Monday, April 27, 2015

April 27

Last Week:  By the sounds of it, the fifth graders’ trip to Williamsburg was a smashing success … unofficial polling has Thursday evening’s haunted experience as the favorite highlight!  Likewise, the first graders’ trip to the Science Museum & Prairie Ridge was equally as incredible – a study of ecosystems at its finest.  Our athletes made us proud at the Special Olympics, and our K, 2nd, 3rd and 4th grade students offered a fine welcome for our Magnet Schools of America Tour.  Several first grade students overwhelmed the visitors with their welcome song (full of cuteness), and the 4th grade music students held us speechless with their beautiful performance.  Not to mention the classroom learning that nicely complemented all of the activity!  All in all, it was a grand week at Wiley International Studies Magnet Elementary School! 

[A comment shared by one of the conference attendees from Texas, "Wiley was such a happy place.  I enjoyed seeing the happy students and staff throughout the building.”]

Spirit Week:  To kick off International Carnival, Wiley will be having a SPIRIT WEEK (May 4-8). We wanted to share the details so your family can prepare and even celebrate at home. This won't be the typical spirit week. Instead, it incorporates ways to investigate the world, hear others' perspectives, and take action. We hope you will enjoy this fun week by showing your true Wiley Spirit. View the SPIRIT WEEK FLYER here

International Carnaval: International Carnaval (formerly International Night) is fast approaching. Please mark your calendars for Friday, May 8th from 6-8 pm. Food Trucks and the Photo Booth will begin opening at 5:30 pm.  In order to make this event a huge success, we need the help of volunteers. Our committee has been very busy organizing, creating, contacting, and delegating!  We are down to the final details, and you might be able to help. Please check out this sign-up link HERE to see if there is a spot where you can help. We look forward to showcasing our International Studies theme with our Wiley family and friends. 

Proctor Time!  We are in GREAT need of EOG Proctors. This means you! We have 15 of 61 spots filled. Thank you to those of you who signed up at Science night! We know it's not the most glamorous job, but we want to keep our teaching assistants working in the K-2 classes during the week of May 18th.  Your job is to silently monitor students working. Please click on the link below to sign up for a 3-hour block. After you sign up, please click on the second tab on the bottom to include your contact information. I will be in contact with exact details. While EOG testing is only several days of our year, we need your help to make it run as smoothly as possible. With your time and help, we ensure that every student has a positive testing environment. 
Please contact Chris Gower Hahner with any questions:
Special Education Services Survey:  If you are the parent of a student with a disability with an IEP, please complete this survey: survey was originally created in 2012 to gather information about how Wake County Special Education Services met the needs of students with disabilities and their families. It is time to see the results of our work to continue to improve our services to students and families.

Cecilia Rawlins Fund Fundraiser: It’s not too late to make your produce purchase to support the Cecilia Rawlins Fund.  There’s a dedicated order page just for the Cecilia Rawlins Fund:   Fifty percent of the proceeds go directly to the fund which supports our Backpack Buddies Program. 

Upcoming Events

Tuesday, April 28 – Broughton HS to visit Wiley’s 2nd & 3rd graders to present a play
Thursday, April 30 – Wiley Pals to visit our partners at Shaw University; Wiley Band Concert @ St. Mary’s School – 7pm
Friday, May 1 – Broughton HS students to host 5th Grade Fun Day (kickball tournament)

May 4 – 8 – International Spirit Week, Teacher Appreciation Week, Single-Subject Acceleration testing
Friday, May 8 – International Carnaval

Check us out at
Don’t forget to follow us on Twitter, too … @wileyelementary

News from our Wiley PTA
Teacher Appreciation Week Signup:  It's time to show our teachers and staff just how much we appreciate them!  This year we will be providing culturally diverse lunches from Monday - Thursday the week of May 4th. 
Please go to the signupgenius below to sign up to volunteer and / or bring in a dish to contribute to these meals for our fantastic Wiley teachers and staff!  Items need to be dropped off in the teachers' lounge by 10 a.m. on the day you choose.  Detailed instructions are found on the signupgenius webpage:
 Thank you in advance for helping make our teachers feel appreciated!

