Monday, February 23, 2015

February 23

Hot Off the WCPSS website … Make-Up Days:  Due to the prolonged effects of last week's winter weather, the Wake County Public School System will use the following schedule to make up the academic time lost from Feb. 17 through Feb. 20. No additional make-up time will be required.
Traditional-Calendar Schools - One make-up day will be taken by extending the early release days scheduled for March 6 and April 17 to full school days.
We were able to avoid additional make-up days by using the hours that students already are scheduled to attend above the state's required minimum of 1,025 hours.
Please note that the changes restore a five-day spring break for students on the traditional calendar by once again making March 23 a teacher workday. Due to state laws governing calendar flexibility, these changes leave spring break vulnerable if further cancellations are required. (

Growth Mindset:  Recently teachers, support staff, and administration gathered to discuss student data in a way that empowered our thinking about the whole child. What a powerful image it was to see nine or more people, gathered around the table, talking about how best to meet the needs of all Wiley students. We launched these discussions with a reading of this article, “Even Geniuses Work Hard” by Carol Dweck, the author of Mindset. We talked about the importance of building a growth mindset in children, one that embraces failure as an opportunity to learn, one that appreciates the process of learning over the pride of already knowing, and one that promotes resiliency, progress, and “the power of yet”. When students throw up their hands and say “I can’t do it”, parents and teachers can add “yet”. You may not be able to do it now, but with perseverance, you can.
It can start by replacing praise like “You got them all right. You are so smart.” with highlighting specific actions that led to success; “You used a new strategy and took your time.”  The staff at Wiley is on a journey to create a growth mindset culture. As we learn more, we will keep you posted on ways in which we support students to persevere and value effort, process, and persistence. 
*Thanks, Katie Ware, for providing this update of our staff’s learning!
**Huge thanks to our friends and family at St. Mary's School for welcoming us to campus for two days of data meetings!  

Wiley Spotlight 
This week’s spotlight shines on Hannah Tucker, Special Education Teacher. 
Get to know Ms. Tucker …

What do you like to do during the summer? I usually nanny and hang out with friends & family.  
If you could teach anywhere (other than Wiley), where would it be?  Costa Rica – I have always wanted to visit Costa Rica.  I think it would be cool to teach in Costa Rica with immediate access to so many elements of nature. 
Who was your most memorable teacher? My third grade teachers – Ms. White, Ms. Totten, and Ms. Martin at North Chatham Elementary in Chatham County, NC.  They really helped pinpoint ‘why’ school was hard for me and they helped identify ways to help me become more successful in the school setting.      
What is something that you are most proud of, that most people wouldn't know about you? What you see is what you get!  I can’t think of anything that I don’t normally share. 
If you could have anyone as a teacher who would it be?  Alvin Ailey – Since I struggled as a student, it would provide opportunity to incorporate movement into education.  I could serve as his apprentice, and then put into practice what I learned. 

 Upcoming Events
Monday, February 23: 
Tuesday, February 24:  Fun Run Kick-Off Pep Rally – Rockstars!
Wednesday, February 25: 
Thursday, February 26:  Moe’s – Wiley Restaurant Night;
Friday, February 27: 

Monday, March 2:
Tuesday, March 3:
Wednesday, March 4: 2nd grade field trip to Marbles, 1st grade field trip to Science Museum
Thursday, March 5: Wiley FUN RUN!   K/1: 9:30, 2/3: 10:40, 4/5: 11:50
Friday, March 6:  Regular School Day for Students (was scheduled as Early Release)

News from our Wiley PTA
Moe’s Restaurant Night Reminder
Visit Moe's in Cameron Village on Thursday, Feb 26 for restaurant day. It's an all-day event so come for lunch with friends or coworkers or grab dinner for the family. They will donate 20% of all sales  to the Wiley PTA when you mention Wiley. You must mention Wiley at checkout to ensure we get 20% of your purchase to benefit! Share this with your friends as every dollar spent counts!

