Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Updates 5/27/14

Wiley Updates
Don't Forget EOGs start this week!
Friday, May 30th – Science 5th grade only
Monday, June 2nd – Reading 3rd-5th graders
Tuesday, June 3rd- Math 3rd-5th graders 

New WCPSS Transportation Process for Next Year, Starts May 30
The WCPSS Transportation Department will put new practices into place for the 2014-15 school year with the goal of improving bus service for families.

These changes will mainly affect new families moving into Wake County OR families going to a new school INCLUDING RISING 6th GRADERS and KINDERGARTENERS
  • New families may complete a request for service when they enroll for school. 
  • New families must sign up approximately one month prior to the start of the school year to receive first day service.
If your child is currently not riding the bus, is eligible for transportation and wants to ride the bus next year, you may request transportation for them online starting May 30 at www.wcpss.net. 

A recent article was published in the News and Observer related to the new procedures. It can be found here: Transportation Changes.

Join WCPSS Superintendent, Dr. Merrill, to Provide Help Shape the Future of Our District

From Board of Education Chair, Christine Kushner:
Despite the challenges faced by public education today, I believe the coming years will be incredibly fascinating and exciting for the children of the Wake County Public School System. Each day, we teach students with tools and technology we could barely dream of a decade ago.

I need your help in continuing to shape their future as we begin the process of creating a new strategic plan for our schools.

The formal kick-off for shaping this vision in Wake County will be Friday, May 30, at Memorial Auditorium with a keynote address by author and futurist David Houle. The program runs from 6:30 pm to 8:30 pm.

The required registration is free at the address www.wcpss.net/vision

Houle is a well-known speaker and author whose expertise focuses on aligning the work of organizations with the concepts of change and expectations. His address will set the tone for weeks of surveys and focus groups where we will ask educators, parents and community leaders to tell us their vision for the Wake County Public School System of tomorrow.

I ask that you please join me May 30th to help show your support for the future of Wake County's public schools by registering now for this free event at Memorial Auditorium. We selected Memorial to ensure there would be room for all, so please extend this invitation today to others who would like to participate.

I look forward to seeing you on May 30th as we take an important step forward for the students of the Wake County Public School System.


Christine Kushner
Wake County Board of Education
Guest Post by teachers Laura O'Brien and Hannah Tucker
EOG Parent and Student Anxiety Reducing Strategies
The end of the school year is quickly approaching and End of Grade test ( E.O.G.’s) are June 2nd and 3rd. The 3rd , 4th and 5th graders will all take a reading and math test.  Our 5th graders will also take a science test, May 30th.  The students are prepared for the test and we all know they will try their very best.  Teachers will be reviewing skills and going over testing strategies with their class.  We wanted to share with you some strategies to encourage your child and not cause test anxiety.  
  • Get plenty of rest the night before the test
  • Eat a good breakfast with protein
  • Arrive at school on time
  • Read each question carefully
  • Take your time and RELAX
Some other testing strategies can be found at http://www.nuview.k12.ca.us/domain/390
Something to share with your child to lighten the mood: a student-led parody about tests http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Qb16D43FCWQ
The Positive Behavior Intervention Systems committee ( P.B.I.S.) is also trying to help promote a positive feeling about testing.  Each kindergarten, 1st, and 2nd grade class has been paired up with a 3rd, 4th and 5th grade class to be E.O.G. buddies.  During the testing days, the classes will make cards, posters, banners and sometimes cheers and songs to encourage their buddy class to do their best.  The buddy classes often share some time together after the test either on the playground or a book buddy activity.  This is a fun activity that emphasis how the Wiley family sticks to together to encourage each other to be successful.
Please also help us to encourage students we are still in school until June 12th and we need to continue to follow the Wiley Way.  The students recite the Wiley Way each morning.
“I will follow the Wiley Way to learn and have success each day.  Respect yourself , respect others  and respect property.”

Important Dates
May 30: Science EOG for 5th Grade
June 2: EOG 3rd-5th grades
June 3: EOG 3rd-5th grades
June 9: Field Day
June 11: 5th Grade Graduation Celebration, 9:30am
June 12: Last Day of School
Wiley PTA Updates
PTA Election Results
Thanks to all who voted in the PTA Election—we had a great turnout. We’d like to congratulate the following Officers who were elected: 
  • President: Teresa Jones
  • 1st Vice President: Elyse Lyons
  • Secretary: Janet Alexander
  • Treasurer: Christine Belledin
We’re also delighted that Katherine Hite has agreed to join the board as VP, Hospitality. 
PTA Chair / Board Staffing for Next Year
Interested in getting involved as a committee chair or board member on the PTA next year?  Plan on coming to our transition potluck to learn more about the roles that are open. The potluck will be held on Thursday June 5th in the Media Center. If you’d like to attend and help to set the vision for next year’s PTA, please email Teresa Jones at vp.services@wileypta.org

We’re still finalizing the list of open positions and will publish next week, but at this point, know that we’ll have VP, Services open as well as committee chair / co-chair positions for the fall and spring fundraisers, Membership, Nominating, Audit, Directory, and International Night (co-chair potentially with an experienced leader). 