Last Wiley Band Concert of the Year—Thursday April 30thThe last band concert of the year is this Thursday, April 30th at St. Mary’s School Auditorium at 7 p.m. Come to hear our fabulous band perform!

International Carnaval and PTA Election is Coming—Friday May 8th! International Carnaval (formerly International Night) is fast approaching. Please mark your calendars for Friday, May 8th from 6-8 pm. Food Trucks and the Photo Booth will begin opening at 5:30 pm.  In order to make this event a huge success, we need the help of volunteers. Our committee has been very busy organizing, creating, contacting, and delegating!  We are down to the final details, and you might be able to help. Please check out this sign-up link to volunteer:

We look forward to showcasing our International Studies theme with our Wiley family and friends. In addition, we will be electing our 2015-2016 PTA Exec Board at this event. Nominations are as follows:
President: Teresa Jones
Vice President: Elyse Lyons
Treasurer: Christine Belledin
Secretary: Hadley Cairns-Heath
The nominating committee will also be reaching out over the next few weeks with a list of board and chair openings. If you’re interested in a role, but need guidance on the best fit, email the Nominating Committee Chair at

2015 Spring Book Fair — A Reading Success: Thank you everyone who came out to support the Spring Book Fair!!  A big thank you especially to the many volunteers that made the event not only possible, but a big success.  Below are some stats to be proud of:
32: number of volunteers
26.5: number of hours the Book Fair was open for sales
10: number of additional hours worked to set up, maintain, and break down the book fair
84: Number of books provided by the Book Fairy fund
Approximately $2000 in profits for the Wiley PTA

The Spring Book Fair also sponsored a guessing game where students guessed the number of office supplies in a jar.  The student who guessed closest to the actual number won a free paperback book.  The actual number of supplies was 411, which were donated to the front office.  The three winners were announced on the last day of the book fair.
We hope all the kids had fun and were able to find some good books to enjoy and call their own.   Special thanks go to Jill Molloy, who so kindly let us rearrange her space and take over for the week, and who is always easy and fun to work with.
We enjoyed it and hope to see you all again next year!

Notes from the Final BAC Meeting of the Year: Our final BAC meeting of the year was a panel discussion that focused on transitioning to middle and high school  Principals from Martin and Carroll Middle and Broughton and Sanderson High Schools participated.  Here are some highlights from the discussion:
·         Parents and students worry about completely different things regarding starting middle school.  While parents often focus on the work and academic issues, students are much more worried about using their lockers and finding their way around.
·         High School is a big place.  Successful students make connections, whether through sports, music or clubs.  Parents should help encourage their children to find their niche early on and to help them balance their interests with their academics.
·         Day One of 9th grade matters.  Students need to understand how the cumulative GPA works and that from a college acceptance perspective 9th grade matters more than 12th grade.
·         Teach your children to self-advocate.

·         Manage the access your children have to social media.  Technology and the Internet is now a tool in the classroom and will only become more so, so students need access.  Keep technology as a tool and help your kids navigate appropriate uses of social media, with limits.

Monday, April 20, 2015

April 20

Thank you Wiley PTA:  Where do we begin?  We are so spoiled by our PTA … cultural arts performance (The Opera), Jersey Mike’s lunch-time treat for staff, lovely grounds & gardens (AND a newly painted sign), and awesome Science Night fun!  That’s just in one week!!  Wow.  We are so appreciative! 

Magnet Schools of America Tour:  Hooray for Wiley, a school selected to be featured during the national conference being held in Raleigh.  Please send your student to school in his/her Wiley shirt t-shirt Thursday to show off our Wiley spirit! 

Recognizing our Teacher Leaders:  We had a film crew on campus today highlighting the hard work of our Wiley teachers.  What a wonderful opportunity to honor and recognize some WCPSS’s best & brightest! 

A request from Mrs. Rose:   As students enjoy the school grounds after school, please help us preserve the Savannah garden (now cordoned off with pink tape) on the K-2 playground.  We are trying to rehabilitate the once beautiful garden.

