Updates from the World of Wiley
Lockdown Drill: Per WCPSS policy, school facilities must be prepared to respond to an emergency event, and all schools shall conduct a minimum of two lockdown drills annually. Wiley, in collaboration with the Raleigh Police Department and the WCPSS Security Department, will conduct the first of our lockdown drills for the school year this week. Please feel free to contact Ms. Taylor if you have questions or concerns (ltaylor2@wcpss.net).
Testing Assistance: Ms. Hahner, Wiley's testing coordinator, is looking for volunteers to proctor for upcoming testing sessions on the following dates: 10/7, 10/8, and 10/9. Please email her if you can assist (chahner@wcpss.net).
Free Hurricanes' Tickets: Looking for something to do this Friday evening (10/3)? A Wiley parent has offered free tickets to the Hurricanes' 7:00 preseason game against the Buffalo Sabres. If interested, please use this google link to submit your request by 10am Thursday. We will send your tickets home with your child Friday. Go Canes!
Read to Achieve: An information session for parents of third graders will take place Friday, October 3 at 9:15 am in the media center. If you wish to learn more about the Read to Achieve legislation and its impact on those students scoring a 438 or below on the Beginning of Grade (BOG) standardized test, please join us. Individual score reports were sent home last Friday.

What do you like to do during the summer? I love to cook, run, travel, and read.
If you could teach anywhere (other than Wiley) where would you teacher, and why? Copenhagen, Denmark - it is somewhere that I have always wanted to travel.
Tell us something about yourself that you are proud of and that most people wouldn't know about you. I moved from California to North Carolina knowing very little about it - other than what I learned from One Tree Hill. I have made a home from myself here and love it!
If you could have anyone as your teacher, who would you pick and why? My mom! I think she would provide a neat and unique perspective for me.
Who was your favorite teacher in Elementary School? Ms. Shea - Bryant Ranch, Yorba Linda, California. She made everything fun and exciting, and she never got mad at anyone.
Tuesday, 9/30: Open House - general meeting and classroom visits/curriculum information sessions, 6:00 p.m.
Friday, 10/3: Read to Achieve information session for 3rd grade parents - 9:15 in the media center
Saturday, 10/4: Jellybeans Skate Night, 5:15pm -7pm
Thursday, 10/16: Band Concert
Friday, 10/17: Early Release
Tuesday, 10/21 - Friday 10/24: International Book Fair
Wednesday, 10/29 - Teacher Workday
News from our Wiley PTA
Backpack Buddies:
If you have about 30 minutes to spare on Thursday afternoons, our Backpack Buddies team is looking for volunteers to distribute bags to classrooms. If interested, please use this link to sign up.
Playground Cleanup Day a Success:
If you have about 30 minutes to spare on Thursday afternoons, our Backpack Buddies team is looking for volunteers to distribute bags to classrooms. If interested, please use this link to sign up.
Playground Cleanup Day a Success:
Thank you
Wiley families for coming out to support the Go Green and Gardens and Grounds
committees with the Savannah Restoration Project. We had 28+ volunteers
including 13 Wiley students and siblings. Our efforts were extremely
successful! We filled 2 truck beds with weeds and trees including all the
ragweed. Plans are in place to add mulch to prevent runoff this winter and
continue improvements. Dates to be announced. Parents and students, please stay
out of the Savannah area on the K-2 playground for the next few weeks to give
it time to recover.
Jellybeans Skate Night Reminder
This coming
Saturday, October 4th, join the PTA for Skate Night at Jellybeans in
Cary from 5:15-7:00 p.m. Reach out to social@wileypta.org with any questions.
International Book Fair Help
International Book Fair is coming up later this month. We have a great lineup
of books from around the world and a guest author coming to make the event a
success. We do need help to pull the event together. Please email vp@wileypta.org and vp.waysandmeans@wileypta.org if you’d like to volunteer.