Sunday, April 28, 2013

Updates 4/29/13

Updates 4/29/13

Joyful, Grateful
This week, Mrs. Molloy sent an email to the Wiley staff that created numerous joyful responses. I cannot resist sharing it with you, too. It is true that it does take a village and there is no greater village than Wiley's. Thank you.

I wanted to share with you some acts of generosity I've seen in the library in the past few weeks.

- Three separate families -- some who live in the neighborhood and do not even have children attending Wiley -- made $100 donations to the book fairy fund this year! There have been many other contributions to book fairy, as well, and every penny helped.
- One parent bought a book off of every single teacher's wish list! He and his child spent at least an hour searching for these books and purchasing them.
- Parents and teachers have been purchasing books at the book fair for their Wiley pals and the students they tutor.
- Sixty-two Wiley students received free books from book fairy funds!

I'm so happy to be a part of the wonderful Wiley community. Thank you for all the acts of kindness and generosity you perform each day. They do make a difference :)

THIS WEEK:  Support Those Who Support our Community
Through the years the Salvation Army has helped a number of Wiley families.  Now it's our turn to give back.  The shelves of this community organization's food pantry are bare as we look ahead to the summer months- a time of particular food stress for many families.  With school out, many children are left without resources for breakfast and lunch and families often turn to the Salvation Army for assistance.  

If you'd like to help, check your cupboards for any canned goods or other non-perishable food items that would help the Salvation Army re-stock their community pantry.  Items like canned fruits, vegetables, meats, peanut butter and powdered milk are needed.  So pick up some extra items at the grocery store and send them to school with your child the THIS WEEK. They will be taken at the end of the week to the Salvation Army and to the cupboards of our community

Upcoming Dates:
May 6: Parent Feedback Forms for 2013-2014 go home  (new item)
May 10: International Night, 5pm
May 24: Parent Feedback Forms due (new item)
May 27: Memorial Day Holiday
June 3: Field Day
June 4: Volunteer Appreciation Breakfast, 9am (new item)
June 7: Fifth Grade Graduation, 9:30am
June 10: Last Day of School

Monday, April 22, 2013

4/22/13 Updates

4/22/13 Updates

Gotta Keep Reading was a HIT!
The results for the Gotta Keep Reading program are in, and we are thrilled by how many students participated. There were 161 Wiley students who completed their reading goal and were invited to our library dance party celebrations! The library dance parties were a huge success, with Mr. Erik from Cameron Village Library entertaining the K-2 students and our very own DJ Katie Ware spinning tunes for the 3-5 students. Our participation numbers doubled from last year's reading incentive program, the Muddy Buddy Book Club. We owe a big thank you to our teachers and parents who promoted the Gotta Keep Reading program, and to our PTA for their support. Let's keep the momentum going by encouraging our students to read this summer!
Student Performers
Twelve Wiley students recently rehearsed for and performed in Broughton High School's production of Joseph and the Technicolor Dreamcoat. We are so proud of the dedication to practice and the courage to audition and perform!! Way to go, Ms. Pawlowski for making this collaborative idea with BHS a reality!

Support Those Who Support our Community
Through the years the Salvation Army has helped a number of Wiley families.  Now it's our turn to give back.  The shelves of this community organization's food pantry are bare as we look ahead to the summer months- a time of particular food stress for many families.  With school out, many children are left without resources for breakfast and lunch and families often turn to the Salvation Army for assistance.  

If you'd like to help, check your cupboards for any canned goods or other non-perishable food items that would help the Salvation Army re-stock their community pantry.  Items like canned fruits, vegetables, meats, peanut butter and powdered milk are needed.  So pick up some extra items at the grocery store and send them to school with your child the week of April 29. They will be taken at the end of the week to the Salvation Army and to the cupboards of our community.

Staff Appreciation
Follow this LINK to volunteer with the PTA during staff appreciation week May 6-9.

Spring Band Concert
Come see what band is all about at our Spring Concert!  The concert will be held at Pittman Auditorium at St. Mary's School on Thursday, April 25th at 7pm.  Our band director, Ms. Thompson, will be happy to talk with you and answer your questions about band after the show!

Registration for next year's Wiley Band is open through April 30, and all rising 3rd, 4th, and 5th graders are welcome to join.  For more information and registration forms, please visit
Upcoming Dates:
THIS Week: Spring Book Fair
April 25: Spring Band Concert (7pm)
May 10: International Night
May 27: Memorial Day Holiday
June 3: Field Day
June 7: Fifth Grade Graduation
June 10: Last Day of School

Monday, April 15, 2013

Updates 4/15/13

Updates 4/15/13

Overall Satisfaction!
The final question of our recent parent survey asked parents if they were satisfied with their child's educational experience at Wiley. An overwhelming 86% agreed that this was so! We believe that it takes a village to educate the Wiley children and we agree that it is one fantastic village! We are working daily to focus on continuous improvement--with children at the center of all we do. Thank you for being a member of our village! "In union there is strength". -Aesop

Support Those Who Support our Community
Through the years the Salvation Army has helped a number of Wiley families.  Now it's our turn to give back.  The shelves of this community organization's food pantry are bare as we look ahead to the summer months- a time of particular food stress for many families.  With school out, many children are left without resources for breakfast and lunch and families often turn to the Salvation Army for assistance.  

