Monday, January 13, 2014

1/13/14 Updates

Wiley Updates 1/13/14

Kindergarten Registration Begins
Kindergarten Registration begins Monday, Jan. 13th from 9:30 a.m.- 1:30 p.m.  each day in the Wiley Media Center. Wiley is a capped school, so bring 2 proofs of residence: One should be a current electric, gas, or water bill or current rental agreement. The second should be a deed, closing papers, or original lease in the parent/guardian's name.

Please note that the magnet application period begins January 28. If you will be applying for magnet status for your Kindergartener you must register them before you can participate in the magnet application process. 

Wiley Kids are Taking Action by Teaching Yoga at a Local Fundraiser, Join Them!
Wiley students in the Yoga in Action elective will teach a Kids Yoga class on Friday, February 7 from 4 - 4:45 PM at Blue Lotus Yoga and Movement Arts, 401 N West St, Raleigh, NC 27603.  This is a fundraiser for Big Brothers Big Sisters.  Please join the fun and come on out to support this good cause.  Donations will be taken at the door. Prizes will be awarded at the end of class.
Parent Volunteers Needed

The ACCESS for English Language Learners test will be administered during the month of February. Ms. Ferrando could really use some parent proctors. If you can help, please contact Lisa Ferrando at  This commitment would involve about an hour and a half of your time one or more week day mornings.  Did I mention chocolate is involved?

Guest Blog Post from Mrs. Yoshikawa, Our Japanese Teacher
As we all know, Wiley is a very unique elementary school that offers 5 different languages including less common taught languages: Chinese and Japanese.  There are many benefits to learn second (often third!) language.  Students have better understanding of other people and cultures; they gain clearer insight into structure of their own native tongue: English; they have more flexibility in thinking processes through problem solving, conceptualizing, and reasoning; students score higher on the verbal sections of the SAT and other standardized tests; and they will have better opportunities towards careers.

Exposure to rich cultural studies, which our language team carefully plans, promotes your children to accept differences which lead to respect others and themselves.  They are able to connect what they learn with what they already know.  It is very fortunate to learn deeply about world geography, world events, global issues, and other cultures and customs at the elementary level.  We are also privileged to get them ready for the 21st century higher level thinking and ever changing world.  Our children will also be ready for the language classes in the secondary schools as many colleges and universities require two credits of foreign language at high school level to apply them.    

Upcoming Important Dates
January 17, Early Release 1:15 dismissal
January 20-21, No School
January 28, 6:30pm Third Grade Read to Achieve Parent Information Session

Wiley PTA Updates 

Chess Club Registration—New and Continuing Participants Welcome
Chess Club - Session 2 will begin on Friday, January 31st.  The 2nd session invites new and returning students to learn the game and further develop their skills in a fun and challenging environment.  Chess Club meets Fridays mornings at 8:00 am in the Wiley Media Center. The cost for 9 lessons is $110. Dates for this session will be 1/31, 2/7, 2/14, 2/21, 2/28, 3/7, 3/14, 3/21, and 4/11
Parents interested in registering their student(s)  can do so on the Chess Achieves website at:
In order to offer this service to Wiley students, parents of Chess Club members will be asked to volunteer their time to assist in supervising the children at one or more morning sessions. Note that parent volunteers must be registered as volunteers at WCPSS. For more information about the Chess Club, you may contact Melanie Harsch at 
A limited number of scholarships are available for families who are experiencing financial hardship. Scholarship applications must be submitted by January 27th.  To learn more about Chess Club Scholarships and obtain an application, please contact Teresa Jones, at

Committee  Needed for International Night
The PTA is searching for volunteers to help organize Wiley’s International Night. The committee will be responsible for building the timeline, organizing food trucks, and coordinating any related fundraisers (a raffle last year). As the event occurs in the evening, this is a great volunteer opportunity for parents who are unable to volunteer during the school day due to other commitments. Please reach out to who will organize an initial planning meeting. 

March 20th General PTA Meeting Cancelled
The March 20th General PTA Meeting has been cancelled. Instead, we’ll hold a quick PTA meeting as a part of Family Science / Curriculum Night on March 13th

Talent Show Application and Rehearsal Schedule
The application deadline for the talent show is coming up--9:00 PM, Monday, January 20th. 
If you are planning to participate in the Talent Show, please read this information carefully as it contains the application, required permission slips and important dates


K-2 TALENT SHOW:   4:30 PM, Thursday, February 6th
3-5 TALENT SHOW:   6:30 PM, Thursday, February 6th

Groups with an equal number of K-2 and 3-5 performers will perform in the K-2 show. (e.g., one 1st grader & one 3rd grader)   Groups with an unequal number of K-2 and 3-5 performers will perform in the show of the majority. 


PERMISSION SLIPS DUE:     1:30 PM, Friday, January 17th
PERFORMANCE MUSIC (IF DELIVERED ON CD):  1:30 PM, Friday, January 17th)
PERFORMANCE MUSIC (IF E-MAILED):      9:00 PM, Monday, January 20th
APPLICATION DEADLINE:  9:00 PM, Monday, January 20th
INITIAL REVIEW OF ACTS: 3:45 PM, Thursday, January 23rd 
DRESS REHEARSAL: 3:45 PM, Thursday, January 30th 
K-2 TALENT SHOW: 4:30 PM, Thursday, February 6th 
3-5 TALENT SHOW: 6:30 PM, Thursday, February 6th 

If Inclement Weather strikes, the effected event and subsequent ones will be pushed out one week. (For example, Inclement Weather on Thursday, January 30th will move the Dress Rehearsal to February 6th and the Talent Shows to February 13th.) 


Processing applications electronically is a PTA initiative aimed at improving communications and providing a better Talent Show experience. Below you’ll find information on the application process.  If you have questions about the application, please e-mail Scott Andrews at If you do not have online access to complete an application, paper copies of the application will be available in the Wiley Office. 

Before filling out the application, please confirm:  

1.  No other application has been submitted.  
               -  Please submit ONLY one application per act and include ALL performer's names. 
2.  Correct spelling of student name(s) 
3.  Student homeroom teachers
4.  Student grade(s)
5.  Type of performance
6.  Credit(s) for any borrowed works (songs, poems, etc.)
7.  Any additional performance requirements 
               -  For example, microphones, microphone stands, music stands, chairs, tables, etc.

After confirming the information above, complete the application by following this link:  

(You also may copy & paste or type the link directly into your browser's navigation bar.)

After completing the form, click “Submit” one time. You should receive a message saying, “Your response has been recorded”. 


For safety reasons, parents/guardians must sign a permission slip allowing their children to participate in Talent Show activities. Please print and fill out the attached Permission Form. A limited number of printed forms will be available in the Media Center. Completed Permission Slips should be returned to the Media Center by 1:30 PM, Friday, January 17th.


Please e-mail performance MUSIC as an attachment to Dawson Roark at The music file name should include your child's name and the name of the song. If you have questions, please contact Dawson at the address above. 

If you are unable to e-mail MUSIC, a box will be place in the Media Center for CD collection. The deadline for music submission on CD is Friday, January 17th.