Tuesday, June 9, 2015

June 9

Happy Summer Vacation!

Upcoming Events
Thursday, August 20:  Meet the Teacher
Monday, August 24: First Day of School
Monday, August 24 – Thursday, August 27: Kindergarten Staggered Entry
Friday, August 28:  Kindergarten Popsicle Pop-In (Meet the Teacher)

Wiley Spotlight
This week, the spotlight shines on Neena Fortune, 2nd grade teacher.  We saved Ms. Fortune as the year’s final Wiley Spotlight as we bid her farewell.  Of Ms. Fortune’s 32 years in education, 24 of those have been spent at Wiley. We are grateful for her service and hope that retirement brings her relaxation and joy!

Here’s what Ms. Fortune had to say …
What do you like to do during the summer? I love to read (for pleasure), work in my yard, visit family, and go to the beach.  Also, my husband and I go for a walk each evening, and I enjoy listening to the night noises that we hear on our summer walks. 
If you could teach anywhere (other than Wiley), where would it be?  I have always wanted to visit Australia so I would teach in Australia. 
Who was your most memorable teacher? Ms. Keith, sixth grade teacher at Teachers’ Memorial Elementary, in Kinston, NC. The year I was in her room, the enrollment increased and we were put in a room just off of the stage, the former music classroom.  We were away from all the other classrooms, and we could be loud as we wanted to be so she really incorporated “PLAY” in our day.  She was always an active participant when we were outside for recess, and on rainy days, we played cool games inside. 
What is something that you are most proud of, that most people wouldn’t know about you? I am proud that I learned a foreign language and have been able to use it in my teaching. 
If you could have anyone as a teacher who would it be?  Fred Astaire - because I love to dance!

Ms. Fortune’s final remarks ...  Wiley has felt like my second home, and I hope that it continues to be a great place for students to learn and grow.