If you'd like to help, check your cupboards for any canned goods or other non-perishable food items that would help the Salvation Army re-stock their community pantry.  Items like canned fruits, vegetables, meats, peanut butter and powdered milk are needed.  So pick up some extra items at the grocery store and send them to school with your child the week of April 29. They will be taken at the end of the week to the Salvation Army and to the cupboards of our community.

PTA Updates and Events
*Join us for a fun night at the park! There will be a Pullen Park PTA Family Night on April 18 from 5-7. We will meet at the Carousel Pavilion.  This is the shelter in front of the paddle boats, right by the carousel. 
*Book 'shopping' from our Books Are Magic book drive will be happening this week!  We are so excited that we met our goal of collecting 2,000 books!  Thank you so much for your generosity! Wiley kids will have a summer mini-library thanks to your donations.

Upcoming Dates:
April 15: Report Cards
April 18: Pullen Park Wiley Family Night, 5-7
April 19: Early Release 1:15 dismissal
Week of April 22: Spring Book Fair
May 10: International Night
May 27: Memorial Day Holiday
June 3: Field Day
June 7: Fifth Grade Graduation
June 10: Last Day of School

Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Rising 3rd-5th Graders, Join the Wiley PTA Band! 
Registration for the 2013-2014 Wiley Before-School Band is open until April 30th, and all rising 3rd, 4th, and 5th graders are welcome to join! For more information and registration forms, please visit

Friday, April 5, 2013

Updates 4/8/13

Updates 4/8/13

Welcome Back! I hope you and your family had an enjoyable and energizing Spring Break.

Reaching Each Learner, Each Day
A large part of a child's day is individualized to meet their needs at Wiley. We work to provide challenge and remediation support opportunities through multiple means each day maximizing a child's potential. In our recent Wiley Parent Survey about 70% of parents agreed that their child was challenged appropriately and/or received appropriate support when their child struggled. Some of the methods we use to provide individualization are: students' daily work, small groups with teachers, choices of arts and movement electives, choices of our 5 world language classes, and 4 day a week class (WISE) made up of individualized student groups. This is in addition to Academically/Intellectually Gifted and Special Education support. 

In conjunction with our effort to provide challenging and supportive opportunities for all kids, the PTA included related questions in their recent survey to further inform us in what interest families. We are excited to review the results and make decisions based on the information you have provided us.

Wiley Band Registration & Instrument Show and Tell
Registration for the 2013-2014 Wiley Before-School Band is officially open, and all rising 3rd, 4th, and 5th graders are welcome to join!  If you'd like to learn more about band, please visit

If your child is interested in joining band, please join the band for Instrument Show and Tell on April 15 and 17 from 4-5pm in the media center.  At Show and Tell, your child will learn about the instruments in the band, and have the opportunity to try them out!  We'll feature brass and percussion (trumpet, trombone, bells, and snare drum) on April 15th, and woodwinds (flute, clarinet, and sax) on April 17th.
Spring Fever is Here! You can help out with Before and After School Safety and Grounds Maintenance:
To maintain safe play on campus before and after school hours we need your help in the following:

*No dogs are allowed on campus during, before, or after school.
*Trees and plants are planted on our campus for many special reasons. Help them remain so by expecting your child to follow the Savannah Garden expectations (posted at the garden), to not pull on any plants or trees, and to not climb on trees.
*Please make sure your children are in your eye sight. We have had instances of injuries, dog bites, strangers, and accidental property damage during after dismissal play. We do not want any of this to affect you or your children.
*Please refrain from using the 3-5 playground after school. The YMCA is contractually responsible for that space while their program uses it. They cannot have non-YMCA students on the playground with their program.

Your support in safety and supervision matters tremendously in preserving the ability to maintain a child friendly space. This is a huge help to the entire Wiley community, so thank you in advance for meeting the needs of the community while here.
Save the Date for the Wiley Pullen Park PTA Family Night, April 18th, 5-7

Upcoming Dates:
April 15: Report Cards
April 18: Pullen Park Wiley Family Night, 5-7
April 19: Early Release 1:15 dismissal
Week of April 22: Spring Book Fair
May 10: International Night
May 27: Memorial Day Holiday
June 3: Field Day
June 7: Fifth Grade Graduation
June 10: Last Day of School