Updates 3/18/13
Come one, Come All!
Based on the parent survey data, 94% of parents reported that their child/children "feels welcomed and accepted at Wiley". Wow. You could not have made us prouder of our work! At Wiley we are an award winning Positive Behavioral Intervention and Support school. We use proactive teaching and modeling of social, emotional, and academic skills to maximize student success. It is empowering to know that you recognize our belief in creating an open, welcoming environment for our students.
The survey also indicated 88% of parents "feel welcomed and accepted at Wiley". Our beliefs about what is important to students transcends into what we do for the rest of our community. This year, we have focused on providing ongoing tutor and volunteer training to parents and community members. In addition, to making the school open and welcoming to our guests, we wanted to maximize their effort and energy through this training. It has been very successful for our students and has created happy volunteers!
The PTA has developed an additional survey to gather parent input on their efforts, on your ideas, and ongoing projects. This is a survey to better understand the needs and wants of the Wiley Elementary parent community. Your feedback and the ability to get parent volunteers to lead these activities will be what drives the PTA agenda for the 2013-14 school year. However, even if you only have a fifth grader, the PTA is interested in your feedback. You can take the survey HERE. A random survey participant will receive a $50 gift certificate.
To Williamsburg and Beyond
This week our entire fifth grade (students, staff, and parents) will travel to Williamsburg, VA for a two-day field trip experience. What an awesome real world introduction into their study of the Civil War?! While traveling, the students will visit Yorktown, Jamestown, and Williamsburg. The trip even includes an evening ghost tour of downtown. I will update you on their travels through our Twitter account Thursday and Friday.
Upcoming Events
March 26: Family Curriculum Night (family picnics on the lawn 5-6, parent info session in the media center 6-6:30, fun family activities school-wide 6:30-7:30)
March 28-April 5: Spring Break
April 15: Report Cards
April 19: Early Release, 1:15 dismissal