass contained food between today and December 14.

Book Club News
Ms. Molloy has invited fifth grade students to join the Fifth Grade Co-ed Book Club, which begins meeting on Thursday, Nov. 29 in the media center during lunch. There are two book selections: Peter and the Starcatchers by Dave Barry & Ridley Pearson and The Fantastic Secret of Owen Jester by Barbara O'Connor. Students can sign up for the book club in the media center and check out the title of their choice. There is no limit to the number of students who can join the book club, but there are limited copies of each title available from the Wiley library, and the books will be given out to those who sign up first. Copies of both titles are also available at the public library. The book club provides a fun way for students to dine together and discuss great literature. If you have any questions, please contact Ms. Molloy, our media specialist.

Jingle Bell Run

The Raleigh Jingle Bell run is this Saturday.  It is not too late to REGISTER! It starts and ends in front of Wiley.  Several running club students, Ms. Bennett, and Ms. Gower will be participating.  Everyone is welcome to join or cheer on the runners!  The link is listed below.  Anyone interested should sign up for the 5K under "Wiley Running Club".

Upcoming Parents' Chat

Would you like time to hear about the happenings at Wiley? Want time to ask questions and get feedback? Join Ms. McMahon in the media center on December 12 at 9:30am-10:15am or 6:00pm-6:45pm for information on the Common Core curriculum, our international magnet theme, and state and county assessments.

Important Dates to Remember:

*Food Friends Food Drive: November 26-December 14
*Interim Reports: December 10
*Shop and Dinner Night at Piccola Italia and 10,000 Villages: December 11
*Parents' Chat with Ms. McMahon: December 12, 9:30am or 6:00pm
*Chorus and Band Concert: December 13
*Early Release, 1:15 dismissal: December 21
*Winter Holiday Break: December 24-January 1

Saturday, November 17, 2012

Monday Updates 11/19/12

Updates 11/19/12

At this time of year it is easy to get caught up in the busy lives we lead. In this week of Thanksgiving, I hope to take a small moment of your day to express my sincere thanks for all you do to make Wiley a vibrant learning space for children. There is no way Wiley would be this amazing without dedicated, creative, and first-rate teachers, students, and parents.

Teachers, Thank you for the unparalleled time, effort, and dedication you give to your students, coworkers, and Wiley families every single day. Watching you plan, collaborate, learn, and teach is the greatest gift of my career. There is no better group of people to change the world through children than you.  

Parents, Thank you for the time you spend with your children at home building their character and their knowledge of the world. Thank you for the time, energy, and resources you provide to not just your child but the 471 other kids at Wiley. Thank you for supporting and encouraging teachers in a time in our country when they need it the most.

Students, Each of you make Wiley a living, breathing being every day. The joy you bring into our doors everyday keeps us coming back for more! Thank you for your laughter, your hard hard work, and your creative geniusness. You are making a difference in the world already by just being you.

Ms. McMahon


Language Student Celebration

It was a day of celebration in our Language classes last Thursday! The language teachers began planning last week's celebration during the first week of school. Their focus was to provide students an encouragement to maintain global citizenship throughout the first quarter of the year. They did so by emphasizing positive behaviors and academic success in all language classes.

The celebration included activities aligned with each language teacher's native country: Japan - Sumo, China - chopsticks, Columbia - relay races (with Senora Henderson, our very own Olympic athlete) Germany and Canada - social games. Students traveled from country to country to participate in each activity. The students loved it and the teachers are already thinking about what to do next quarter! 

Order your school portraits before it is too late! 

Time is running out...
Order your school portraits today.
Your child was photographed on 10/11/2012 and we don't want you to miss this important milestone in your child's life.

Call 1-866-955-8342 and provide your Picture Day ID BW182586Y0 to order.

Don't miss this opportunity for a professional quality image. Your child's school portrait captures this moment for you to cherish for years to come.

Upcoming Parents' Chat

Would you like time to hear about the happenings at Wiley? Want time to ask questions and get feedback? Join Ms. McMahon in the media center on December 12 at 9:30am-10:15am or 6:00pm-6:45pm for information on the Common Core curriculum, our international magnet theme, and state and county assessments.

Important Dates to Remember:

*Beginning today: Snowflake Gift Drive; pick out a snowflake in the office to provide a gift or gift card for a Wiley kid for the holidays.
*Thanksgiving holiday: November 21-23
*Food Friends Food Drive: November 26-December 14
*Interim Reports: December 10
*Parents' Chat with Ms. McMahon: December 12, 9:30am or 6:00pm
*Chorus and Band Concert: December 13
*Early Release, 1:15 dismissal: December 21
*Winter Holiday Break: December 24-January 1

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Monday, November 12, 2012

Updates 11/13/12

Updates 11/13/12

Hello Wiley Family! I hope you and your family had a wonderful weekend.  

WISE Time at Wiley
This year at Wiley, all staff and students participate in a four day a week, 30 minute, focused instructional time period we call WISE (Where Intellect and creative Success is Exceptional). In addition to regular class time, we use WISE to deliver direct enrichment and/or intervention to all students in a way that boost their achievement opportunities.