Monday, May 19, 2014

Updates 5/19/14

Wiley Updates

Parent Input for 2014-2015
On 5/5/14 I began collecting parent input letters regarding placement in classes for next year. You can drop off a letter in the office or email it directly to me at kmcmillan3@wcpss.net. If you choose to write a letter, please consider the following questions:

1. What went well this year and what could be even better for your child next year?
2. What kind of learner is she or he? 
3. What kind of environment does she or he tend to thrive most?
4. **Because teachers primarily develop class lists for their students in the next grade (ex. current second grade teachers make classes for the students' third grade year), the answer for the following question will be shared with grade level teachers: Are there one or two other students with whom they should be placed in order to facilitate a smooth transition? 

Parents of rising Kindergarteners, please feel free to also write a letter for your child! These will be considered during staggered entry.

As in the past, your letter will remain confidential (with the exception of question 4). Remember that I cannot accept letters that request specific teachers in any way.  The last day we will accept letters for rising 1st-5th graders is May 23, 2014.

Important Dates
May 22: Volunteer Appreciation Breakfast, 9:15am-10am
May 22: PTA President election, 7pm
May 23: Last Day to turn in optional Parent Input Letter
May 26: Memorial Day holiday, No School
May 30: Science EOG for 5th Grade
June 2: EOG 3rd-5th grades
June 3: EOG 3rd-5th grades
June 9: Field Day
June 11: 5th Grade Graduation Celebration
June 12: Last Day of School

Monday, May 12, 2014

Updates 5/12/14

Wiley Updates
EOG Volunteers Needed/EOG Volunteer Training
If you have signed up to proctor THANK YOU!!! Please plan to attend a mandatory one hour training at one of the following times:
May 12th 3:15-4:15pm, 
May 13th 8:15-9:15am
 May 13th 3:15-4:15pm
May 20th 8:15-9:15am
Volunteers MUST be cleared through the Wake County Volunteer Registration System.  If you are not yet cleared, you MUST register between 8am-4pm on a Monday (May, 12, 19)
***If you have not signed up to proctor and are available to, please sign up right away at the link below ***
Contact Zandra Henderson at zhenderson@wcpss.net with EOG volunteer questions.
Volunteer for Field Day
We need your help for Field Day, June 9th, to be a success once again this year.  K-1st-2nd grade games will begin at 9:30 and end at 11:30.  Students in 3rd-4th-& 5th will begin at 1:00 and end at 3:00.  Volunteers will be able to sign up for a game when they arrive at school on the day of the event.   All volunteers must already be approved in order to take part in our activities.  You may volunteer for the whole day, or just during a certain time period, but please let us know so that we can ensure that we have full coverage.  We could also use help in gathering supplies, or taking pictures as well.  If you are interested in helping please send Mr. Schisler an e-mail mschisler@wcpss.net or send a note to school.  
Important Dates
Now through May 14th: SSA Parent Nomination Window
May 9: International Night, 5-7pm
May 13: SSA Parent Info Night Conducted by WCPSS at Wiley, 5:30pm
May 22: Volunteer Appreciation Breakfast, 9:15am-10am
May 23: Last Day to turn in optional Parent Input Letter (see 5/5/14 blog post)
May 26: Memorial Day holiday, No School
May 30: Science EOG for 5th Grade
June 2: EOG 3rd-5th grades
June 3: EOG 3rd-5th grades
June 9: Field Day
June 11: 5th Grade Graduation Celebration
June 12: Last Day of School 
Wiley PTA Updates
PTA General Meeting—5/22, Free Babysitting
The PTA will be holding its final meeting of the year and general election (see below) on Thursday, May 22nd . We’ll be reviewing the budget and our two President candidates will be giving speeches. If you are not yet a PTA member, you’ll have the opportunity to join that night so that you can vote in the election. 
The YMCA will be offering free babysitting for Wiley students during the meeting in the cafeteria. Babysitting will open at 6:30 and the meeting will start at 7 p.m.  Please use the following link to sign up for babysitting so we can let them know how many children to expect that evening. 
PTA Officer Election Starts Today
Current PTA members will be receiving paper ballots to elect PTA officers in today's Monday folders. If you are a current PTA member as of May 1st and do not receive a ballot, please contact Catherine Bray at vp.programs@wileypta.org
Instructions for Ballot
  1. Please select the candidate(s) of your choice on the ballot, or you may write in a candidate's name. 
  2. Place ballot in envelope provided and seal. PLEASE – ONLY ONE BALLOT PER ENVELOPE. Envelopes containing more than one ballot can not be counted.
  3. Sign the outside of the envelope, affirming that you are a current Wiley PTA member. Ballots will be separated from envelopes before being counted. Votes will remain anonymous.
  4. Return by any of the following methods. All ballots must be received by May 22nd
  • Your child’s May 12th or May 19th Monday folder
  • Drop sealed envelope in ballot box in Media Center
  • Bring to Wiley PTA general membership meeting on May 22nd, 7:00 pm.

