Monday, May 20, 2013

Updates 5/20/13

Updates 5/20/13

Moonlight Pizza, Anyone?
Tuesday, May 21 is Wiley Restaurant Night at Moonlight Pizza. Moonlight Pizza is donating 15% of ALL day proceeds to the Wiley PTA. Help support Wiley while supporting one of our neighborhood restaurants. Spread the word to your non-Wiley friends and family, too!
Parent Input for 2013-2014
Last week I began collecting parent input letters regarding placement in classes for next year. You can drop off a letter in the office or email it directly to me at If you choose to write a letter, please consider the following questions:

1. What went well this year and what could be even better for your child next year?
2. What kind of learner is she or he? 
3. What kind of environment does she or he tend to thrive most?
4. **Because teachers primarily develop class lists for their students in the next grade (ex. current second grade teachers make classes for the students' third grade year), the answer for the following question will be shared with grade level teachers: Are there one or two other students with whom they should be placed in order to facilitate a smooth transition? 

Parents of rising Kindergarteners, please feel free to also write a letter for your child! These will be considered during staggered entry.

As in the past, your letter will remain confidential (with the exception of question 4). Remember that I cannot accept letters that request specific teachers in any way.  The last day we will accept letters for rising 1st-5th graders is May 24, 2013.
Upcoming Dates:
May 20-22: EOGs for 3rd through 5th grade
May 21: Moonlight Pizza Restaurant Night 
May 24: Parent Input Letters due date
May 27: Memorial Day Holiday
June 3: Field Day
June 4: Volunteer Appreciation Breakfast, 9am 
June 7: Fifth Grade Graduation, 9:30am
June 10: Last Day of School

Upcoming PTA Business Meeting
The PTA will hold a special business meeting in conjunction with the Transition Pot-Luck on June 6 beginning at 6PM in the Media Center. During this meeting, we will ask for a vote to shift monies to cover line items that exceeded the budgeted amount. In addition, new officers and new committee chairs will meet to develop work plans for the 2013-2014 school year. If you would like to participate in the pot-luck, bring a dish to share.  All PTA members are invited. If you have questions, feel free to contact Eliz Colbert, president or Tom Hubschman, president-elect