Fun Run for Technology Kicks off this Week—Dress Like a Rock Star for the Pep Rally Tuesday!
The Fun Run for Technology kicks off this Tuesday,  February 24th with pep rallies for all students. Students and teachers are invited to kick off the fun run in style by dressing like a rock star!
Look for more information on how to register your student to solicit pledges in your Monday folder this week.  Be sure to register at , a safe and secure website that allows you to easily manage your student’s pledges,  review the daily character lessons, and watch Rock’n Town Live music videos. You can help connect your child to friends, family, and neighbors who can make a pledge. (phone, email, social media, etc.). Information on registering will come home this week.
We also need volunteers to make race day and follow-up counts a success. Please register at the following links to help us out:
If you have questions leading up to or during the event, reach out to

Talent Show Update: Application and Music Submission Deadlines Extended
NEW MUSIC SUBMISSION DEADLINE:  9 PM, Wednesday, February 25th
NEW APPLICATION DEADLINE:  11 AM, Thursday, February 26th
You can reach the online application at: If you have internet connectivity issues, please contact Patricia Brezny at 919-609-4952.
Music files should be submitted via Dropbox or Google Drive. (Links are below.) The music file name should include your child's name and the name of the song. Acceptable file formats are: .mp4, .mp3, .avi, and .wav.
If you are unable to submit music via these services, please put your non-returnable CD in the Talent Show box in the Media Center by 3:45 PM, Wednesday, February 25th.  If you have music-related questions, please e-mail Dawson Roark at

Wiley Coders Club Signup Open
Wiley Coders Club signup is available at the following link, beginning today. Additional information on the club was provided in last week’s blog. If you have internet connectivity issues and wish to sign your child up, please call Elyse Lyons at 650 387 4319 and she will do the registration for you. Signup is available at the following link:
The club will be limited to 20 students. If more than 20 students complete the sign-up, we will randomly select participants. Those not chosen will be placed on a wait-list and will have first priority for the next session of Wiley Coders.
Meeting dates:  Fridays from 3/6/15 - 5/29/15 (no meetings on 3/27 or 4/3)Club time:  8:00 a.m. to 8:45 a.m. in the Computer Room. The club is free to all participants, but parents are required to volunteer in the classroom for at least 2 of the sessions. (If this requirement is    problematic, please email and we can figure out another way for you to support us).
Drop-off instructions: A volunteer will meet you & your child at the carpool loop or you can walk your student into the Computer Room. Students will be dismissed to their classrooms at the end of Wiley Coders. If you have any questions, you can reach Renate Andrews and Brian Marks at

Frozen Skate Night to be Rescheduled
We are working on a new date for the Frozen skate night and will send an update in a week or two once the schedule has been finalized and Olaf and Elsa have been informed that we DON’T need snow, sleet, or freezing rain for the event.  

Monday, February 16, 2015

February 16

Make-Up Day:  According to the WCPSS website, Monday, March 23rd is scheduled as our make-up day for Tuesday, February 17. 

Testing Proctors Needed:  We will be conducting testing for some of our English Language Learners in the coming weeks. We are in need of proctors who are available to be trained on 2/23 or 2/24 at 9:00 AM. If you are available to proctor at one of the following times, please complete this form and submit by Friday, 2/20.

Carpool:  As a courtesy to our vendor cab services and daycares (many serving other students from different schools), we allow priority access to the carpool loop in the mornings and afternoons.  Thus, we ask that the carpool line begin at the College Place entrance sign; a staff member will signal when it is clear to move into the loop.  As such, this prevents others from having to use the exit as an entrance into the parking lot. 

Bus Loop/Walkers’ Crosswalk:  As you depart or enter campus using Calvin Drive in the back of Wiley, please be mindful that buses are entering & departing and many students are walking to school.  Drive with caution. 