Key elements of WISE are:
     *In previous years at Wiley and at most elementary schools this time was/is called "team time".
     *This structure is an instructional practice used across the country to support students' academic growth.
     *Monday and Tuesday WISE is dedicated to math and Wednesday and Thursday is dedicated to reading (with exceptions for some students with disabilities).
     *WISE time offers a small group setting for instruction due to the amount of staff and volunteers providing instruction at one time. This allows staff to more narrowly focus on individual students' needs.
     *There are generally 14 staff members serving 140 students in each WISE period. Groups vary from 3 kids to 20 kids.
     *The groups that students are in during WISE time change 3-4 times a quarter based on assessments. This allows teachers the chance to check on student understanding then narrowly focus their instruction based on the student's needs. Think about it this way--a soccer coach monitors practice and the game and then makes adjustments to improve her players and her coaching.
     *All students get enrichment, remediation, and "just right" instruction during all of their classes at Wiley. This is called differentiated instruction and is an integral part of the instructional day.
     *Students that need remediation or special education services, get that during WISE time (with a few exceptions) so they do not miss any instruction, electives, or foreign language to receive extra help.
     *Students that need enrichment get that during WISE time so they do not miss any instruction, electives, or foreign language to receive that support.
     *Kindergarten through third grade students receive enrichment from a variety of staff members (including the AIG teacher) and volunteers. Formal identification for AIG (academically/intellectually gifted) occurs in WCPSS AIG at the end of third grade.
     *Fourth and fifth grade students that are formally identified as AIG (academically/intellectually gifted) receive their "pull out" services during WISE. We are able to offer 60 minutes of services a week in reading and math, which is more than the allotted time by WCPSS AIG. During first quarter, these students have learned about critical thinking strategies, statistics during math, and the election during reading.

At Wiley, we value individual learning and growth to develop global citizenship. We are proud to not only do so during our general curriculum time, but also in small groups during WISE. If you have questions, please do not hesitate to let us know! You can contact your child's teacher or Ms. McMahon at kmcmahon@wcpss.net or in her office at 919-856-7726.

Report Cards Today
Don't forget to review your child's report card today. Let your teacher know if you would like a conference by checking the report card cover. Elective and language report cards will go home December 3.

Holiday Food Drive Need
We will begin our holiday food drive after Thanksgiving. However, while the sales are good at the grocery store-stock up to help Wiley families! We will take non-perishable, non-glass contained food beginning the Monday after Thanksgiving.

Middle School Magnet Tours
All WCPSS magnet middle schools are open for tours Wednesday, Nov. 14 at 9am and 12pm. Find out more at the WCPSS Magnet website.   

Wiley PTA Updates
Are you interested in creating a healthier environment at Wiley for all students and for staff? We are currently recruiting parents and staff members for the PTA's Healthy Lifestyles Committee. This will be our first year to have an active Healthy Lifestyles Committee, and chair Anna Stein is excited to get the committee underway. Anna has a particular interest in using policy and environmental change to improve children's health and, in turn, their educational achievement. Please let Anna know if you would like to join this committee or if you would like to hear some of her specific ideas for the school year. Her email address is annastein@nc.rr.com and her phone number is 919-834-1152.  Thanks so much!

Phantom Fundraiser
Thank you for your support of all Wiley PTA programs and events through the Phantom! If you have not donated to the Phantom yet, please consider making a donation today. Make sure you check out the flyer in your child's Monday folder for more details.   

Sunday, November 4, 2012

Updates 11/5/12

Updates 11/5/12

*For the last two weeks, our Global News Network students have taught students about the presidential election through our daily GNN news show. Today, all students will vote in our Kids Voting election. Who do you predict the students will elect for US President? I will update you as soon as all results are counted!

*Please do not forget that Tuesday is a teacher workday. There is no school for students. If you are able to take your child to vote with you, please do so! Find your polling site HERE.

*During Tuesday's teacher workday, Wiley teachers will participate in our 4th professional development session of the year focused on differentiated learning and teaching. Do you know what differentiation is? Do you want to know more about differentiation? This article is written specifically for parents to explain what differentiation is and this article gives more in depth explanation about what differentiation looks like in the classroom. You can always talk to your child's teachers about differentiation as well.

*Our students donated 6 large boxes (FULL) of candy to US troops last week. Ms. Howell, a third grade mom, gave Urban Oasis Dental quite a surprise with the big delivery Friday!

*The new and improved WCPSS website launched Sunday. Check out the new format and easy to follow links.  

*Our families are amazingly giving!
      -Our PTA Phantom Fundraiser totals continue to grow. We are just shy of $8,000 in donations. Please help us reach our goal of $18,000! This fundraiser is how the PTA is supporting our media center with new books aligned to the new state curriculum, quarterly cultural arts programs, and events like International Night and Science Night. We cannot do it without the Phantom fundraiser! Thank you for your donations! 
      -Our PTA International Book Fair net totals are not in yet, but we do know that over $660 was provided for the Book Fairy. That provided over 80 students with books! Again, thank you!!
     -The Wiley gardeners are happy to receive any perennial divisions from your home gardens.  Please bag and mark what's in the bag and leave under the the bridge in the courtyard garden.  They are specifically looking for daisies or black/brown-eyed Susans. Also, donations of any bulbs or annuals are always welcome. Lastly, we are seeking families who are willing to put ivy cuttings in water over the winter to grow roots and then plant in bare patches on the grounds in the spring.  Cuttings will be provided.  Contact Pamela Lietz (pamelajplietz@yahoo.com). if you are interested.