Monday, January 27, 2014

Update 1/27/14

Wiley Updates 1/27/14

Read to Achieve Implementation
As you know new reading guidelines are now in place for third grade students. "The goal of the Read to Achieve program, a North Carolina initiative, is to ensure that every student read at or above grade level by the end of third grade and continue to progress in reading proficiency so that he or she can read, comprehend, integrate, and apply complex texts needed for secondary education and career success (WCPSS, 2013)." Tuesday night (Jan. 28th) at 6:30pm in Wiley's media center, hear more information about what this looks like at Wiley for our current 3rd graders. The target audience is current 3rd grade parents, but all are welcome. More district information can be found here:

Enjoy Great Food and Help Wiley Kids Travel!
Sosta Café is an international coffee bar, serving breakfast, lunch and pastries in a trendy decor with world music. Located at 130 E. Davie Street in downtown Raleigh, Sosta offers vegan, vegetarian and traditional food options. 

Sosta is supporting fifth grade's capstone field trip to Williamsburg by donating 30% of proceeds fromWiley customers* the entire first week of February.  Grab a coffee, breakfast or lunch and it will make a difference to Wiley Elementary!

Monday, February 3, 7:30am - 3:30pm
Tuesday, February 4, 7:30am - 3:30pm
Wednesday, February 5,  7:30am - 3:30pm
Thursday, February 6,  7:30am - 3:30pm
Friday, February 7,  7:30am - 3:30pm
Or consider placing a take-out order for your office at 919-833-1006.

* Be sure to tell the cashier you want your purchase to benefit Wiley Elementary and forward this message to friends who work and/or regularly dine downtown. 

                                   Thanks for supporting Wiley kids!

Upcoming Important Dates
January 28, 6:30pm Third Grade Read to Achieve Parent Information Session
January 28, Report Cards go home 
February 14, Early Release, dismissal at 1:15pm
February 17, Teacher Workday, no school for students