Wiley Mascot:  It’s your chance to leave your mark on Wiley!  We’re calling all families to submit suggestions for a Wiley Mascot.  If your family has a creative idea, please have your student submit the suggestion with his/her name to Ms. Taylor.  All students will have an opportunity to vote on the finalists!  It’s doubtful that ‘the Wiley Wolfpack’ is going to make the cut (but who knows!).  J 

Wiley Spotlight 
The Wiley Spotlight will return next week! 

 Upcoming Events 
Monday, February 16:  Early Dismissal
Tuesday, February 17:  No School
Wednesday, February 18: 
Thursday, February 19: 
Friday, February 20:  Interims

News from our Wiley PTA
Frozen Skate Night Cancelled
Apparently, snow, ice and other frozen items make it necessary to cancel the event (for the second time!) due to inclement weather.
Sky Zone Event a Success
A message from the team that organized the SkyZone Event: The SkyZone event was a lot of fun, and SkyZone donated $200 for the Williamsburg trip. Thanks to all who attended and to SkyZone for hosting the event.
Moe’s Restaurant Night
Visit Moe's in Cameron Village on Thursday, Feb 26. It's an all-day event so come for lunch with friends or coworkers or grab dinner for the family. They will donate 20% of all sales  to the Wiley PTA when you mention Wiley. You must mention Wiley at checkout to ensure we get 20% of your purchase to benefit!
Tech Night Round-Up
Thank you to everyone who came out to learn something new at Technology Night! If you were not able to attend, here is a summary of what you missed:
Principal Leslie Taylor is an excellent speaker and diehard UNC/Dean Smith fan. She gave a great lesson in recognizing the efforts of the whole team (administration, teachers, staff, PTA, parents) to the success of students at Wiley.
PTA membership approved a revised budget, reallocating funds that aren't needed for Big Universe to allow for professional development for teachers, supply boxes for the playgrounds, and 5th grade celebrations.
PTA presented the results of a survey sent to all teachers at Wiley asking for input on the current condition of the technology in their classrooms. The results of the survey were daunting.
140 Desktop Computers are currently being used in classrooms, and 61 are broken or in poor quality.
23 Smart Board Projectors are being used, but 7 are in need of repair.
20% of the total number of technology devices at Wiley are broken or in poor quality (slow, poor resolution, etc.)
The cost to replace the broken or breaking devices is about $100,000. The school does not receive any money from the county specifically designated toward technology and most of the hardware we have (desktops and SmartBoards) are no longer under warranty or supported by tech services.
Kicked off the Fun Run for Technology. See details later in this blog and in your Monday folder.
Brian Marks, Wiley father of two, concluded the general meeting by giving us an overview of The Hour of Code and the Wiley Coders Club that will open for enrollment soon. See below for notes on that club and further information on the Fun Run.
A special THANK YOU to our wonderful Wiley teachers, who worked hard to create interesting and informative breakout sessions. Presentations included keeping our children safe online and helping them become responsible digital citizens, showcasing the ways students and teachers use technology at Wiley, WGNN filming and editing, Discovery Education Board Builder, interactive apps
The full budget, survey results and slide show can be found at
Fun Run For Technology
What can we do to help with the technology gaps? Wiley is partnering with Boosterthon for the 2nd Annual Fun Run for Technology, which will take place in a few weeks. Last year we raised about $22,000 and purchased many new devices. The focus will be on replacement, not additional technology.
Why Boosterthon? Boosterthon promotes Fitness, Leadership and Character. Healthy living focus and daily character lessons align to Wiley's core beliefs. The PTA analyzed last year's feedback and has made changes to make the Boosterthon program to make it a better fit for Wiley. We have decreased the time out of class and the emphasis on individual pledges, and will increase the focus on teamwork and character traits.
What are the key dates?
        Pep Rallies - Tuesday, February 24th Students and teachers will help kick-off the Rock'n Town Live, Wiley Fun Run in style by dressing up like a Rock Star! Pep rallies will be held at:
o   K-2nd   2:45-3:15pm  
o   3rd-5th  2:00-2:30pm          
        February 25th - March 4th: Children will have Team Huddles at the beginning of recess, with character trait lessons and BoostFit exercises. During the 8 days leading up to the Fun Run, students can ask for pledges toward the laps they will run on March 5th. Be sure to register at , a safe and secure website that allows you to easily manage your student’s pledges,  review the daily character lessons, and watch Rock’n Town Live music videos. You can help connect your child to friends, family, and neighbors who can make a pledge. (phone, email, social media, etc.)
        March 5th - Wiley Fun Run: K-1 9:30 a.m.; 2-3 10:40 a.m., 4-5 11:50 a.m. Every student will participate in this school-wide event, regardless of pledges raised and will receive a Wiley Rock-n-Run t-shirt. Students will run between 30-35 laps.  Come out and cheer for the kids!
How can I volunteer?
We need volunteers for the race day and to help with counts on payments after the event. Use the links below to sign up:
Talent Show Update
Wiley families, we expect another fabulous year of music, dance, skit, comedy and -- most importantly -- FUN with our grand, Wiley community.   The 2015 Wiley Talent Show will be Thursday, March 12, 2015 from 6 PM - 9 PM. Applications and Music submissions are due on Friday, February 20 by 9 PM.
Students are required to attend the Initial Review of Acts on Thursday, February 26, 3:45-5:45 PM and the Show Rehearsal on Thursday, March 5, 3:45-5:45 PM.