Spirit Week:  To kick off International Carnival, Wiley will be having a SPIRIT WEEK. We wanted to share the details so your family can prepare and even celebrate at home. This won't be the typical spirit week. Instead, it incorporates ways to investigate the world, hear others' perspectives, and take action. We hope you will enjoy this fun week by showing your true Wiley Spirit. View the SPIRIT WEEK FLYER here

International Carnaval: International Carnaval (formerly International Night) is fast approaching. Please mark your calendars for Friday, May 8th from 6-8 pm. Food Trucks and the Photo Booth will begin opening at 5:30 pm.  In order to make this event a huge success, we need the help of volunteers. Our committee has been very busy organizing, creating, contacting, and delegating!  We are down to the final details, and you might be able to help. Please check out this sign-up link HERE to see if there is a spot where you can help. We look forward to showcasing our International Studies theme with our Wiley family and friends. 

Proctor Time!  We are in GREAT need of EOG Proctors. This means you! We have 15 of 61 spots filled. Thank you to those of you who signed up at Science night! We know it's not the most glamorous job, but we want to keep our teaching assistants working in the K-2 classes during the week of May 18th.  Your job is to silently monitor students working. Please click on the link below to sign up for a 3-hour block. After you sign up, please click on the second tab on the bottom to include your contact information. I will be in contact with exact details. While EOG testing is only several days of our year, we need your help to make it run as smoothly as possible. With your time and help, we ensure that every student has a positive testing environment. 
Please contact Chris Gower Hahner with any questions:
Special Education Services Survey:  If you are the parent of a student with a disability with an IEP, please complete this survey: survey was originally created in 2012 to gather information about how Wake County Special Education Services met the needs of students with disabilities and their families. It is time to see the results of our work to continue to improve our services to students and families.

Cecilia Rawlins Fun Fundraiser: Papa Spud’s, a local fresh produce delivery service, has partnered with us for a spring fundraiser to raise money for children in need and families in crisis at Wiley. We currently serve 29 children each week with a Backpack Buddies delivery to provide weekend food.
Our students’ needs increase significantly in the next school year. We are likely to face the reality of doubling our weekly deliveries. We cannot do so without raising the funds first. Imagine the heartache of putting these children on a waitlist for weekend food. Your contributions are vital to help provide meals to these children so they can be successful, happy, healthy kids.
Papa Spud’s offers a variety of produce as well as other local treats from regional dairies, bakeries, and farms. You can customize your order, and it is delivered right to your front door! There is no obligation to continue to delivery service, but should you decided to carry on as a Papa Spud’s customer after the fundraiser, the registration fee will be waived.
Papa Spud’s is generously donating 50% of sales from this fundraiser to
the Cecilia Rawlins Fund.

How the Fundraiser Works: Purchase one box of locally grown produce, meats, dairy, and baked goods from Papa Spud's.
Customize the contents of your box, or do nothing and Pap Spud’s will set you up with a box of fresh, seasonal produce.
Your box will be delivered the week after your purchase, or you can hold the delivery until a later date of your choosing!
There’s a dedicated order page just for the Cecilia Rawlins Fund:

Single Subject Acceleration:  Please note the following:
*SSA Nomination Window April 13-24  
*Only written applications will be accepted; applications are available from the SSA website and must be turned in to Dr. Cecconi-Roberts, AIG Teacher
*Please contact Dr. Cecconi-Roberts,, or view the SSA website, for more information.

Wiley Spotlight

This week, the spotlight shines on Ryan Robertson and Heather Cassidy,
third grade teachers! (Sadly, we couldn’t track Ms. Dow down at press time; fear not, we’ll catch her another week!)

