Picture Day: We need about 3 helpers for Picture day (Friday,
10/24) - 2 in the morning and 1 in the afternoon. As a token of our thanks, the
volunteers will receive a complimentary package A. Please email Ann if interested (acoventry@wcpss.net).
Afternoon Dismissal: As your students enjoy Wiley's campus
for afternoon and after-hours play, please maintain close supervision and
remind students of safe play.

NC State Fair:
Speaking of art, while at the fair be sure to look for the pieces
created by our budding Wiley artists.
Six students have work on display and another four students have work
exhibited on the fair’s website! Congratulations
Marcela, Leah, Beatty Grace, Nina, Felix, and Oscar!
Spirit Week: Get ready to celebrate the fun of Spirit Week - October 27th-31st.
MONDAY - At Wiley we think of school as our home away from home: dress comfy & cozy (wear pjs or other comfortable clothes - no slippers or stuffed animals).
TUESDAY- At Wiley we work together as a team to learn and play: wear clothes or colors that help you represent a sports team or any other team/club that you're involved in or that you like.
WEDNESDAY- At Wiley we enjoy taking a break every now and then ... it's a Teacher Workday!
THURSDAY- At Wiley we use our brains to work with purpose and passion: decorate your brain with a hat or crazy hair.
FRIDAY- At Wiley, we have spirit: wear your Wiley wear (and throw in a little bit of brown to support Kindergarten's 'Color Fridays'!).
Wiley Spotlight of the Week – This week’s Wiley Spotlight
shines on Special Education teacher (and Wiley parent), Laura O’Brien.

If you could pick anywhere to teach, where would it be? Why? (And you can't pick your present job). I would love to teach at Ron Clark’s Academy in Atlanta because I think he is amazing, and I could learn a lot from him.
What's the funniest thing that has happened to you while teaching? During my first year of teaching, my principal came to observe me and I began to break out in splotchy hives. One of my students kindly brought that to EVERYONE’s attention.
Who was your favorite teacher? Ms. O’Hara, first grade teacher at Our Lady of Mount Carmel School, Newport News, VA – She made everyone feel important and made school fun!
Tell us about your family.
I have three kids
– Emma (age 16), Cameron (age 13), and Lilly (age 6). My husband, Mark and I have been married 23
years. We met in college.
Upcoming Dates
Tuesday, 10/21 - Friday, 10/24: International Book Fair
Friday, 10/24: Picture Day; Fifth Grade Parent Lunch & Learn @ 12:00 – WCPSS Middle School Magnets, presented by Tamani Anderson-Powell, Director of Marketing & Communications in the WCPSS Magnet Office in the Wiley Media Center
Monday 10/27 - Friday, 10/31: Spirit Week
Tuesday, 10/28 - International Showcase Day - classes will showcase 1st quarter learning during language/electives blocks
Wednesday, 10/29: Teacher Workday
Saturday, 11/1: WCPSS Magnet Fair at Southeast Raleigh HS from 9am-12pm
Friday, 11/7: Early Release
Monday, 11/17: Cecilia Rawlins Fund Kickoff at BusyBee to Benefit Backpack Buddies for Wiley Students, 6-9 pm (http://ceciliarawlinsfundkickoff.peatix.com/)
News from our Wiley PTA
International Book Fair This Week:
international book fair is coming to Wiley next week! Your child will come home
on Tuesday with a wish list. Review the list and help them to select books that
you'd like them to purchase. To purchase books, either send a check/cash with
your child or visit the Book Fair in the Media Center. (Credit cards will be
accepted.) Here is how you can
Come to
the Fair: October 21st -24th in the Media Center
8:45 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.
Wednesday: 8:45 a.m. - 6-30 p.m,
Wednesday: 8:45 a.m. - 6-30 p.m,
Special author event from 4-5 p.m. with
Stephanie Greene, author of the Princess Posey and Owen Foote books.
trucks for dinner and dessert
8:45 a.m-4:30 p.m.
Friday 8:45 a.m.-9:30 a.m.
Friday 8:45 a.m.-9:30 a.m.
Donate to
the Book Fairy Fund:
We will once
again be collecting donations to the Book Fary fund at checkout to ensure that
each child goes home with a book. We have over 75 children who are given
coupons, and with your help, we can make sure they go home with a great book!
Shop at
Quail Ridge or Online:
You can shop
through October 26th at Quail Ridge Books and Wiley will receive 20%
of your total purchase:
1. Go to
Quail Ridge Books at 3522 Wade Ave in Raleigh. Purchase anything, and mention
Wiley at checkout.
2. Go to
www.quailridgebooks.com and order anything you'd like. (You can even ship
elsewhere!). Enter Wiley in the comments section at checkout.
Please reach
out to vp@wileypta.org or vpwaysandmeans@wileypta.org with any questions.