Monday, April 28, 2014

Updates 4/28/14

Wiley PTA Updates
Celebrate with our Wiley Community at one of our upcoming events!
Red Dragon Restaurant Night Reminder—Tuesday 4/29
Red Dragon Chinese restaurant is giving 15% of sales to Wiley for any takeout or restaurant purchase on Tuesday evening. Pick up some great Chinese food for dinner and support Wiley. 
Red Dragon Chinese Restaurant
2513 Fairview Rd, Raleigh, NC 27608
(919) 782-1102

Spring Book Fair Starts TOMORROW!
The Spring Book Fair starts tomorrow! Come to the media center to Find Your Reading Oasis and browse the selection of books for sale.
Book Fair Hours:
Tuesday 8:45 AM – 4:30 PM
Wednesday 8:45 AM - 6:30 PM
Thursday 8:45 AM – 4:30 PM
Friday 8:45 AM – 10:00 AM
The fair is open late on Wednesday until 6:30 p.m. We’ll have two food trucks (Dang Good Dogs and JAM Ice Cream) there to provide dinner and dessert options, with 10-20% of their profits going to our PTA.
It’s not too late to volunteer!  The book fair is always FUN, but we need your help for it to be successful.  We especially need help during preview day (9:30 am – noon, when the K-2 students come to look), before school sales (8:45-9:30 am), and after school sales (3:30 pm until closing).  Please visit the following link to sign up for a time that works for you: 
We look forward to seeing you at the fair!
For more information or to volunteer, please contact: Lisa Fultz or Wendy Worley at

Election for PTA President Coming Up Soon! 
The PTA is pleased to introduce the candidates for the 2014-2015 PTA Presidency.  Teresa Jones and Katherine Hite are both eager to serve the Wiley community in this capacity.  Please look for their mission statements in the 5/5 blog. 
The election will be held at the next General Assembly Meeting on Thursday, May 22, at 6:30 in the Media Center.  Free childcare will be provided by the YMCA in the cafeteria from 6:30-7:30.
In an attempt to allow all PTA members the opportunity to vote, paper ballots will be sent home in Monday Folders on May 12.  Each member will receive a ballot and an envelope.  Please complete your ballot, place it in its accompanying envelope, seal the envelope and then sign and print your name in the designated areas on the envelope.  For households where more than one PTA member resides, please put only one ballot in each envelope.  Election protocol requires that PTA members follow these steps in order for their votes to be counted.
Ballots being returned to school via Monday Folders will be due back no later than Tuesday, May 20.  All other ballots may be returned to the ballot box in the Media Center between May 12-22. 
Anyone who is not yet a member of the PTA and would like to vote in this election is encouraged to come to the General Membership meeting on May 22 to become a PTA member that night.  You may also fill out the attached form and include cash/check for $10 per member and drop it in the PTA mailbox anytime before Thursday, May 1. Forms are also available in the office if you do not have access to a printer. 
For questions/concerns regarding the election process, please contact Catherine Bray at  If you are not sure that your PTA membership is current, please contact Linda Saah at or Heather Nguyen at  A membership application is attached to the blog. 

Staff Appreciation Week Coming  May 5th-8th
Staff Appreciation Week is a favorite event for teachers each year! Each day has an international theme, and parents contribute food fitting the theme to go in the faculty / staff lounge.  We also need parents to volunteer to help set up and clean up! Lots of slots are still available. Please sign up using the following link: 
Please reach out to Pamela Santos with any questions.

International Night Coming—Friday May 9th from 5-7 p.m.
Activities! Performances! Food Trucks! Fun! International Night is coming to Wiley on Friday May 9th at 5-7 p.m. The attached flyer contains all of the details, but here are some highlights! 
What will there be to do?
We’re looking forward to a huge selection of great activities and performances, including: 
  • Chinese YoYo
  • Language performances from our own students
  • K-5 Student  Showcases
  • Story Squad presentations of folk tales from around the world
  • PE World Games
  • An outdoor art experience
  • Broughton International Club presentation
  • Taking Action Environmental Station
Wear a Wiley t-shirt and have it stamped like a passport at each of the locations. 
Will food be available?
You can either bring a picnic or purchase food from one of the international food trucks, including Parlez-Vous Crepe, Gussy’s Greek Street Food, Dang Good Dogs and SweetWater Ices. 
Do you need volunteers?

