Monday, November 17, 2014

November 17

Morning Arrival:  Our Wiley staff begins their morning duty at 8:45am, and we have noticed that students are being dropped off before our adult supervision begins.  We appreciate your cooperation in helping us keep your student/s safe by making sure that an adult remains with your child until the 8:45 bell rings. 

Wiley’s 2014/15 Teacher of the Year:  Laura O’Brien, one of Wiley’s Special Education teachers, was recently selected as Wiley’s Teacher of the Year.  Ms. O’Brien’s colleagues had these kind comments to share about her … “I have never seen Laura without a smile.” “She loves being an educator.” “She loves all students unconditionally and advocates for both families and students.” “It is very obvious that she generally loves and cares for her students.”  Congratulations, Laura! 

Hour of Code is returning to Wiley! 60% of jobs are in the field of Computer Science, while only 2% of students are seeking a Computer Science education. In order eliminate the gap and promote Computer Science education every Wiley student will be participating in Hour of Code, which is a world-wide celebration where students participate in a one-hour introduction to computer science, designed to demystify code and show that anybody can learn the basics. We will host Hour of Code on December 8, 11, and 12th, during Computer Science Education Week.  We are seeking volunteers to assist students in completing online and offline coding activities.  No prior experience is required to volunteer.  We would also like guest speakers to visit each classroom and share a 5-10 minute chat with students about the impact of Computer Science or Coding in their careers.  If you are interested in participating in either capacity, please SIGN UP here.  We'd love to have a volunteer and guest speaker in every classroom.  You may sign up for more than one classroom if your schedule permits. If you have a family member or friend, who is not a registered volunteer, we can still use their help. To speak to a class, only a brief form needs to be completed.  If you have questions, please contact Instructional Technology Facilitator, Sadie Hoover at  

There will be no Wiley World Review next week.  We wish you a safe holiday!  
Happy Thanksgiving!

Wiley Spotlight

This week’s Wiley spotlight shines on Karen Rose, our energetic and talented art teacher.  Learn more about Ms. Rose here:

What do you like to do during the summer?  Read, go to the beach, and paint!
If you could work anywhere, besides Wiley, where would it be, and why? I would work at UC-Berkley.  I went to undergraduate school there and I love it. 
Who is your most memorable teacher?  Ms. Reinhardt, 8th grade math teacher at Ross School in Ross, California.  She inspired me to love math. 
Tell us about your family.   My husband, Ken, and I have a 17 year son, Giulio, and a 12-year old daughter, Ruby.  Two dogs (Burrito & Edgar) and a cat (Calvin) keep us company at home. 

Check out her blog:

 Upcoming Events
Monday, 11/17:  Cecilia Rawlins Fund Kickoff at Busy Bee Cafe to Benefit Backpack Buddies for Wiley Students, 6-9 pm (
Wednesday, 11/19:  PTA Coffee Talk - Helios on Glenwood Avenue @ 9:15, meet at front steps to walk together; Wiley Dines Out – Red Dragon (corner of Oberlin Road and Fairview Road) from 4-9
Friday, 11/21:  Fourth grade field trip to NC Museum of History
Monday, 11/24:  Make-up pictures
Wednesday, 11/26 - Friday, 11/28: Thanksgiving Vacation - no school

News from our Wiley PTA
Red Dragon Restaurant Night—This Wednesday 11/19! One of our favorite restaurant nights of the year is here! Red Dragon will be hosting restaurant night for Wiley this Wednesday 11/19 from 4 – 9 p.m. Make sure to mention Wiley when you call in a takeout order or eat in the restaurant, and Wiley PTA will receive 10% of your purchase. We look forward to seeing you at this fun event.

Join the PTA for a Walk to Coffee on Wednesday 11/19  Meet this Wednesday on the front steps of Wiley after drop-off (by 9:15) for a walk to coffee at Helio’s on Glenwood. We’ll have PTA representatives there to answer your questions. It’s a great chance to meet new Wiley friends and sample some of the best coffee in town.

Board 6 Advisory Council
The Board 6 Advisory Council is meeting on Thursday, November 20th at 12 pm.  The meeting will be at Lacy Elementary, which is located at the corner of Lake Boone Trail and Ridge Road.  Dr Rodney Trice, Assistant Superintendent for Equity Affairs will be the speaker.
As always, this meeting is open to all parents.  If you have any specific questions for Dr Trice please let me know and I'll be sure to ask.
Meredith Nelson
Wiley, BAC rep

Winter Thanks (12/11) Info in Folders Today Information on our Winter Thanks program for teachers is coming home in your folders today. You’ll find information on how to volunteer, donate food and in-kind gifts and support this great event for our teachers. Reach out with any questions to Tina Hlabse at or Kelly Kelly at

Wednesday, November 12, 2014

November 12

November 12

African American Dance Ensemble:  Thanks to the incredible support and coordination of our Wiley PTA, along with Wake County's United Arts Council, our students participated in a performance by the African American Dance Ensemble last Friday.  It was AMAZING!  Ask your student/s all about it!  You will see some of our teachers ‘breaking it down’ and having fun with the ensemble in this photo!  We look forward to our next Cultural Arts performance – The North Carolina Opera – in April! 