PTA Looking for Audit Committee Members—No Daytime Requirements
The PTA is looking for members of the Audit Committee for the 2014-2015 school year. We would specifically like to know of any Wiley parents with CPAs or other similar accounting experience. The time commitment is minimal and can work with a full-time job as reviews can occur outside of school hours. For more information on the role of the Audit Committee, please reach out to treasurer@wileypta.org with questions or to volunteer your time. 

Spring Book Fair, Teacher Appreciation Week and International Night a Hit
The PTA wants to send a huge thank you out to all of the volunteers who made two weeks of events a huge success.
The Book Fair did very well despite weather cancellation of the late evening event. Students went home with some wonderful new books, many of which were recommended by one classmate to another. In addition, the Book Fairy Fund collected enough money to fund a book for every child who could not afford one. Many students went home with atlases, non-fiction, or great, thick chapter books to enjoy during the summer. Thanks to all donors and volunteers! 
Teacher Appreciation was fantastic. Every day, we heard teachers commenting on the great lunch options that day, how nice it was to skip making lunch for a week, and the generous, thoughtful and creative events / gifts put together by students and room parents. Thanks so much to all parents who volunteered to make the event such a success. 

International Night is always a favorite event at Wiley, drawing current and past students for a night of food trucks, fun, and performances. This year’s event was a huge success. We heard parents wondering where to buy the great songs from the performances, saw Chinese yoyos flying through the air, and heard students commenting that they’d never tried Greek food before and really liked it. The Taiko drumming at the end was a big hit as well. This is one of our biggest events during the year, so thanks to all of the volunteers who made it happen!

Monday, May 5, 2014

Updates 5/5/14

Wiley Updates
Parent Input for 2014-2015
Today I will begin collecting parent input letters regarding placement in classes for next year. You can drop off a letter in the office or email it directly to me at kmcmillan3@wcpss.net. If you choose to write a letter, please consider the following questions:

1. What went well this year and what could be even better for your child next year?
2. What kind of learner is she or he? 
3. What kind of environment does she or he tend to thrive most?
4. **Because teachers primarily develop class lists for their students in the next grade (ex. current second grade teachers make classes for the students' third grade year), the answer for the following question will be shared with grade level teachers: Are there one or two other students with whom they should be placed in order to facilitate a smooth transition? 

Parents of rising Kindergarteners, please feel free to also write a letter for your child! These will be considered during staggered entry.

As in the past, your letter will remain confidential (with the exception of question 4). Remember that I cannot accept letters that request specific teachers in any way.  The last day we will accept letters for rising 1st-5th graders is May 23, 2014.

Save the Date!!  Come and Play: Field Day is Monday, June 9th
We will need parents' help for Field Day to be a success once again this year.  K-1st-2nd grade games will begin at 9:30 and end at 11:30.  Students in 3rd-4th-& 5th will begin at 1:00 and end at 3:00.  Volunteers will be able to sign up for a game when they arrive at school on the day of the event.   All volunteers must already be approved through WCPSS in order to take part in our activities.  You may volunteer for the whole day, or just during a certain time period, but please let me know so that I can ensure that we have full coverage.  I could also use help in gathering supplies, or taking pictures as well.  If you are interested in helping please send me an e-mail (mschisler@wcpss.net) or send a note to school.  
Lunch will be from 11:30-1:00 for all grade levels.  The cafeteria will be serving bag lunches only on Field Day.  Lunches must be ordered 2 weeks ahead of time, so please return this sheet as soon as possible.  If your child would like a bag lunch for field day, please provide  your child’s home room teacher the following information by Friday, May 23rd.
Lunch #
Home Room: 
Thank you for your support! 
Matt Schisler (mschisler@wcpss.net)