Yes! We need 5 volunteers to help set up / 5 to take the event down. Please email if you are interested in helping. 

Monday, April 21, 2014

4/21/14 Updates

Wiley Updates 

Reminder of New Dates for: Last Day of School, EOG, and 5th Grade Celebration
Because of the wacky winter our end of year has been extended and has changed on multiple occasions. This impacts our last day of school, EOG dates, and the date for the 5th grade elementary school graduation celebration. New dates are:
*EOG Dates: 
-May 30th- 5th grade Science EOG
-June 2- 3rd, 4th, and 5th grade Math EOG
-June 3- 3rd, 4th, and 5th grade Reading EOG
-June 11- 5th grade graduation celebration, 9:30am
-June 12- Last Day of School, full day 

Wiley PTA Updates

Wiley Band Registration & Spring Concert
Registration for the 2014-2015 Wiley Before-School Band is in full swing, and all rising 3rd, 4th, and 5th graders are welcome to join!  For more information about band, please visit

Also, if you'd like to hear our band instruments in action, please make plans to come to our Spring Concert!  The concert will feature our Beginning Band, Continuing Band, and several excellent soloists, and will be held on Thursday, May 1st at 7pm at Pittman Auditorium on the campus of St. Mary's School.  

WCPSS Budget and Implications for Schools from recent District 6 Board Advisory Council Meeting
David Neter, Chief Business Officer for WCPSS, presented the business case behind the 2014/15 budget.  The proposed budget includes a 3.5% salary increase for teachers, which involves asking the County Commissioners for an additional 39 million dollars.   Mr. Neter pointed out that while Wake County local government employees have received raises averaging 6.27% since 2011/12, teachers have only received an additional 1.2%, not nearly enough to keep up with inflation and rising expenses.

Wake County is full of highly qualified teachers:  16% are Nationally Board Certified, 84% are defined as highly qualified,47% have Masters degrees and 80% of classroom teachers achieved ratings of proficient or better on all standards on their most recent evaluation.  However, as recent news report have highlighted, teachers are increasingly leaving the system both to try new careers and to teach in other states.  Getting this budget approved is a CRITICAL first step towards getting salaries back on track and hopefully towards keeping more of our teachers in their classrooms.

What next?  Christine Kushner, the district 6 School Board rep, is confident that the Board will pass the budget at its next meeting.  The next step involves convincing the County Commissioners to approve it.  What can you do?  Write the County Commissioners and urge them to support the budget and our teachers.  The more pressure they feel, the more difficult it will be for them to refuse the request.  Information on how to reach the County Commissioners, a sample letter and a copy of Mr Neter's presentation are available on the Wiley PTA web site

Survey Results for Boosterthon Fun Run for Technology
Attached to this week’s blog is a document containing results from the survey and focus groups on the Boosterthon Fun Run for Technology. The PTA Board reviewed the results at its April meeting and will be discussing fundraising options for the 2014-2015 school year at the May meeting.
If you have questions about how survey results were calculated, email If you have questions about the event itself, please email