Here’s what Mr. Robertson had to say …
What do you like to do during the summer? I travel!  This summer my travels will take me to Illinois, Washington, Oregon, Colorado, and Wyoming.  I like to travel to different destinations to rock climb and visit friends.  
If you could teach anywhere (other than Wiley), where would it be?  I wouldn’t want to be anywhere other than Wiley!
Who was your most memorable teacher? Ms. Sorrenson, 6th teacher at Baldwin Elementary in Quincy, Ilinois.  We always did project-based learning, and she made learning a lot of fun.        
What is something that you are most proud of, that most people wouldn’t know about you? I have a two-year old namesake – Ryan lives in Martzio, Italy.    
If you could have anyone as a teacher who would it be?  Chris Sharma, a famous rock climber.
Here’s what Ms. Cassidy had to say …
What do you like to do during the summer? This summer I will be going to the beach with my kids (Lilly, age 10 and Jackson, age 6). This summer I will also be teaching them tennis!  It’s going to be the summer of science … we’ll focus on science activities.
If you could teach anywhere (other than Wiley), where would it be?  I would go to California to teach at my old school, Sunnyside – the small community is similar to Wiley’s.    
Who was your most memorable teacher? Ms. Oberhaus, 11th grade creative writing teacher at Mira Mesa HS in San Diego, California.  She nurtured my creativity and brought out my love of writing.        
What is something that you are most proud of, that most people wouldn’t know about you? I’m most proud of the journey I’ve taken with my son. He has autism and we’ve come a long way, with a lot of work.   
If you could have anyone as a teacher who would it be?  Albert Einstein – I don’t understand anything he was talking about, and I’d love to understand his brilliance.    

 Upcoming Events
Monday, April 20:  Discovery Education film crew on campus showcasing Wiley
Tuesday, April 21: 
Wednesday, April 22: 
Thursday, April 23: 5th grade in Williamsburg; Ms. O’Brien’s class to Special Olympics; Blum & Khan to Prairie Ridge; Wiley hosting delegation from Magnet Schools of America conference; Moe’s Dining Night Out (4-9pm)
Friday, April 24: 5th grade in Williamsburg

Tuesday, April 28 – Broughton HS to visit Wiley’s 2nd & 3rd graders to present a play
Thursday, April 30 – Wiley Pals to visit our partners at Shaw University; Wiley Band Concert @ St. Mary’s School – 7pm
Friday, May 1 – Broughton HS students to host 5th Grade Fun Day (kickball tournament)

Friday, May 8 – International Carnaval

Please consult the calendar on our website: for additional upcoming events.
Don’t forget to follow us on Twitter, too … @wileyelementary

News from our Wiley PTA
Thursday April 23rd is Restaurant Night Benefitting Backpack Buddies: Visit Moe’s in Cameron Village this Thursday, April 23 from 4:00 - 9:00 pm for a fun night out.  Visit with Wiley friends while helping to raise money for the Cecilia Rawlins Fund and Backpack Buddies.  BE SURE TO MENTION YOU ARE WITH WILEY WHEN CHECKING OUT.
Science Night a Success! A huge thanks goes out to Sarah Luginbuhl and Gretchen Ross for spearheading this year’s science night. Families were engaged in numerous science activities, including an in-depth look at ultrasound technology, opportunities to learn about wildlife of North Carolina, stop-motion animation, Go Green Club demonstrations, and NC State Engineering-led experiments involving diapers and chocolate.
In addition, the first (annual… we hope!) cardboard challenge was a huge hit. Thanks to all of the families who participated and helped their students to create cardboard games. It was fantastic to see all of the great imagination in the Wiley community.
Slate for 2015-2016 Board Announced: The PTA’s Nominating Committee is happy to announce the slate for the 2015-2016 PTA Executive Board. As in the past, we’ll vote on the board at the last PTA meeting of the year on Friday May 8th. Nominations are as follows:            
President: Teresa Jones
Vice President: Elyse Lyons
Treasurer: Christine Belledin
Secretary: Hadley Cairns-Heath

The nominating committee will also be reaching out over the next few weeks with a list of board and chair openings. If you’re interested in a role, but need guidance on the best fit, email the Nominating Committee Chair at

Monday, April 13, 2015

April 13

Weekend Fun:  Wiley students (and their parents) were busy this weekend!  I heard lots of buzz about Science Olympiads, Hello Dolly, birthday parties, soccer games, gymnastics meets, dance try-outs, and gardens & grounds clean-up!  With all of our support, I know our Wiley students were feeling the love – thank you!

International Carneval!  I recently observed in our advanced German class, and they provided a teaser for me of what’s to come at International Carnval.  Der Zauberlehrling lyrics … with Legos and rap.  I can’t wait to see what these talented German students do with this; I heard talk of wizards and water.  Be sure to mark your calendars for Friday evening, May 8th for an evening of fun! 