Wiley PTA Updates
PTA Thanks Parents for Phantom Donations
Dear Wiley Parents, 
In behalf of the PTA, we are excited to announce that we have met our Phantom Fundraiser goal for 2013-2014!  Thank you, so very much to everyone who contributed to Phantom and Winter Thanks!  (Of course, it is never too early to begin donating for 2014-2015!) 
Because of your donations, we have been able to make Wiley an amazing place for students to learn and staff to work.  Staff Appreciation is a year-long commitment the PTA makes to our staff.  It began this year with the Back To School Breakfast, and included honoring our custodians during Custodian Appreciation Week, and celebrating other key events. 
On the morning of Winter Thanks, the PTA was able to award $7600 in teacher grants purchase resources that will directly impact student learning.  Materials included drums for music electives, iPod touches, Thinkpads, math subscriptions, reading literature, and other curriculum resources.  Finally, your generous donations have supported our cultural arts assemblies throughout the year and will be used to support Curriculum and International Nights this spring.
We are in the process of finalizing 2013 Tax Letters for donations made to Phantom and Winter Thanks program.  If you do not receive a tax receipt letter and were expecting one, please contact us at
Thank you, again, for making Wiley an amazing place to learn and teach!
Your Phantom Co-Chairs, 
Heather Davis Bauer and Catherine Bray
Boosterthon is coming to Wiley—Information on this PTA Initiative
Wiley Family-
As you may have heard, Boosterthon is coming to Wiley during the month of February. The PTA wants to provide you with an overview before the formal program begins. Here are some answers to frequently asked questions. If your question is not addressed below, please email with your additional questions: 
 What is Boosterthon? 
A Boosterthon is a fundraising event and school fun run. It encourages physical fitness, teamwork, leadership and character all while raising funds for the school. The company that runs our Boosterthon has a proven track record of organizing successful fundraising fun-runs for over 650,000 students a year. Many of our local schools have utilized Boosterthon to successfully manage this fundraising effort. 
The Boosterthon Fun Run program is a healthy alternative to traditional product sales that raises much-needed funds for our school. The Boosterthon program also promotes three specific values during the fun-filled experience:  Fitness, Leadership, and Character. This year’s character theme is CAMP HIGH FIVE, and it’s all about FRIENDSHIP! But not just developing the friendships students already have; it’s about viewing EVERYONE as a friend, no matter who they are, or how different they may first appear to be. The event will focus on the following values: 
  • Friendship
  • Respect Others
  • Don’t Bully
  • Shout Out Strengths
  • Stick Together
  • Show Sportsmanship
When will the event take place?
The event will kick off with a 30-minute school-wide Pep Rally on February 18th, 2014 and conclude on 
February 27th, 2014 with the Boosterthon Fun Run event.
Why did the PTA decide to undertake a new fundraiser this year in addition to Phantom and other fundraising activities (e.g., restaurant nights, book fairs)?
We all know that school budgets are under strain, and although we'd rather not have to raise funds at all, our school and kids need us to!  Recent state-wide budget constraints made this year’s PTA realize that additional fundraising is necessary to meet the needs of teachers and students.  Our Boosterthon run will be a Fun Run for Technology.
How will the funds be used? Why did the PTA decide to hire a company that takes a portion of the profits to run the event? 
Wake County’s education system is quickly teaching in a blended learning environment with book and technology based learning. While the core to the learning experience will still be student-teacher interaction, without appropriate technology resources, students will not have access to necessary digital learning tools. Wiley’s current plan is to have a 3:1 (students to device) ratio. With aging computers, this is not so in many classes.  Our goal is to raise $10,000 to be used to replace and enhance technology resources for our kids at Wiley. We can do it with the Boosterthon Fun Run, and we need your help!                   
Historically, other schools report earning 3-4 times as much on this event after the Boosterthon cut than on other types of fundraising activities. Boosterthon (the organizing company) does take a portion of the profits from the event as compensation for management of the event. In exchange, the company provides a turnkey fundraising event, providing everything from online management of pledges, organized school spirit rallies, prizes  and management of the event itself. The Boosterthon Fun Run team spends 300 hours organizing the event, freeing up our teachers and administrators to focus on education!  The PTA did consider running this event internally, but, there were not leaders willing to step up to run the event. Our hope is that, in future years, the PTA can manage it internally. 
Will my child be asked to fund raise? 
Families will be asked to fund raise, but will certainly not be required to do so. It is your decision as a parent whether or not your child solicits donations for the fun run. With that said, the PTA felt that an advantage of an event like this is directly helping our students in their classrooms.
How does the event raise money? 
Students will be asked to solicit pledges towards the number of laps they will run at the Boosterthon Fun Run. Students will run between 30-35 laps.  35 is the lap max.
Is successful fundraising required to be a part of the fun run?
No, even if a student does not participate financially every child receives a complimentary Wiley customized Boosterthon t-shirt, daily character stickers, participates in the fun run, and attends the character-building events . Students will not be singled out in the run for successful fundraising, nor will other students know how much each child raises individually.  
How much class time will be missed due to Boosterthon? 
Three short events will pull students out of class: character activities, an all-school pep-rally, and the actual fun-run itself are held in large groups.  About 75% of the time during these events is spent on physical fitness and character-building. The focus of the rally, materials, and run itself align well with Wiley’s Mission and Values. Other than short announcements during the standard morning announcement period, other class time won’t be impacted. 
How much running will the students do?
The Boosterthon course is 1/16 of a mile, and most students end up running 30-35 laps, so just over 2 miles. 
Are pledges tax-deductible?
Yes, pledges and payments will be made to the Wiley PTA so your donation is tax-deductible. You won’t be receiving any goods (e.g., wrapping paper) in return for your donation, so every dollar you spend is tax deductible. 
What should I do If I am unhappy about the Boosterthon Fun Run?
Your PTA is comprised of volunteers who share a passion for improving the education at Wiley. However, we realize that there are many ideas and opinions about the best way to support the school. We welcome your feedback, even if negative. The PTA is a democracy and our strength is determined by the involvement of you, the parents. Please feel free to contact Tom at with concerns not related to the technical execution of the Fun Run itself.
How can I help?
  • Help your child to fund raise and ask for donations. A packet will be provided to help with this effort when we kick off the fun run in February.
  • Email if you would like to help with the events. We need lots of volunteers and a strong cheering section to make the event a success!
  • Come and cheer on your child at the Boosterthon Fun Run on February 27th, 2014!
Where can I learn more?