Book Fair Coming to Wiley Next Week--Find Your Reading Oasis
The Book Fair starts next Tuesday, April 29th!  Come find your reading oasis!!  There are many ways for you and your friends/family to participate:
  • Come to the book fair!  Hours are below and include a late evening (6:30 close) on Wednesday, April 30. We are working to have a dinner option available and have so far confirmed dessert from JAM ice cream truck  JAM’s will be available and 15 – 20% of their profits will go to our PTA.
  • Tuesday 3:45 PM – 4:30 PM
  • Wednesday 8:45 AM - 6:30 PM
  • Thursday 8:45 AM – 4:30 PM
  • Friday 8:45 AM – 10:00 AM
  • Select some books for your child to purchase.  All children will come home on Tuesday with a wish list they have created.  To purchase, either send a check (payable to Wiley PTA), cash or come by the media center with a credit card to take a look at the book selection.
  • Donate to the Book Fairy Fund.  We will be collecting donations for the Book Fairy Fund to ensure that each child goes home with a book.
  • Volunteer.  We are still in need of volunteers to help us with all aspects of the book fair, especially staffing, set-up, and clean-up.  There are opportunities to fit every schedule, and any amount of time is appreciated.  You can sign up at the following link:
  • In addition, our library and classrooms desperately need new books.  The teachers have created WISH LISTS.  Let’s fill their classrooms and our library with their wishes!  We need your donations!

For more information or to volunteer, please contact: Lisa Fultz or Wendy Worley at
Save the Date for International Night!
Save the date for international night—Friday May 9th from 5 p.m. to 7 p.m! The committee is working on a fun event and will have more details available soon! 

Monday, April 14, 2014

4/14/14 Update

Wiley Updates

New Dates for: Last Day of School, EOG, and 5th Grade Celebration
Because of the wacky winter our end of year has been extended and has changed on multiple occasions. This impacts our last day of school, EOG dates, and the date for the 5th grade elementary school graduation celebration. New dates are:
*EOG Dates: 
-May 30th- 5th grade Science EOG
-June 2- 3rd, 4th, and 5th grade Math EOG
-June 3- 3rd, 4th, and 5th grade Reading EOG
-June 11- 5th grade graduation celebration, 9:30am
-June 12- Last Day of School, full day 

WCPSS Board Advisory Meeting This Week
The 4th Quarter Board Advisory Committee (BAC) meeting is this Thursday, April 17th from 12.00-1.15.  The meeting will be at Daniels Middle School, 2816 Oberlin Rd.  The topic this time is the BUDGET:  David Neter, Chief Business Officer of WCPSS will be joining us to talk about the budget and to answer any questions.  

As always, all stakeholders are invited to attend this meeting.  If you are interested in learning more about the budget beforehand please check out the presentation at the following link:  .  If you are unable to attend the meeting but have questions for Mr Neter please send them to me in advance. 

Wiley PTA Updates
Wiley Band Registration & Instrument Show and Tell
Registration for the 2014-2015 Wiley Before-School Band is in full swing, and all rising 3rd, 4th, and 5th graders are welcome to join!  For more information about band, please visit

If your child is interested in joining band, please join us for Instrument Show and Tell on April 14 and 16 from 4-5pm in the media center.  At Show and Tell, your child will learn about the instruments in the band, and have the opportunity to play them!  We'll feature woodwinds (flute, clarinet, and sax) on April 14, and brass and percussion (trumpet, trombone, bells, and snare drum) on April 16th.

Spring Book Fair Coming to Wiley--Find Your Reading Oasis
The 2014 Spring Book Fair is almost here.  Join us April 28th – May 2nd in the Media Center where we will offer fiction, non-fiction, storybooks, activity books, science kits, and more for all grade levels.  More information on the book fair will come out soon.
In the meantime, we are looking for volunteers to help us with all aspects of the book fair, especially staffing, set-up, and clean-up.  There are opportunities to fit every schedule, and any amount of time is appreciated.  You can sign up at the following link:
If you have questions, email
Wiley Restaurant Night April 29th at Red Dragon
Red Dragon will be hosting Wiley’s next restaurant night. Beginning after school and running through dinner, the restaurant will give 15% of proceeds back to Wiley PTA for take out or in-restaurant orders. Mark your calendars. If you like to look forward and plan ahead for the tasty meal, their menu is on their website: 
The restaurant’s address is: 
2513 Fairview Road
Raleigh NC 27608
Make sure you are a PTA member to be able to vote in upcoming election for PTA President
The Wiley PTA will be holding an election for President for 2014-2015 on May 22nd. We have two moms who are both excited to lead the Wiley PTA in 2014-2015. More information on the election will be coming in the next two weeks, but in the meantime, make sure that you are a current (2013-2014 school year) member so you can cast your ballot!
If you need to check to see if you are a member, email or If you need to join, a membership form is attached to the blog this week. Submit the application with a check via your child's red folder. One membership entitles you to one vote, so if more than one parent / guardian would like to vote, make sure you are both registered members.