Students should have a plan for their performance by the application deadline, and performances are limited to two (2) minutes. For more information, see Ms. Taylor's February 9 blog at:
Or, visit the Talent Show application page at:
If you have questions - or would like to volunteer! - please e-mail Scott Andrews at . Thank you for your continued support of this fantastic event!
Introducing Wiley Coders Club!
We are pleased to announce that Wiley is starting a Coding Club! Wiley Coders will meet Friday mornings from 8:00 – 8:45 a.m. in the Computer Room starting March 6th. Given the size of the room and the number of available computers, we are only able to enroll 20 students at this time. There is no cost to participate, but we do ask that parents commit to helping us in the classroom for at least 2 of the sessions. You do not need experience in coding to help out, just a willingness to learn with us. Sign-up will begin on February 23rd with a link in the blog next week.
We will loosely follow’s K-5 Intro to Computer Science course to teach basic computational thinking practices of Creativity, Collaboration, Communication, Persistence, and Problem Solving.’s K-5 Intro to Computer Science blends online, self-guided and self-paced tutorials with “unplugged” activities that require no computer at all. We will supplement the curriculum as needed with other activities (e.g., exploring what’s inside a computer, playing the Robot Turtles board game, and even programming a simple robot). By the end of year, students should have the skills needed to create simple interactive stories or games that they can share with anyone.
If you have any questions, you can reach Renate Andrews and Brian Marks at
Why Wiley Coders?
I can cite the statistics ( ), but our reasons for   wanting to start Wiley Coders are a bit more personal. When Brian Marks introduced Wiley to Hour of Code 2 years ago, I was fascinated. I saw that the skills being taught were about more than Computer Science; they were skills kids could use no matter what they wanted to do later in life. The skills were about thinking – about how to break a bigger problem into smaller more manageable pieces, about how to learn from mistakes, about how to work with other people – and these skills were being taught in a way that kids found fun and interesting.