Pictures:  Wednesday, April 22 is the deadline to return individual picture orders. 

Walkers:  Please take note of these three reminders from our teachers that monitor walker dismissal:  1.) If your student is going home with another student after school, please send a note to let us know. Students will not be dismissed to other parents or with other students without a note.  2.) To be dismissed without an adult, 4th & 5th grade students with signed cards must show their card to the adult on duty before leaving the building.  3.) Individuals picking up students from walkers should have a green card. Please provide the card for grandparents, babysitters, etc. if they are helping you out with afternoon pick-up.  *Extra green cards are available in the office. 

Special Education Services Survey:  If you are the parent of a student with a disability with an IEP, please complete this survey: survey was originally created in 2012 to gather information about how Wake County Special Education Services met the needs of students with disabilities and their families. It is time to see the results of our work to continue to improve our services to students and families.

Cecilia Rawlins Fun Fundraiser: Papa Spud’s, a local fresh produce delivery service, has partnered with us for a spring fundraiser to raise money for children in need and families in crisis at Wiley. We currently serve 29 children each week with a Backpack Buddies delivery to provide weekend food.
Our students’ needs increase significantly in the next school year. We are likely to face the reality of doubling our weekly deliveries. We cannot do so without raising the funds first. Imagine the heartache of putting these children on a waitlist for weekend food. Your contributions are vital to help provide meals to these children so they can be successful, happy, healthy kids.
Papa Spud’s offers a variety of produce as well as other local treats from regional dairies, bakeries, and farms. You can customize your order, and it is delivered right to your front door! There is no obligation to continue to delivery service, but should you decided to carry on as a Papa Spud’s customer after the fundraiser, the registration fee will be waived.
Papa Spud’s is generously donating 50% of sales from this fundraiser to
the Cecilia Rawlins Fund.

How the Fundraiser Works: Purchase one box of locally grown produce, meats, dairy, and baked goods from Papa Spud's.
Customize the contents of your box, or do nothing and Pap Spud’s will set you up with a box of fresh, seasonal produce.
Your box will be delivered the week after your purchase, or you can hold the delivery until a later date of your choosing!
There’s a dedicated order page just for the Cecilia Rawlins Fund:

Wiley Band Registration & Instrument Show and Tell
Registration for the 2015-2016 Wiley Before-School Band is officially open, and all rising 3rd, 4th, and 5th graders are welcome to join!  If you'd like to learn more about band, please visit

If your child is interested in joining band, please join us for Instrument Show and Tell on April 13 and 15 from 4-5pm in the media center.  At Show and Tell, your child will learn about the instruments in the band, and have the opportunity to try them out!  We'll feature woodwinds (flute, clarinet, and sax) on April 13th, and brass and percussion (trumpet, trombone, bells, and snare drum) on April 15th.

Single Subject Acceleration (SSA) nominations will be accepted beginning today.  Nomination forms are available in the office and through the SSA Website,  Nominations must be returned to Dr. Cecconi-Roberts' mailbox no later than Friday, April 24.  Please contact Dr. Cecconi-Roberts at, if you have any questions.

 Upcoming Events
Monday, April 13:  Band Preview – 4-5 in media center
Tuesday, April 14:  K field trip to Science Museum
Wednesday, April 15:  Band Preview – 4-5 in media center
Thursday, April 16: Archie’s class to Prairie Ridge; PTA mtg. and Science Night @ 6:00
Friday, April 17: PTA sponsored cultural arts performance – the Opera (during the day)

Monday, April 20:  Discovery Education film crew on campus showcasing Wiley
Tuesday, April 21: 
Wednesday, April 22: Last day for individual picture orders
Thursday, April 23: 5th grade to Williamsburg; Ms. O’Brien’s class to Special Olympics; Blum & Khan to Prairie Ridge; Wiley hosting delegation from Magnet Schools of America conference; Moe’s Dining Night Out (4-9pm)
Friday, April 24: 5th grade to Williamsburg

Please consult the calendar on our website: for additional upcoming events.
Don’t forget to follow us on Twitter, too … @wileyelementary