Monday, April 7, 2014

4/7/14 Updates

Wiley Updates

Congratulations, Mrs. Hahner!!
Right before our break Mrs. Hahner was named a finalist for WCPSS Teacher of the Year! This means she has been recognized as one of 12 of the best of our district. We are so proud  for her to be honored in this way. You may remember that Mrs. Jones was also named a finalist during last year's competition. For Wiley to have 2 finalist in back to back years is a phenomenal acknowledgement of the dedication and quality of teachers we have. Thank you for supporting this award winning faculty in their work with your children. We really do have the best village of them all!

Elective Registration for 2014-2015
It's already time to sign up for elective/language courses next school year!  Elective Registration forms come home today, Monday, April 7th in your child's Monday folder.  Please complete the forms and return them to your child's homeroom teacher no later than Friday, April 11th. You will notice the forms look slightly different this year.  Courses are grouped by strand.  When making your choices, you must select your priority ranking by quarter (i.e. Q1, Q2, Q3, Q4)  However, this will require you to look at each quarter rather than each strand. For example, look at all the Q1's first, and then rank them. Look at all the Q2's next and rank those.  And so on.  If you have any questions or need a new form, please email Sadie Hoover at   Remember that forms must be turned in by Friday, April 11th

Upcoming Dates
April 11th, Elective Registration Due
April 14th, Report Cards 
April 18th, Holiday, No School 

Wiley PTA Updates
Wiley Band Registration & Instrument Show and Tell
Registration for the 2014-2015 Wiley Before-School Band is officially open, and all rising 3rd, 4th, and 5th graders are welcome to join!  If you'd like to learn more about band, please visit

If your child is interested in joining band, please join us for Instrument Show and Tell on April 14 and 16 from 4-5pm in the media center.  At Show and Tell, your child will learn about the instruments in the band, and have the opportunity to try them out!  We'll feature woodwinds (flute, clarinet, and sax) on April 14th, and brass and percussion (trumpet, trombone, bells, and snare drum) on April 16th.

Chess Club Session Sign Up
It’s time to sign up for the next session of Chess. The session is open to students in 1st grade and up and will be offered on Fridays starting April 11th through Friday June 6th (with no session held if school is not in session). The sessions run from 8:00 a.m. to 8:45 a.m. in the media center. Both novice students and experienced players are encouraged to sign up as we will have two levels. 
In order to offer this service to Wiley students, parents of Chess Club members will be asked to volunteer their time to assist in supervising the children at one or more morning sessions. Note that parent volunteers must be registered as volunteers at WCPSS. For more information about the Chess Club, you may contact Melanie Harsch at 
The fee for the session is $110. A limited number of scholarships are available for families who are experiencing financial hardship. Scholarship applications must be submitted by Thursday April 10th.  To learn more about Chess Club Scholarships and obtain an application, please contact Teresa Jones, at
To sign up: 
  1. Go to
  2. Select Start in School on the left side of the screen. 
  3. Select click here to register for chess team at top. 
If you do not have access to the internet and wish to register, simply bring a check for $110 to the session Friday morning to register. 
Wiley Wear Spring Orders Due by Tuesday April 8th
A quick reminder that WileyWear orders are due tomorrow, Tuesday April 8th.  Short sleeve t-shirts for children and adults (plain and tie-dye) and performance tech shirts are available.  Order form is attached - ORDERS ARE DUE BY APRIL 8th.