Wiley Updates
Don't Forget EOGs continue this week!
Tuesday, June 3rd- 3rd-5th graders
New WCPSS Transportation Process for Next Year, Started May 30
The WCPSS Transportation Department will put new practices into place for the 2014-15 school year with the goal of improving bus service for families.
- New families may complete a request for service when they enroll for school.
- New families must sign up approximately one month prior to the start of the school year to receive first day service.
A recent article was published in the News and Observer related to the new procedures. It can be found here: Transportation Changes.
Important Dates
June 3: EOG 3rd-5th grades
June 9: Field Day
June 11: 5th Grade Graduation Celebration, 9:30am
June 12: Last Day of School
Wiley PTA Updates
PTA Chair / Board Staffing for Next Year
Interested in getting involved as a committee chair or board member on the PTA next year? Plan on coming to our transition potluck to learn more about the roles that are open. The potluck will be held on Thursday June 5th in the Media Center. If you’d like to attend and help to set the vision for next year’s PTA, please email Teresa Jones atvp.services@wileypta.org.
We’re still finalizing the list of open positions and will publish next week, but at this point, know that we’ll have VP, Services open as well as committee chair / co-chair positions for the fall and spring fundraisers, Membership, Nominating, Audit, Directory, and International Night (co-chair potentially with an experienced leader).