Joyful, Grateful
This week, Mrs. Molloy sent an email to the Wiley staff that created numerous joyful responses. I cannot resist sharing it with you, too. It is true that it does take a village and there is no greater village than Wiley's. Thank you.
I wanted to share with you some acts of generosity I've seen in the library in the past few weeks.
- Three separate families -- some who live in the neighborhood and do not even have children attending Wiley -- made $100 donations to the book fairy fund this year! There have been many other contributions to book fairy, as well, and every penny helped.
- One parent bought a book off of every single teacher's wish list! He and his child spent at least an hour searching for these books and purchasing them.
- Parents and teachers have been purchasing books at the book fair for their Wiley pals and the students they tutor.
- Sixty-two Wiley students received free books from book fairy funds!
I'm so happy to be a part of the wonderful Wiley community. Thank you for all the acts of kindness and generosity you perform each day. They do make a difference :)
THIS WEEK: Support Those Who Support our Community
Through the years the Salvation Army has helped a number of Wiley families. Now it's our turn to give back. The shelves of this community organization's food pantry are bare as we look ahead to the summer months- a time of particular food stress for many families. With school out, many children are left without resources for breakfast and lunch and families often turn to the Salvation Army for assistance.
If you'd like to help, check your cupboards for any canned goods or other non-perishable food items that would help the Salvation Army re-stock their community pantry. Items like canned fruits, vegetables, meats, peanut butter and powdered milk are needed. So pick up some extra items at the grocery store and send them to school with your child the THIS WEEK. They will be taken at the end of the week to the Salvation Army and to the cupboards of our community
Upcoming Dates:
May 6: Parent Feedback Forms for 2013-2014 go home (new item)
May 10: International Night, 5pm
May 24: Parent Feedback Forms due (new item)
May 24: Parent Feedback Forms due (new item)
May 27: Memorial Day Holiday
June 3: Field Day
June 3: Field Day
June 4: Volunteer Appreciation Breakfast, 9am (new item)
June 7: Fifth Grade Graduation, 9:30am
June 10: Last Day of School
June 7: Fifth Grade Graduation, 9:30am
June 10: Last Day of School