I use principles of computer science every day in my job as a researcher at Duke (it’s a strange day when I don’t spend at least ½ of my time programming in SAS or some other programming language), but I wouldn’t call myself a Computer Science. I only have a Twitter account because Wiley dragged me into the 21st century a couple of years ago. The website we’re putting together for Wiley Coders is the first time I’ve done anything like that. My family got our first iPad in September. My kids come home from Wiley and Ligon using new and interesting tech tools that teachers have introduced and I ask my kids how it’s supposed to work. All that’s to say, I expect that I will learn as much from the kids as they’re learning from me. I hope you’ll join us on this adventure!  ~Renate

Monday, February 9, 2015

Monday, February 9

Bus Driver Appreciation Week:  You think driving the minivan with a crew of kiddos for morning carpool is a challenge?  Try driving a big yellow bus loaded up with excited Wiley students through the city streets!  Please take a moment to recognize the contributions of our incredible drivers during this week of appreciation – a hand-written note, a picture, or a tasty treat will go a long way.  They are a huge part of the Wiley family, and we appreciate them!

Media Center Helped Needed: The media center is looking for a few volunteers to reshelve books in the correct order. It's easy work and you can drop in whenever is convenient for you. This can even be a one-day (or one hour) commitment. Please contact Ms. Molloy so she can let you know which areas of the library need work. Thank you!

Proctors Needed:  Testing for our Limited English Proficient students will begin the week of February 25.  If you have time available to assist us with this annual task, please email Leslie Taylor at  A short training session will be provided. 

A Message from Ms. Bridges, our Social Worker: I hope you and your families are having a great 2015! This is the time of year when winter takes a toll on school attendance. These absences, even if they are excused, can add up to academic trouble. If it is a snowy or rainy day but school is still open, students miss out on learning if they aren’t in class. 
There’s not much we can do about the weather, but there are steps every family can take to help avoid absences this year. Keep your children healthy. Dress them warmly for the cold weather and make sure they’ve got hats and gloves. Encourage them to wash their hands regularly, and send them to school with a bottle of hand sanitizer. If your children do get sick, talk to a doctor or the school nurse about whether they should come to school and when it is okay for them to return.

Family Summit: The WCPSS Parent Academy is hosting the Second Annual Family Summit on Saturday, February 21, 2015 from 8:30 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. in collaboration with the NC Alliance of Black School Educators. The event will be held at Millbrook High School, 2201 Spring Forest Road, Raleigh, NC for all Wake County Public School families. The objective is to provide families with a variety of informative and engaging workshops on academics and social/emotional development to share strategies on student success. We will be offering separate Spanish workshops for our Latino families. In addition, upon request we will provide interpretation service in Arabic, French, Korean, Russian, and Vietnamese. The conference is FREE of charge, will provide FREE Continental Breakfast and Information Fair. For more information, please contact

Wiley Spotlight 
This week’s spotlight shines on Judy Williams, our School Counselor.   

Get to know Ms. Williams …
What do you like to do during the summer? I love to travel.  During my “lucky summers”, I get to travel to a country that I have not experienced.
If you could teach anywhere (other than Wiley), where would it be?  Camp Thuderbird, just outside Charlotte. I grew up going to Camp Thunderbird for summer camp, and it was there that I recognized that I loved working with kids. It was always such a fun and positive experience.
Who was your most memorable teacher? Ms. Caldwell, first grade teacher at Victory School in Gastonia, NC.  I learned to read in first grade and she developed my love for reading.  I enjoyed reading the ‘Dick and Jane books’.    
What is something that you are most proud of, that most people wouldn’t know about you? In my last job, I worked with refugees that needed a fresh, safe start.  I enjoyed having the opportunity to help others.    

 Upcoming Events 
Monday, February 9: 
Tuesday, February 10:  First Grade field trip to Marbles
Wednesday, February 11:  Wiley Outing at SkyZone from 5-8
Thursday, February 12:  Technology Night & PTA General Meeting @ 6:00; Broughton Musical auditions w/ Ms. Wolfgang
Friday, February 13:  Early Release – dismissal @ 1:15