News from our Wiley PTA
2015 Wiley Science Night Thursday April 16th at 6:00 p.m.
Wiley’s Science Night is this Thursday at 6:00 p.m.  It is a family event, and we'll have lots of great exhibits for children and adults.
The event will begin with a quick PTA meeting to elect our Executive Board for the 2015-2016 school year. Then, we’ll launch into a fun-filled evening with plants, animals, demonstrations, activities, and lots more! Take part in the family cardboard challenge! This event is not to be missed! If you’re interested in volunteering to help with the event, email
If you’ve decided to participate in the first annual Cardboard Challenge, all projects may be brought to the media center April 14th and 15th between 8:45 and 9:30am. A parent volunteer will be there to check in the projects. **Make sure all projects include your child’s name, their teacher, and grade level. Information on the project was in the blog on 3/30.  Email Ms. Ross at with any questions.
Final BAC 6 Meeting of the Year on April 16th at Noon
The final District 6 BAC meeting of the school year will occur on Thursday, April 16 at noon at Douglas Elementary, located at 600 Ortega Rd.
The topic will be transitioning from elementary to middle and middle to high. Some of our middle and high school principals will be sharing and answering questions. I encourage everyone to think through this topic ahead of time and come ready to discuss "best practices".
Please come to the meeting or forward your questions to our Wiley representative at

Dining Night Out:  Join us Thursday, April 23 for a Wiley restaurant night at Moe's (Cameron Village) from 4 to 9 pm. All proceeds will go to the Cecilia Rawlins Fund to support the Backpack Buddies program at Wiley. Be sureto mention that you are with Wiley!  We appreciate the support!

Tuesday, April 7, 2015

April 7

Looking for some weekend fun? Let Wiley students provide the entertainment!  Catch the Wiley thespians in their musical performance of Hello Dolly at Broughton HS Thursday, Friday, and Saturday evenings.  OR, if you’re looking for something a little more academic … don’t miss the action of the Wiley Science Olympiad teams in their competition at Broughton HS on Saturday.  Both groups of students have been going ‘the extra mile’ to ready themselves for the weekend!  Good luck! 
Don’t forget to wrap-up your weekend by getting a little dirt under the fingernails.  Gardens & Grounds is sponsoring a workday on Sunday afternoon!  Please consider helping us spruce up the place before we showcase our amazing school on the Magnet Schools of America's national conference tour!

Wiley Wonderers:  If one of our Wiley Wonderers slipped into your suitcase over Spring Break please allow it to jump into a bookbag to make its way back home.  We loved the Tweets … from inside the Wiley walls and beyond! 

Earth Day Activities:  Live It Up! Hillsborough Street is hosting their annual Earth Day Celebration happening Saturday, April 11, 2015. They will be showcasing different art and sustainability projects and also will have story time and kids crafts! Live & Local: Earth Day on Hillsborough Street is a free, family-friendly, event that will start at 2:00 p.m. and conclude at 9:00 p.m.

Single Subject Acceleration:  Please note the following:
*SSA Nomination Window April 13-24  
*Only written applications will be accepted; applications are available from the SSA website and must be turned in to Dr. Cecconi-Roberts, AIG Teacher
*Please contact Dr. Cecconi-Roberts,, or view the SSA website, for more information.

Wiley Band Registration & Instrument Show and Tell
Registration for the 2015-2016 Wiley Before-School Band is officially open, and all rising 3rd, 4th, and 5th graders are welcome to join!  If you'd like to learn more about band, please visit

If your child is interested in joining band, please join us for Instrument Show and Tell on April 13 and 15 from 4-5pm in the media center.  At Show and Tell, your child will learn about the instruments in the band, and have the opportunity to try them out!  We'll feature woodwinds (flute, clarinet, and sax) on April 13th, and brass and percussion (trumpet, trombone, bells, and snare drum) on April 15th.

Books are Magic:  The Book Drive has been extended … now is the time to do a little spring cleaning with those bookcases!  Please consider donating gently-used books for our Wiley “bookstore” that will provide books for those needing assistance in building their summer book collections. Collection bins are located throughout Wiley. 