This is THE major fundraising event for the semester. Thanks in advance for supporting Wiley International Magnet!

Wednesday, January 22, 2014


Wiley Updates 1/22/14

Spelling Bee Winners
Last week's First (in a long time) Annual Spelling Bee was a huge success!!!  Fifth Grader, Carina L. is our winner, with Jasmine Y. and Willa W. are our runners up.  All the students did very well!! It was exciting to have Penn Holderness as our Pronouncer and Dr. Baines and Dr. DeNeef as our judges. Congratulations to all that participated!

5th Grade Magnet School Session 
As you probably know, the magnet application period will be Jan. 28 - Feb. 9.   If you are considering magnet options for your child, you will find important information that you need at   Click on the "school assignment" tab and enter your street address to determine both your base school assignment and magnet options.  The application will need to be completed online during the application period.  If you would like assistance completing the online application, please call me at 856-7734.  I can help walk you through the application process over the phone, or you can schedule an appointment with me here at Wiley and we can complete it on a school computer (during Jan. 28 - Feb. 9).

You are invited to attend a session presented by Tamani Anderson-Powell of the WCPSS Magnet Office on Friday, January 24, 12:00 -1:00 PM, in the media center.   She will explain the "in's and out's" of the magnet application process and answer any questions you have.  You may bring a bag lunch if you're hungry!  An RSVP to me is encouraged but not required.  I hope you can attend this informative session! 

If your child is planning to go to his/her base school, then no action is necessary.  Please contact Mrs. Williams if you have any questions about the magnet session 919-856-7734 (Mrs. Williams' office). 

Check Out Your Child's Art Online
Ms. Rose is using her Wiley website  to post student art work. The site changes almost daily, so check it out often!  

Meet and Talk with Superintendent, Dr. James Merrill
Share your thoughts about district initiatives and ideas on school improvement with Dr. Merrill at upcoming Superintendent Direct Line sessions. Find out more, including times and locations, at this link:

Science Olympiad Summer Camp
For those of you in the Triangle area, Science Olympiad will be offering 6 weeks of NCSO summer camps in NC State's campus for rising 3rd - 6th graders.  All the camp information is on the website, their friends get a special discount - enter the coupon code NCSO for $25 off each camp!

Upcoming Important Dates
January 28, 6:30pm Third Grade Read to Achieve Parent Information Session
January 28, Report Cards go home 
February 14, Early Release, dismissal at 1:15pm
February 17, Teacher Workday, no school for students

Monday, January 13, 2014

1/13/14 Updates

Wiley Updates 1/13/14

Kindergarten Registration Begins
Kindergarten Registration begins Monday, Jan. 13th from 9:30 a.m.- 1:30 p.m.  each day in the Wiley Media Center. Wiley is a capped school, so bring 2 proofs of residence: One should be a current electric, gas, or water bill or current rental agreement. The second should be a deed, closing papers, or original lease in the parent/guardian's name.

Please note that the magnet application period begins January 28. If you will be applying for magnet status for your Kindergartener you must register them before you can participate in the magnet application process. 

Wiley Kids are Taking Action by Teaching Yoga at a Local Fundraiser, Join Them!
Wiley students in the Yoga in Action elective will teach a Kids Yoga class on Friday, February 7 from 4 - 4:45 PM at Blue Lotus Yoga and Movement Arts, 401 N West St, Raleigh, NC 27603.  This is a fundraiser for Big Brothers Big Sisters.  Please join the fun and come on out to support this good cause.  Donations will be taken at the door. Prizes will be awarded at the end of class.
Parent Volunteers Needed

The ACCESS for English Language Learners test will be administered during the month of February. Ms. Ferrando could really use some parent proctors. If you can help, please contact Lisa Ferrando at  This commitment would involve about an hour and a half of your time one or more week day mornings.  Did I mention chocolate is involved?