School Psychologists Awareness Week:  School psychologists help to facilitate students’ connections within Wake County Public Schools. In WCPSS, more than 90 school psychologists work directly with students providing educational assessments, leading individual and group skills development sessions, guiding learning strategies and problem solving skills, and helping students develop positive self-concepts by linking efforts to achievement.
School psychologists consult and collaborate with teachers, counselors, aides, administrators, and parents to provide services such as serving on school problem solving and leadership teams, analyzing and explaining educational data, developing classroom accommodations and modifications, and meeting with parents. School psychologists also support academic achievement, positive behavior, and mental wellness of all WCPSS students, especially those who struggle with barriers to learning.
To learn more about Mary Whitehouse, Wiley’s school psychologist, check out her bio on the school’s website. You can also visit her website at

WGNN needs you!  Sadie Hoover, Magnet Coordinator, is looking for Magnet Parents who have children currently attending Wiley and children who went through the International Studies program that are now in middle or high school.  If you meet the requirements, we'd like to have our Wiley Global News Network (WGNN) students interview you about your passion for Wiley and how it has positively impacted your family.  This interview will be shared on the public Wiley Website. If you are interested, please email Sadie at to make arrangements.

Spelling Bee: Plans for Wiley's 2nd Annual Spelling Bee are under way for grades 3-5!  We will have a preliminary round spelling test on Tuesday, December 9.  The top students will receive an invitation to the school championship spelling bee to be held on January 22, 2015.  Finalists will be recognized for their participation and top performing students will win prizes.  The Wiley champion will also represent our school at the PAGE of Wake County Spelling Bee in February, 2015.  The winner of the PAGE Spelling Bee receives a trip to Washington, DC for the Scripps National Scholarship Spelling Bee in May 2015! 
If your 3rd-5th grader would like to enter, please return the blue commitment form sent home last week.  The entry date has been extended to Friday, November 14.  All students enrolled will receive a study packet which contains approximately 80% of the words used during the school level bee. Optional practices will be held before school.   
If you need another commitment form, would like to enter your student electronically or would like more information, please contact Dr. Cecconi-Roberts, at

Wiley Spotlight

This week’s Wiley spotlight shines on Leila Ruedy, Wiley’s Data Manager.  Do you remember the sweet smile and friendly laugh that greeted you when you first entered the doors of Wiley to fill out “the paperwork”?  If so, you probably encountered Ms. Ruedy! 
                                                 Ms. Ruedy answered these questions:
What do you like to do during the summer?  I enjoy traveling (especially to the beach), gardening, and shopping! 
If you could work anywhere, besides Wiley, where would it be, and why? If I had to choose another career I would want to be a designer … clothing, jewelry, accessories, or gardens. 
Who is your most memorable teacher?  My third grade teacher, Andrea, from my school in the Philippines. She made such an impact on me that I named one of my daughters after her.  We still remain in contact, and she lives in California. 
Tell us about your family.  My high school sweetheart and husband, Tom, and I have three children, Andrea, Matt, and Sara.  All three children attended school at Wiley.

 Upcoming Events

Wednesday, 11/12: First grade field trip to Morehead Planetarium
Thursday, 11/13:  Third grade field trip to Joel Lane House
Monday, 11/17:  Cecilia Rawlins Fund Kickoff at BusyBee to Benefit Backpack Buddies for Wiley Students, 6-9 pm (
Friday, 11/21:  Fourth grade field trip to NC Museum of History
Monday, 11/24:  Make-up pictures
Wednesday, 11/26 - Friday, 11/28: Thanksgiving Vacation - no school

News from our Wiley PTA

PTA Membership Reminder: Have you joined the Wiley PTA yet? Membership is only $10! Reach out to for a form if you haven’t had a chance to join yet. 

Monday, November 3, 2014

November 3

Spoiled by our PTA – Thank you, Wiley PTA, for the incredible spread of goodies that you provided last Friday for our staff!  Yum! 