End of Grade Testing: Our End of Grade (EOG) testing dates have been set.  Please mark these dates on your calendar now! Below you will find the list of specific dates.  If you are a K-2 Wiley family, please keep reading! This year we have a greater need for volunteer test proctors. While proctoring is not the most fun you will ever have, it’s essential to providing all students with a positive testing environment. The more volunteer proctors we have, the more teaching assistants we can leave in your child’s classrooms. Also, by having K-2 families proctor, this will  provide you with insight into the world of EOGs. As a Wiley family, we look forward to another opportunity to pull together to support our school!

Calling all volunteers . . . WE NEED YOU! Please visit this link to sign up to proctor.
Proctors will need to attend a one hour training prior to EOG testing. The training consists of a 30 minute security video and 20 - 30 minutes of talk time. Proctor trainings will be scheduled the week of May 4th at various times throughout the week.

Tuesday, May 19th:  3rd Grade ELA and 4th Grade Math
Wednesday, May 20th: 3rd Grade Math and 4th Grade ELA
Thursday, May 21st:  5th Grade ELA
Friday, May 22nd: 5th Grade Math & Makeups
Monday, May 25th: No School - Memorial Day
Tuesday, May 26th: 5th Grade Science & Makeups
Wednesday, May 27th: Makeups

Please contact our Testing Coordinator, Chris Hahner, with any questions. You may email her at or leave a message in the office with your name and phone number.

Wiley Spotlight
… will return next week!

 Upcoming Events
Wednesday, April 8: Book Fair – open until 6:30 w/ food trucks!    
Thursday, April 9: Book Fair; Hello Dolly @ BHS
Friday, April 10:  Book Fair; Report Cards; Hello Dolly @ BHS
Saturday, April 11:  Science Olympiad @ BHS; Hello Dolly @ BHS
Sunday, April 12:  Gardens & Grounds work day – come one, come all!

Monday, April 13:  Band Preview – 4-5 in media center
Tuesday, April 14:  K field trip to Science Museum
Wednesday, April 15:  Band Preview – 4-5 in media center
Thursday, April 16: Archie’s class field trip to Prairie Ridge
Friday, April 17: PTA sponsored cultural arts performance – the Opera

Please consult the calendar on our website: for additional upcoming events.
Don’t forget to follow us on Twitter, too … @wileyelementary

News from our Wiley PTA
Last Week of Collections for Fun Run
Thanks to all have paid and/or collected pledges for the Fun Run. We are at 91% right now and aiming to get to 100% this week. If we can collect 100%, Wiley will profit over $20,000 for much-needed technology updates.
You should receive a list of outstanding pledges in your child’s Monday folder today. Please help your child connect with their sponsors and send in payments . Payments should be in a sealed envelope with student's name and teacher on the outside. Please bring in pledges by Thursday April 9th in time for our final count day.

Spring into Reading at Wiley’s Spring Book Fair this Week!
The Spring Book Fair starts Tuesday! Come to Wiley’s Media Center to Spring into Reading and browse the selection of books for sale.
Book Fair Hours:
Tuesday 8:45 AM – 4:30 PM
Wednesday 8:45 AM - 6:30 PM
Thursday 8:45 AM – 4:30 PM
Friday 8:45 AM – 10:00 AM
 •The fair is open late on Wednesday until 6:30 p.m.   Food trucks will be on campus for dinner and dessert (Captain Ponchos and JAM Ice Cream), with 10-20% of their profits going to our PTA.  Plan to take a night off from cooking and enjoy an easy meal with friends at Wiley!
 •The book fair is always FUN, but we need your help for it to be successful.  We especially need help during preview day (9:30 am – noon, when the K-2 students come to look), before school sales (8:45-9:30 am), and after school sales (3:30 pm until closing).  To sign up for a time that works for you, please visit 
We look forward to seeing you at the fair! For more information or with questions about volunteering, please contact Lisa Fultz or Wendy Worley at

2015 Wiley Science Night April 16th, Including Family Project

Wiley’s Science Night is coming up soon on April 16th at 6:00 p.m. The event will begin with a quick PTA meeting to elect our Executive Board for the 2015-2016 school year. Then, we’ll launch into a fun-filled evening with plants, animals, demonstrations, activities, and lots more! Take part in the family cardboard challenge! This event is not to be missed! If you’re interested in volunteering to help with the event, email