News from our Wiley PTA

Technology Night and PTA General Meeting this Thursday, February 12th at 6:00 p.m.
Every year the PTA and school team up to present Technology Night.  For those of you who have never been, it is a night that is intended to give parents a wealth of technology-related information. 
The evening will begin at 6:00 p.m. in the media center with a PTA general meeting.  We'll discuss Wiley's fantastic experience with Hour of Code, take a look at the current technology needs at our school and kick off our Fun Run for Technology fundraiser.
Following the meeting, there will be two 30 minute teacher-led breakout sessions (6:30-7:00 and 7:00-7:30).  Sadie Hoover has been working hard to put together helpful and interesting options for this portion of the evening, including internet safety for children and opportunities to experience using technology from a student perspective
Fun Run for Technology Kickoff
Boosterthon Fun Run for Technology is coming! Last year's run raised much needed funds to improve our school’s technology and we hope to do the same this year. This year's them is Rock'n Town Live, a music festival theme all about Community. The 9-day program will kick off with a 30 minute school-wide Pep Rally on February 24th - Dress like a Rock Star Day! During daily team huddles, students will learn five ways to make their community rock where they live and play:
·         Plug In To Serve
·         Amplify Others
·         Listen for Feedback
·         Play Hard
·         Thank Your Crowd
Every student will participate in the Fun Run on Thursday, March 5th, regardless of pledges raised. Plus, they will receive a Wiley Fun Run t-shirt.
We did listen to your feedback on last year’s event and have made significant changes to the program that we believe will be a better fit for our Wiley community. These changes include:
·         Emphasizing fitness and team work and including a free gift for all students who register.
·         Having recognition during team huddles for daily character traits instead of pledges received.
·         Incorporating team huddles into recess time instead of class time.
·         Revising prize distribution to three times during the program. Prizes will be delivered to the classroom and quietly distributed by the teachers.

If you have questions on the event, come to the general meeting this Thursday or email

It’s Talent Show Time! It’s Talent Show Time!

It's Talent Show Time, Wiley families, and we expect another fabulous year of music, dance, skit, comedy and -- most importantly -- FUN with our grand, Wiley community.  But first, there's lots to know. So here we go!

The 2015 WIley Talent Show will be Thursday, March 12, 2015 from 6 PM - 9 PM.  Applications and Music submissions are due on Friday, February 20 by 9 PM.   Students should have a plan for their performance by the application deadline.  Remember:   Performances are limited to 2 minutes.
Students are required to attend the Initial Review of Acts on Thursday, February 26, 3:45-5:45 PM and the Show Rehearsal on Thursday, March 5, 3:45-5:45 PM.
Application/Permission slips: Application and Permission slips are online this year.  Parents/Guardians must complete the composite Application / Permission form for each child who participates.  A few more details are after the link. Please find it below.  If you are without Internet access or have submission form issues, please contact Patricia Brezny at 919-609-4952 for sign-up assistance. (
Music submission: Music files should be submitted by Dropbox or Google Drive by Friday, February 20th at 9:00 p.m.
Dropbox users:
Google users:
If you must submit a non-returnable CD for music, a collection box will be available in the Media Center. Please e-mail Dawson Roark ( if you have music-related questions.

Thank you for your continued support of this fantastic event! If you have other questions, please e-mail Scott Andrews at

Tuesday, February 3, 2015

February 3

National School Counseling Week:  This week, we recognize the hard work of our School Counselor, Judy Williams.  Judy seems to do it all!  Her unique contributions support students, their families, and teachers, and she works in partnership with the broader community to enhance the experiences of our students.  Judy is amazing, and Wiley appreciates all that she does for us.  Please take a moment this week to recognize and honor Ms. Williams! 

Shining Stars: Would your child like to have a part in Broughton HS's upcoming musical "Hello Dolly"? Wiley students in grades 3-5 are encouraged to audition for a part in this musical! It’s a great chance to learn more about acting, singing, dancing, and stage presence.  Students interested should stop by Ms. Wolfgang's Room (MUSIC) this week to pick up practice materials needed to get ready for the audition. Auditions will be held on February 12, from 3:45 - 4:30pm in the Music Room. Good luck!