Guest Blog Post from Mrs. Yoshikawa, Our Japanese Teacher
As we all know, Wiley is a very unique elementary school that offers 5 different languages including less common taught languages: Chinese and Japanese.  There are many benefits to learn second (often third!) language.  Students have better understanding of other people and cultures; they gain clearer insight into structure of their own native tongue: English; they have more flexibility in thinking processes through problem solving, conceptualizing, and reasoning; students score higher on the verbal sections of the SAT and other standardized tests; and they will have better opportunities towards careers.

Exposure to rich cultural studies, which our language team carefully plans, promotes your children to accept differences which lead to respect others and themselves.  They are able to connect what they learn with what they already know.  It is very fortunate to learn deeply about world geography, world events, global issues, and other cultures and customs at the elementary level.  We are also privileged to get them ready for the 21st century higher level thinking and ever changing world.  Our children will also be ready for the language classes in the secondary schools as many colleges and universities require two credits of foreign language at high school level to apply them.    

Upcoming Important Dates
January 17, Early Release 1:15 dismissal
January 20-21, No School
January 28, 6:30pm Third Grade Read to Achieve Parent Information Session

Wiley PTA Updates 

Chess Club Registration—New and Continuing Participants Welcome
Chess Club - Session 2 will begin on Friday, January 31st.  The 2nd session invites new and returning students to learn the game and further develop their skills in a fun and challenging environment.  Chess Club meets Fridays mornings at 8:00 am in the Wiley Media Center. The cost for 9 lessons is $110. Dates for this session will be 1/31, 2/7, 2/14, 2/21, 2/28, 3/7, 3/14, 3/21, and 4/11
Parents interested in registering their student(s)  can do so on the Chess Achieves website at:
In order to offer this service to Wiley students, parents of Chess Club members will be asked to volunteer their time to assist in supervising the children at one or more morning sessions. Note that parent volunteers must be registered as volunteers at WCPSS. For more information about the Chess Club, you may contact Melanie Harsch at 
A limited number of scholarships are available for families who are experiencing financial hardship. Scholarship applications must be submitted by January 27th.  To learn more about Chess Club Scholarships and obtain an application, please contact Teresa Jones, at

Committee  Needed for International Night
The PTA is searching for volunteers to help organize Wiley’s International Night. The committee will be responsible for building the timeline, organizing food trucks, and coordinating any related fundraisers (a raffle last year). As the event occurs in the evening, this is a great volunteer opportunity for parents who are unable to volunteer during the school day due to other commitments. Please reach out to who will organize an initial planning meeting. 

March 20th General PTA Meeting Cancelled
The March 20th General PTA Meeting has been cancelled. Instead, we’ll hold a quick PTA meeting as a part of Family Science / Curriculum Night on March 13th

Talent Show Application and Rehearsal Schedule
The application deadline for the talent show is coming up--9:00 PM, Monday, January 20th. 
If you are planning to participate in the Talent Show, please read this information carefully as it contains the application, required permission slips and important dates


K-2 TALENT SHOW:   4:30 PM, Thursday, February 6th
3-5 TALENT SHOW:   6:30 PM, Thursday, February 6th

Groups with an equal number of K-2 and 3-5 performers will perform in the K-2 show. (e.g., one 1st grader & one 3rd grader)   Groups with an unequal number of K-2 and 3-5 performers will perform in the show of the majority. 