Special Education Open House – If interested,  the Wake County Special Education Advisory Council will be hosting an information session  Thursday, November 13 @ Martin Middle School: 6:00 - Doors open & Resource Fair, 6:30 - Welcome, and 7:00 - information sessions.  For more information, visit

WRAL Teacher of the Week – Ms. Hahner, Wiley’s Instructional Resource Teacher, received a wonderful treat on Halloween.  WRAL’s Gerald Owens surprised her with the designation of Teacher of the Week!  Ms. Hahner’s WRAL Teacher of the Week debut will air next Wednesday, November 12th

Mindset and Mrs. Ware - Click here to check out a recent WCPSS blog post featuring our very own Katie Ware talking about her growth through WCPSS’s Effective Teaching Framework staff development! 

Outreach Opportunity - Ready to get that Halloween candy out of the house?  Wiley has partnered again with Halloween Candy Buyback and Operation Gratitude to collect Halloween candy to send to US troops overseas.  Please bring your wrapped candy sorted by chocolate and non-chocolate to the office by the morning of Friday, November 7th.  There is also an opportunity to include letters of gratitude that are shipped along with our donation. 
All details about the non-profit can be found here:
A big thanks to Buckthal Orthondics that will be shipping our donation to Operation Gratitude.  

French with Raleigh Charter High School - As part of a partnership that Wiley’s French Program is building with Raleigh Charter High School’s French Department, RCHS students came to Wiley on Friday to present about French speaking countries around the world.  Students made the  "AWAlE " math game, a game played in many French speaking African countries. Wiley students also had the chance to practice their French with the high school students.  A good time was had by all!

Wiley Spotlight

This week’s Wiley spotlight shines on the dynamic first grade teaching duo of Crystal Blum (right, in photo) and Mary Jo McCloud (left, in photo).  Both Mrs. Blum and Ms. McCloud are new additions to our Wiley family, and we are fortunate that they now call Wiley home! 

Mrs. Blum answered these questions:
What do you like to do during the summer?  I love to travel.  I try to travel to a new country each year.  This summer’s travel, however, took me to Disney World! 
If you could teach anywhere, besides Wiley, where would it be, and why?  I would teach at UNC-CH. I love it.  I appreciate the atmosphere and the spirit of the campus!
What is the funniest thing that has happened to you while teaching?  While I was teaching at Lincoln Heights, a baby snake slithered across my foot in the classroom.  The girls all screamed, and the boys all crept in for a closer look!
Who is your most memorable teacher?  Ms. Ledford, 6th grade teacher at Fallston Elementary School in Fallston, NC.  She exposed us to different cultures and helped me develop my desire to learn and grow through travel. 
Tell us about your family.  My husband, Dave, and I have a 6-year old son, Silas. 

Ms. McCloud answered these questions:
What do you enjoy doing during the summer?  I like to go to the beach.
If you could work anywhere, besides Wiley, where would it be, and why?  I would teach at Knotts Island Elementary School on Knotts Island, NC.  That is where I went to school, and I love it. 
What is something that most people don’t know about you?  Growing up, I took a ferry to and from school. 
Who is your most memorable teacher?  Ms. Roche, my third grade teacher at Knotts Island Elementary School. 
What do you enjoy most about Wiley?  I enjoy the inviting and welcoming atmosphere.  I have also enjoyed the culture of the school. 

 Upcoming Events
Friday, 11/7:  PTA-sponsored Cultural Arts performance, African American Dance Ensemble; Early Release - dismissal at 1:15
Sunday, 11/9: PTA-sponsored grounds day, 1:30-3:30
Tuesday, 11/11:  Veterans Day - no school
Wednesday, 11/12: First grade field trip to Morehead Planetarium
Thursday, 11/13:  Third grade field trip to Joel Lane House; News crew field trip to Broughton HS
Monday, 11/17:  Cecilia Rawlins Fund Kickoff at BusyBee to Benefit Backpack Buddies for Wiley Students, 6-9 pm (
Friday, 11/21:  Fourth grade field trip to NC Museum of History
Monday, 11/24:  Make-up pictures
Wednesday, 11/26 - Friday, 11/28: Thanksgiving Vacation - no school

News from our Wiley PTA

Gardens and Grounds and Go Green Announcements
The Gardens and Grounds Committee will hold the next work day on Sunday November 9th from 1:30-3:30pm. We will continue the mulching work at the front of the school. We need at least 5 wheelbarrows, pitchforks, and rakes, and at least 10 adult volunteers. To sign up, go to:

More Wiley Pals Needed:
Wiley Pals: Consider serving as a Wiley Pal to a student who would benefit from regular attention from a caring, supportive adult to help foster his/her school success. Wiley Pals meet briefly once a week with their adult mentor. Meetings might include lunch in the cafeteria, a quick check in at breakfast before school starts, or tutoring / reading in the classroom with the child. Men are especially encouraged to try this exciting 1:1 opportunity.

Email to join the program. If you have questions about what it is like to be a Wiley Pal, reach out to, or All three have been involved in the program and can share experiences.