Monday, June 10, 2013

Final Updates for 2012-2013

Updates 6/10/13

This has been a phenomenal year! Thank you for continuing to make Wiley the BEST school on the planet:) I hope you and your family have a wonderful summer!

Our Community Cares!
With a partnership between Reese Consulting (Wiley parent, Billy Reese's company) and the Wiley PTA, we established the annual Dianne Jones Teaching Award last week. Congratulations to Mrs. Jones, the honorary award recipient! Read more here at

Garden Summer Help Needed
Please help water three Wiley gardens during this summer.  They are...
  • the Savannah @ Northeast Corner of School; Intersection of Calvin Rd & St. Mary's St,
  • the Natural Learning Garden @ Southeast Side of Main Building, and
  • the PTA Circle garden @ Southwest Side of Main Building
For the access to water source, please refer to the instruction below (available on June 15).
The watering schedule will start in the week of June 16-22 and end in the week of August 18-24.  A mid-week date, Wednesday is a suggested sign up date for watering, however, it can be done any sunny day of the week at your convenience. 

Please send parent, Hisayo Tago, a note when watering is done and if you notice any changes in the gardens.

Thank you for helping and keeping the Wiley gardens beautiful in advance.

Hisayo Tago, Wiley Gardens & Grounds
Donations for Wiley Beginning of Year BookbagsEach year, prior to school starting, Wiley teachers deliver bookbags full of school supplies for each student needing one. These bookbags and the supplies are provided by donations and parents that pack them. If you are able to donate to our students, we need the following:
*Zippered Binders
*Regular 3 ring binders
*Gender neutral bookbags
*Dry Erase Markers
*Composition Notebooks (marbled typed)
*Gift cards to stores that sell school supplies
**If you'd like to help stuff bookbags, please call 919-856-7723. We will pack during the week of August 5.

Where in the World is Wiley?
Are you traveling this summer? Take a photo of your child in a Wiley shirt and send it to us ( We will use it to share Where in the World is Wiley? on a bulletin board in the fall.

Upcoming Dates for 2013-2014
August 22: Meet the Teacher and Welcome Back Picnic
August 26: First Day of School (first staggered entry day for Kindergarten)
August 30: Kindergarten Meet the Teacher, 2pm

Monday, June 3, 2013

Updates 6/3/13

Updates 6/3/13

Volunteer Appreciation
A reminder that tomorrow, June 4, is our Volunteer Appreciation Breakfast! Come let the Wiley staff treat you to a wonderful breakfast in your honor. The breakfast begins at 9am.

Donations for Wiley Beginning of Year Bookbags
Each year, prior to school starting, Wiley teachers deliver bookbags full of school supplies for each student needing one. These bookbags and the supplies are provided by donations and parents that pack them. If you are able to donate to our students, we need the following:
*Zippered Binders
*Regular 3 ring binders
*Gender neutral bookbags
*Dry Erase Markers
*Composition Notebooks (marbled typed)
*Gift cards to stores that sell school supplies
**If you'd like to help stuff bookbags, please call 919-856-7723. We will pack during the week of August 5.

Upcoming PTA Business Meeting
The PTA will hold a special business meeting in conjunction with the Transition Pot-Luck on June 6 beginning at 6PM in the Media Center. During this meeting, we will ask for a vote to shift monies to cover line items that exceeded the budgeted amount. In addition, new officers and new committee chairs will meet to develop work plans for the 2013-2014 school year. If you would like to participate in the pot-luck, bring a dish to share.  All PTA members are invited. If you have questions, feel free to contact Eliz Colbert, president or Tom Hubschman, president-elect

Report Cards
Report cards for 5th grade will go home in their packet after the graduation ceremony Friday. All other report cards will go home Monday, June 10. If your child is not at school on June 10th, please come to Wiley to pick up the report card during the summer.

Upcoming Dates
June 4: Volunteer Appreciation Breakfast, 9am
June 6: PTA Transition and Business Pot-Luck, 6pm 
June 7: Fifth Grade Graduation, 9:30am
June 10: Last Day of School
August 22: Meet the Teacher and Welcome Back Picnic
August 26: First Day of School (first staggered entry day for Kindergarten)
August 30: Kindergarten Meet the Teacher, 2pm