Magnet Application Window:  The window for middle school magnet applications was extended until 10pm on Monday, February 9th

Media Center Volunteers Needed:  The media center is looking for a few volunteers to reshelve books in the correct order. It's easy work and you can drop in whenever is convenient for you. This can even be a one-day (or one hour) commitment. Please contact Ms. Molloy so she can let you know which areas of the library need work. Thank you!

Wiley Spotlight 
This week’s spotlight shines on Hela Dridi, our French Teacher, and Yuko Yoshikawa, our Japanese Teacher. 

Get to know Hela (left in picture) …
What do you like to do during the summer? I love to travel, especially when I have the opportunity to travel back to my home country, Tunisia. 
If you could teach anywhere (other than Wiley), where would it be?  I would teach in Haiti because it’s a French speaking country.  I believe I have a lot that I could offer their struggling education system. 
Who was your most memorable teacher? My middle school math teacher, Ms. Sefi at Lycee De Jeune Fille Kairouan in Tunisia. 
What is something that you are most proud of, that most people wouldn’t know about you? I was part of the Tunisian National team in ping pong when I was in high school. 
If you could have any teacher, who would it be?  My dad. I miss him.  H was kind, spoke five languages and was quite cultivated … I could learn a lot from him. 
Get to know Yuko (right in picture) …
What do you like to do during the summer? I enjoy traveling to Japan.  In Japan, I visit with family & friends and eat Japanese food. 
If you could teach anywhere (other than Wiley), where would it be?   I would teach in Japan at a Department of Defense school.
What are you most proud of, that most people wouldn’t know about you? I traveled all over the world, by myself.  Even though I didn’t know many of the languages I had a great experience. 
If you could have any teacher, who would it be?  I would enjoy learning from my father.  He was very smart, but he died when I was young and I did not have the opportunity to learn from him. 

 Upcoming Events – Next Week
Monday, February 9:  Magnet Application window closes at 10pm
Tuesday, February 10:  First Grade field trip to Marbles
Wednesday, February 11:  Wiley Outing at SkyZone from 5-8
Thursday, February 12:  Technology Night & PTA General Meeting @ 6:00; Broughton Musical auditions w/ Ms. Wolfgang
Friday, February 13:  Early Release – dismissal @ 1:15
The week of February 9-13 is Bus Driver Appreciation Week.  Please join us in celebrating our incredible drivers! 

News from our Wiley PTA

Technology Night and PTA General Meeting, Thursday, February 12th at 6:00 p.m., Childcare Available
Every year the PTA and school team up to present Technology Night.  For those of you who have never been, it is a night that is intended to give parents a wealth of technology-related information.  Childcare is available, but we need you to sign up by Friday 2/6 so we can give the YMCA a count. Sign up at the following link:
The evening will begin at 6:00 p.m. in the media center with a PTA general meeting.  We'll discuss Wiley's fantastic experience with Hour of Code, take a look at the current technology needs at our school and kick off our Fun Run for Technology fundraiser.
Following the meeting, there will be two 30 minute teacher-led breakout sessions (6:30-7:00 and 7:00-7:30).  Sadie Hoover has been working hard to put together helpful and interesting options for this portion of the evening.  We’ll have more details on content in next week’s blog.

Wiley Outing at SkyZone - Wednesday February 11th at 5-8 p.m.
Join your Wiley friends for a jump night at Skyzone Trampoline Park at  2101 Westinghouse Blvd. in Raleigh on February 11th from 5-8 p.m. Cost is $10 to jump for an hour and includes a pair of sky socks. Email  with questions.

FREE Roller Skating Night Will Be Rescheduled to February 17th, 6-8 p.m.
Our weather cancellation of the free skate night was a disappointment, but we’ve rescheduled for February 17th in the evening from 6 to 8 p.m.

The event will still be free of charge for all Wiley families with $3 skate rentals.  It will include an appearance from the Frozen characters, but hopefully not an appearance from actual freezing weather. Look forward to seeing you there.