Who We Are and Who We Will Be!
Welcome to the 2013-2014 school year. This year's Kindergarten class is the high school graduating class of 2026! Can you imagine what they will experience in the time between now and then? As we experience everyday, the world is rapidly changing in knowledge, skills, and perspectives needed to be productive. Last week the Wiley staff collaboratively developed and agreed upon values that we accept as ours and a mission that describes why we come to Wiley each day.
We VALUE a safe and respectful learning community of innovative:
*Risk Takers
*Critical Thinkers
*Problem Solvers
that fosters growth and global understanding.
Our Mission is: The Wiley community empowers innovative learners who explore and enhance our changing world.
We hope you will join us in agreeing to focus energy and efforts behind these values and this mission. These elements will guide our work with our students, our families, our colleagues, and our community. The Wiley staff is proud of our past and proud of our future as we journey towards excellence!
Instructional Resources
Based on research and our agreed upon values, Wiley has redistributed our wireless technology tools throughout the school. Each classroom at Wiley has a SmartBoard or Apple TV and at least 4 desktop computers. Additionally, each homeroom has at least 2 iPads and 1 mini wireless laptop. This makes all homerooms 3:1: 3 kids to 1 tool. It is our goal to improve the ratio significantly and to replace old and unusable desktops with wireless tools. Throughout the year, we will share with you how we use this technology at Wiley to meet our mission of ALL innovative learners having the tools they need to CREATE learning not just CONSUME learning!
New Year, Need to Know:
*The Wiley website is updated: http://wileyes.wcpss.net (Check it out frequently as it will be updated frequently!)
*Make sure you check the Calendar on the website for important upcoming events.
*The new Wiley student/parent handbook is posted on the website. Please review it in its entirety as there have been updates.
*Ms. McMahon became Mrs. McMillan over the summer. Please make sure you update your contacts to her new email address kmcmillan3@wcpss.net.
*You will receive teacher newsletters on the 1st and 3rd Mondays of the month
*Everyone picking up a child at WALKERS and CARPOOL must have the appropriate card prior to picking up your child. Please go to the office to obtain the card prior to 3:00pm. If you are new to Wiley, you will need to also have your driver's license when coming to pick up the card.
*Upcoming Important Dates:
--August 28, 12:00pm and 6:00pm Parent Meeting about **Single Subject Advancement (see below)
--August 30, 2:00pm Kindergarten Meet the Teacher
--September 2, Labor Day Holiday, No School
--September 6, Teacher Workday, No School
**Single Subject Advancement information here: Dr. Cecconi-Roberts AIG webpage.