Upcoming Important Dates
Now through May 14th: SSA Parent Nomination Window
May 9: International Night, 5-7pm
May 13: SSA Parent Info Night Conducted by WCPSS at Wiley, 5:30pm
May 22: Volunteer Appreciation Breakfast, 9:15am-10am
May 26: Memorial Day holiday, No School
May 30: Science EOG for 5th Grade
June 2: EOG 3rd-5th grades
June 3: EOG 3rd-5th grades
June 9: Field Day
June 11: 5th Grade Graduation Celebration
June 12: Last Day of School 
Wiley PTA Updates
Staff Appreciation Week This Week!
Staff Appreciation Week is this week! While we have had a lot of individuals volunteer, we could still use a bit more help. Please click the link below to sign up: www.SignUpGenius.com/go/20F0F4BA5AF2CA20-staff/17077185
Please reach out to Pamela Santos (pamela.j.santos@gmail.com) with any questions.
International Night This Friday May 9th from 5-7 p.m.
Activities! Performances! Food Trucks! Fun! International Night is coming to Wiley on Friday May 9th at 5-7 p.m. Added to the agenda is a fabulous grand finale of Taiko Drumming. We look forward to seeing the Wiley Community there to enjoy all of the activities, performances, and food. Wear a Wiley t-shirt and have it stamped like a passport at each of the locations. We could still use volunteers to help out. Please sign up for one of three time slots at: 
Please email Stef Reed at  jeffandstef@gmail.com if you have questions. 

PTA President Election Process and Statements 
Following this entry, you will find statements (in alphabetical order) for the two candidates for PTA President for the 2014-2015 school year.  The election will be held at the next General Assembly Meeting on Thursday, May 22, at 6:30 in the Media Center.  Free childcare will be provided by the YMCA in the cafeteria from 6:30-7:30. Paper ballots will be sent home next Monday, May 12th to all active PTA Members as of May 1st, 2014. There will also be an opportunity to join the PTA at the May 22nd meeting if you are not yet a member and wish to vote.  For questions/concerns regarding the election process, please contact Catherine Bray at vp.programs@wileypta.org.  
Statements from Candidates for 2014-2015 PTA President
Dear Wiley Community,
This year there are two of us who are interested in serving as president of your PTA. While we come from different backgrounds and experiences, we both share a passion for Wiley and are committed to serving this community. We encourage you to be a part of this process. If you have not had an opportunity to become a member, you may still do so.  We would like this to be an inclusive process and we hope everyone will participate. Please take a few minutes to read the following statements and learn a little about us. We hope you will join us at the general PTA meeting on May 22 to cast your vote, the PTA is providing childcare for your convenience. Wiley is a wonderful school and active involvement by the parents and teachers will only make it better.  This election will be the first step in kicking off the 2014-2015 school year. Please come out and support your children and the school's PTA.
Katherine Hite and Teresa Jones
Katherine Hite

What does PTA mean to you? To me it's a fun and functional partnership between parents and teachers for the betterment of the environment, education and well being of our children. I want this statement to relate throughout Wiley. I will work to increase parent, teacher and community involvement. It's my personal mission to involve as many as possible, after all, it takes a village. Good things are  happening. I'll build on them to get our diverse community engaged in supporting the common goal of parents and teachers giving our children the best education.

The National PTA's values include: collaboration, commitment, accountability, respect, inclusivity, and integrity. Our Wiley community possesses all of these. I will live these values everyday, and let them guide me to pull us together for the benefit of our children.

My greatest strength is getting to know people. I love to reach out and connect with parents, teachers and children. The more relationships built between us the more effective we become. Through active recruiting and encouraging volunteerism we'll find you who have time and gifts to give and determine where you are best suited.

With collaboration of families and faculty we can further develop our fundraising efforts. Fundraising is a crucial and integral part of creating a prosperous environment which allows for tools like technology, books and supplies needed for success.

My children are my full time job. I invest love, time, knowledge and skills in them. I will do the same for our school. 
Teresa Jones: 
Dear Wiley Family,

I currently have three children who attend Wiley and we are affectionately know as the Breiner Family Circus. My husband and I chose Wiley six years ago because of its size and character and it has become an integral part of our lives. I am an active member of the Wiley Community and have developed strong relationships with our teachers, built on hours spent helping in the classroom. Some of my PTA Board and volunteer activities include:
  • VP Services
  • PTA Secretary
  • Room Parent Chair
  • Room Parent (5 times)
  • Tutor
  • Wiley Pal
  • Book Clubs
  • Food Drive
  • Backpack Buddies
  • Books are Magic
  • Staff Appreciation
  • Book Fairs
Before becoming a full-time mom and part-time Wiley volunteer, I received my M.Ed. in Counselor Education and worked at several nonprofits and Universities. My experience includes advocacy, counseling, organizing events, and recruiting and managing volunteers. I believe my background and dedication to Wiley make me uniquely suited to lead the PTA. As President, continuing to build a strong, inclusive PTA would be my overarching goal. My priorities are: 
  • Collaborating with teachers and staff to provide a fun and enriching learning environment
  • Advocating for our teachers, students and school
  • Investigating innovative fundraising that fits the Wiley Community
  • Increasing communication between the PTA and parents
  • Facilitating a positive, team oriented PTA that is open to new ideas
Thank you for taking the time to consider my candidacy. I know that together we can make it a wonderful year for our kids.


Teresa Jones