Halloween Costumes
Halloween costumes (in part and in full) cannot be worn to school. Please save them for home activities.
Guest Blog Post by Mrs. Hahner and Mrs. Brandt
Learning Labs in the Classroom
“Like our students, teachers need brain-based learning experiences that are relevant and challenging and that provide opportunities for active participation (Sousa, 2006).”
“Lab classrooms give teachers opportunities to share effective teaching practices and learn from colleagues.” (Houk, 2010)
The first round of Learning Labs was held in September. The next round of sessions will be in November; each set of sessions has a new focus. In September, we concentrated on how to integrate digital media into lessons to make learning more relevant. Images, audio clips, videos, songs and WebQuests were at the heart of learning. Teachers had the opportunity to observe 2 of 12 sessions that were offered in 4 Teacher Leader Corps classrooms. Our sessions spanned all grade levels. In November, Wiley teachers will have another opportunity to observe Learning labs focused on integrated centers. It will be an exciting time to see our global matrix come to life!
Learning Labs at Wiley, present teachers with the gift of reflection. In a fast paced world full of online resources, we often forget that we are our own best teachers! It is essential for teacher to have opportunities to discuss and share what is working and not working in the classroom. It is rare that we get to share our learning experiences in real time. Reflecting on planning, strategies and learning leads to continual professional growth. This is true not only for the teachers observing, but for the teachers being observed as well. As a direct result, motivation and learning increases for both teachers and students.
Sousa, D. (2006). How the brain learns (3rd ed.). Thousand Oaks, CA: Corwin Press.
Houk, L. (2010). Article: Demonstrating Teaching in a Lab Classroom. Magazine: Educational Leadership
Welcome Mrs. Bartley
Today, Mrs. Ute Bartley joins the Wiley family as our German teacher! Students in the German program will bring home a letter from Mrs. Bartley today in their Monday folder.
Today, Mrs. Ute Bartley joins the Wiley family as our German teacher! Students in the German program will bring home a letter from Mrs. Bartley today in their Monday folder.
Donate Excess Halloween Candy to US Soldiers
For the second year, Wiley will collect your unwanted (or unneeded:) Halloween candy beginning November 1 until November 5. Please bring all donations to the main office by 10am on the 5th. We will take them to a local dentist who will ship them to US troops.
Ways to Help the Wiley Community
Socks/Underwear/Coat Drive:
Sock/Underwear/Coat Drive the week of November 4. Drop off at carpool and walkers. Bring NEW socks and underwear and new or gently used coats. Buy the size you would get for your own child. Let's help meet basic needs for our kids! All donated items will go to Wiley children needing them!
Backpack Buddies:
Feed the need.
Wiley Elementary is partnering with the Inter-Faith Food Shuttle to offer "Backpack Buddies." The Inter-Faith Food Shuttle provides bags of nutritious food to go home with participating children on the weekends. Studies show many students who are provided meals through school programs often don't have enough to eat outside of school. Many of our students’ only meals are the two they get at school.
Wiley's social worker, counselor, principal, and assistant principal have identified 25 children whose families have been given the opportunity to participate in this program. The privacy of these children is of the utmost importance, so only those school officials and their teachers will know which children are participating. There are an additional 25 hungry children on a waiting list. The Wiley parents working on this initiative are committed to providing food to these children through the end of the school year at a cost of $350.00 per child. They need the support of our community. Make checks payable to Inter-Faith Food Shuttle and be sure to write Wiley in the memo line. Inter-Faith Food Shuttle is a 501c3 so donations are tax deductible.
There are many levels at which you can donate:
- $10 for one weekend
- $39 for a month
- $90 for the rest of the current school year
- 175 a semester
- $350 for an entire school year
Send checks in a sealed envelope to Ms. Hahner’s third grade class. NOTE: DO NOT to send checks directly to the Inter-Faith Food Shuttle. Those donations won't be counted toward what Wiley raises toward sponsoring its own students.
For more information on Inter-Faith Food Shuttle, visit www.foodshuttle.org. If you have any questions about Backpack Buddies, contact
Julie Cox - jcox143@nc.rr.com, Ilina Ewen - theewens@gmail.com, Kathleen Lowe - kathleen.e.lowe@gmail.com.
Wiley PTA Updates
Chess Club Coming To Wiley
The Wiley PTA is happy to announce the formation of a Chess Club at Wiley. Chess Achieves will be offering instruction on Friday mornings 8:00 - 8:45, beginning on November 8th. Tuition will cost $110 per 9 week session. Parents interested in registering their student(s) can do so directly on the Chess Achieves website at:
In order to offer this service to Wiley students, parents of Chess Club members will be asked to volunteer their time to assist in supervising the children at one or more morning sessions. For more information about the Chess Club, you may contact Melanie Harsch at gharsch@nc.rr.com. A limited number of scholarships are available for families who are experiencing financial hardship. If you would like to learn more about Chess Scholarships, please contact Teresa Jones, at VP.Services@wileypta.org.
Phantom Fundraiser Halfway to Goal:
We're more than half-way to our goal! So far we have received $7300 to support the amazing programs we offer at Wiley. It's that time of year when extended family begin to ask about holiday giving. Please continue to keep Wiley in mind for your own tax-deductible, end of year giving. And, please encourage extended family to give to the Phantom Fundraiser to support our ability to provide the highest quality educational experience for our children!
To donate online via Paypal, please go to:
You can also donate by sending a check or cash in your child's Monday Folder. Write checks to "Wiley PTA" and put "Phantom Fundraiser" in the note.
Contact Phantom Co-Chair Heather Davis Bauer: phantom@wileypta.org with any questions.