PERMISSION SLIPS DUE:     1:30 PM, Friday, January 17th
PERFORMANCE MUSIC (IF DELIVERED ON CD):  1:30 PM, Friday, January 17th)
PERFORMANCE MUSIC (IF E-MAILED):      9:00 PM, Monday, January 20th
APPLICATION DEADLINE:  9:00 PM, Monday, January 20th
INITIAL REVIEW OF ACTS: 3:45 PM, Thursday, January 23rd 
DRESS REHEARSAL: 3:45 PM, Thursday, January 30th 
K-2 TALENT SHOW: 4:30 PM, Thursday, February 6th 
3-5 TALENT SHOW: 6:30 PM, Thursday, February 6th 

If Inclement Weather strikes, the effected event and subsequent ones will be pushed out one week. (For example, Inclement Weather on Thursday, January 30th will move the Dress Rehearsal to February 6th and the Talent Shows to February 13th.) 


Processing applications electronically is a PTA initiative aimed at improving communications and providing a better Talent Show experience. Below you’ll find information on the application process.  If you have questions about the application, please e-mail Scott Andrews at If you do not have online access to complete an application, paper copies of the application will be available in the Wiley Office. 

Before filling out the application, please confirm:  

1.  No other application has been submitted.  
               -  Please submit ONLY one application per act and include ALL performer's names. 
2.  Correct spelling of student name(s) 
3.  Student homeroom teachers
4.  Student grade(s)
5.  Type of performance
6.  Credit(s) for any borrowed works (songs, poems, etc.)
7.  Any additional performance requirements 
               -  For example, microphones, microphone stands, music stands, chairs, tables, etc.

After confirming the information above, complete the application by following this link:  

(You also may copy & paste or type the link directly into your browser's navigation bar.)

After completing the form, click “Submit” one time. You should receive a message saying, “Your response has been recorded”. 


For safety reasons, parents/guardians must sign a permission slip allowing their children to participate in Talent Show activities. Please print and fill out the attached Permission Form. A limited number of printed forms will be available in the Media Center. Completed Permission Slips should be returned to the Media Center by 1:30 PM, Friday, January 17th.


Please e-mail performance MUSIC as an attachment to Dawson Roark at The music file name should include your child's name and the name of the song. If you have questions, please contact Dawson at the address above. 

If you are unable to e-mail MUSIC, a box will be place in the Media Center for CD collection. The deadline for music submission on CD is Friday, January 17th. 

Monday, January 6, 2014


January 6th Updates

Meet Ms. Karen Rose, Wiley's New Art Teacher
Karen Rose has been an artist for over 25 years. She most recently taught at Sacred Heart Cathedral School and has also taught art at WCPSS elementary schools Lynn Road, Pleasant Union and Wakelon. She went to UC Berkeley and earned her masters at the School of Visual Arts in New York City. She is from Marin County, California. She has traveled throughout the United States and Europe and was lucky enough to visit the Galapagos Islands. She is an avid tennis player, hiker/camper, gardener and garden designer. Her own children are in middle school and high school, but her favorite age to teach is elementary school! Mrs. Rose has the greatest respect and admiration for children and their wonderful creativity, imagination and art. She is thrilled to teach at Wiley. Please  join the staff and kids in welcoming her to the Wiley Family!!

Lockdown Practice Drill
Wiley is required to conduct at least one lockdown drill each year. All students practice for what to do during a drill more frequently in their classrooms than the whole school drill. When a whole school drill occurs, Raleigh Police Department and WCPSS Security Department employees are on campus to conduct and participate in the drill. While I know that why we have to have drills is a hard reality for adults, rest assured that for our students drills are handled exceptionally calmly and positively by staff. Please note one change this year is that whole school drills will be unannounced until it occurs (when it occurs, it is clearly announced on the intercom that it is a "drill"). If you happen to be on campus during the drill, please follow staff directions immediately. As always, let me know if you have questions  or 919-856-7723.

Important Parent Meeting for Third Grade Parents
As we have shared with you, there are new legal guidelines in North Carolina for third grade reading proficiency, including mandatory retention for students not meeting reading standards. Please plan to attend an informational session at Wiley to learn how this impacts your child. This session will be at Wiley in the media center on January 28th at 6:30pm and will be recorded for those of you that cannot attend. 

Academically-Intellectually Gifted Nomination Window is Open
The nomination window for second semester testing for AIG identification of 4th and 5th graders is now open.  Nominations must be in writing and sent to Dr. Cecconi-Roberts ( and will be taken through Tuesday, January 21, 2014.  Please contact Dr. Cecconi-Roberts if you have any questions.

Upcoming Important Dates
January 17, Early Release 1:15 dismissal
January 20-21, No School
January 28, 6:30pm Third Grade Read to Achieve Parent Information Session 

Wiley PTA Updates
Boosterthon Needs Support!!
The Boosterthon is coming to Wiley on February 27th, 2014! To make this event a success, we need your help. Two ways to participate: 
Join the Boosterthon Planning Committee: 
The Wiley PTA is in need of a few creative volunteers to help with promoting, decorating, handing out/collecting info to teachers/parents, etc. If you can help, please join us at our planning meeting on January 7th. 9:15-10:45 in the Media Center. 
Promote your company on the t-shirts: 
Want to support your local school as well as advertise your company to the entire Wiley population? Become a Sponsor of the Wiley PTA via Wiley’s Boosterthon Fun Run happening February 27th, 2014. 
For a contribution of $250.00, get your small company logo on the back of a customized Wiley t-shirt that will be worn on race day (and beyond) by every student and staff member. For a sponsorship of $500.00 or more we will place a larger company logo on our race T-shirts. In addition, all sponsors' names and logos will also be proudly displayed on a 2ʼ x 4ʼ banner on the Wiley campus during the entire month of February, on two large A Frames on campus on race day, as well as in our school newsletter and on our Wiley PTA website. After T-shirt costs, one hundred percent of the proceeds from sponsors will go directly to the PTA for technology programs. Sponsorship availability is first come, first served. Please contact Amy Bryson:
The Wiley PTA is a non-profit 501(c) (3) corporation, so your sponsorship donation may be tax deductible! Deadline for sponsorships, (in order to be listed on T-shirt and other promotional items), is January 10, 2014. The PTA will provide a tax receipt for your use after receiving your donation. 
Save the Date for the Talent Show 2/6/2014
Mark your calendars! Tell your kids! Save the date! Talent Show is a month away!
Wiley’s Talent Show is a great community event. Our talented and good-humored students love the chance to take the stage for family and friends. It's a special evening full of music, dance, skits, song and hula hoops! In fact, it has become so popular there will be two shows this year!
A lot of behind-the-scenes work goes into making the Talent Show successful (e.g., script writers, stage hands, kid movers). Right now, the Talent Show Committee is VERY short-handed. Without additional volunteers, the show may be cancelled. If you can help, please e-mail Scott Andrews at or Many thanks!
Here is some initial information—more details on the new, online application and music submission process will come next week. 
APPLICATION DEADLINE 9:00 PM, Monday, January 20th
INITIAL REVIEW OF ACTS: 3:45 PM, Thursday, January 23rd 
DRESS REHEARSAL: 3:45 PM, Thursday, January 30th 
K-2 TALENT SHOW: 4:30 PM, Thursday, February 6th 
3-5 TALENT SHOW: 6:30 PM, Thursday, February 6th 

The Initial Review of Acts, Dress Rehearsal and Talent Shows will be held in the Wiley Media Center. If Inclement Weather strikes, the effected event and subsequent ones will be pushed out one week. (For example, Inclement Weather on Thursday, January 30th will move the Dress Rehearsal to February 6th and the Talent Shows to February 13th.) 

  • Performances will be limited to TWO MINUTES.
  • PERMISSION SLIPS will be submitted by Friday, January 17th. (Permission slips are for your child(ren)’s safety. Thank for you assisting.)
  • MUSIC will be submitted electronically by 9:00 PM, Monday, January 20th. (Details will follow next week. No special software or accounts will be required.)
  • Acts will be prepared for partial review at the INITIAL REVIEW OF ACTS.
  • Only acts reviewed at INITIAL REVIEW OF ACTS will participate in the TALENT SHOW.
  • Acts will attend / participate in the DRESS REHEARSAL.