We may have missed eight days of school due to inclement weather, but Wiley has certainly been packing in the action over the last two weeks. Classes have been buzzing with new learning … ‘how-to’ books, subtraction, life cycle study with millipedes, Australian netball, social justice, structure & properties of matter, and long division problem solving! Our learning has been nicely complemented with in-class field trips, out-of class field trips, student recognition at Pieces of Gold, artwork honors at the General Assembly, fun run, talent show, coding club, and YMCA swimming.
Wow. We’ve been busy! Never a dull moment around Wiley!
from this:
to this:
(snow photo by Mary Beth Harvey)
Single Subject Acceleration: We included information about SSA in last week’s post. Please refer to www.wakeacceleration.weebly.com or contact Wiley’s SSA contact, Lecia Cecconi-Roberts at lcecconi-roberts@wcpss.net for more information.
A Helpful Resource: Does your child sometimes experience anxiety? Do you find that simple reassurance that "everything is OK" doesn't seem to help? Ms. Williams, our counselor, recommends this article found at: http://www.heysigmund.com/anxiety-in-kids/
It provides child-friendly analogies for what happens in the brain when anxiety strikes and practical strategies for helping to alleviate it. As always, feel free to contact Ms. Williams with any concerns you may have about your child.
Wiley Spotlight

What do you like to do during the summer? Everything that gets neglected around my house during the school year gets cleaned up in the summer! I spend time playing with my kids and usually take a family trip to the beach.
If you could work anywhere, besides Wiley, where would it be? I would enjoy being paid to write children's books. I also dream of having my own bookmobile and driving around to neighborhoods where kids need access to books. Maybe that is something for retirement...
Who is your most memorable teacher? I took classes in college with a religion professor named Miranda Shaw. She really opened my mind to new ideas and other religions. I made a trip to Nepal later on because she inspired me to go there. I still love traveling and learning about other cultures!
Tell us about one of your craziest teaching moments. I ate a worm once at Wiley. The authors of Middleworld were here talking about their books and the rainforest. They brought with them some dried bugs and challenged the teachers to try eating them. Who says librarians are boring?
What is your favorite thing about Wiley? I love my mornings at Wiley. The library can be a crazy, hectic place from 9:00-9:30, and it's my favorite time of day!
Upcoming Events
Monday, March 16:
Tuesday, March 17:
Wednesday, March 18:
Thursday, March 19: Cultural Arts Experience – performances during the morning, workshops during the afternoon, and family performance in the evening at 6:30; Ciago’s – restaurant night
Friday, March 20:
Additional Upcoming Dates:
Monday, March 23 – Wednesday, March 25: Make-up days
Thursday, March 26 – Friday, March 27: Spring Break!
Friday, April 3: Holiday – No school
News from our Wiley PTA
Talent Show:
Thursday evening, we watched in amazement as Scott Andrews, Dawson Roark and their Talent Show team, put together a show in a matter of hours. They held auditions and rehearsals simultaneously and then went on to have one of the smoothest running shows we've seen. Thank you to everyone who helped make this night happen, especially all of our Wiley student performers!
Fun Run:
On Friday, we witnessed an explosion of school spirit as families, teachers, and administrators, cheered on our students for the Wiley Rock-n-Run. Thank you to the parents who marked shirts, gave out water, and celebrated every lap with our racers. Our Principal and Assistant Principal (a.k.a. the dynamic duo of Taylor and Ware) kicked off the run with their impressive dance moves. Ms. Ware then went on to run all the laps, with all the classes, totaling 8 miles! Ms. Taylor was also on the track, running with the kids, supporting them, and keeping them going. Together, our kids ran a total of 11,948 laps! As a team, 2nd grade registered the most number of students and raised the most amount of pledges. We think the 3rd grade had the most fun, since their reward involved pies in the face to Mr. Robertson - what a great sport! Thank you to everyone who came out to support our school and make this a fun and successful event!
We are also thankful to our Boosterthon team for the many ways they accommodated our requests to change the program to fit our school. We were able to give every student the chance to earn a prize just by registering. The PTA was able to give each child a Wiley Rock-n-Run t-shirt, by getting sponsors for the shirts. We scaled back on the emphasis on pledges and prizes and instead focused on character lessons and traits, and we exceeded our goal!
As a community we received pledges which will result in over $20,000 in profit to Wiley, if we can collect 100%. Please help your child connect with their sponsors and send in payments by Thursday, 3/19. Payments should be in a sealed envelope with student's name and teacher on the outside. Thank you for all your support!
Gardens and Grounds:
Thanks also go out to our fabulous Gardens and Grounds leader, Patricia and all of the volunteers who have been helping to clean up gardens, paint signs and generally beautify the campus. Our next work day will be coming up after Spring Break!
Cultural Arts and Restaurant Night at Ciago’s:
In your student's Monday folder, you will find an announcement for a special event this week, Thursday, March 19th at 6:30 p.m. The Wiley PTA is pleased to present our first Family Concert Event! Please join us for Silver Trout Arts, a collaboration of two highly respected teaching artists, Susana and Timmy Abell, whose concerts blend the diversity of four art forms together with beautifully played music on seven different instruments.
Before the concert, enjoy a nice dinner at Ciago’s! 522 St. Marys Street, Wiley will have its monthly restaurant night at this tasty eatery. Ciago’s will donate 10% of all sales to Wiley, so let your non-Wiley friends know as well. Come out and support this local business and your PTA!
Chess Club Registration Open:
Registration for the fourth quarter of Chess Club begins today! Chess Club will meet on Friday afternoons (3:45-4:45) in the art room from 4/10/15-6/6/15. Cost is $110. Need-based financial aid is available. Please contact vp.communications@wileypta.org or the front office for more information.
Since interest in Chess has been high and there are a limited number of seats in the club, parents will be required to pre-register with the PTA before registering on the Triangle Chess website. After you submit your PTA registration form, a representative from the PTA will contact you within 24 hours to confirm your child's spot in the club.
To register online, please go to the following website:
*Please be aware that the PTA requires club parents to volunteer once per quarter.
Frozen Skate Night Rescheduled to Tuesday March 31st:
The Frozen skate night has been rescheduled to Tuesday March 31st. A flyer should have come home in your child’s Monday folder. Feel free to reach out to vp.programs@wileypta.org with any questions.
Spring into Reading at Wiley’s Spring Book Fair
The Spring Book Fair starts Tues., April 7! Come to Wiley’s media center to Spring into Reading and browse the selection of books for sale.
Book Fair Hours:
Tuesday 8:45 AM – 4:30 PM
Wednesday 8:45 AM - 6:30 PM
Thursday 8:45 AM – 4:30 PM
Friday 8:45 AM – 10:00 AM
The fair is open late on Wednesday until 6:30 p.m. Food trucks will be on campus for dinner and dessert, so plan to take a night off from cooking and enjoy an easy meal with friends at Wiley!
The book fair is always FUN, but we need your help for it to be successful. We especially need help during preview day (9:30 am – noon, when the K-2 students come to look), before school sales (8:45-9:30 am), and after school sales (3:30 pm until closing). To sign up for a time that works for you, please visit www.SignUpGenius.com/go/8050C48ADAA229-spring.
We look forward to seeing you at the fair!
For more information or to volunteer, please contact Lisa Fultz or Wendy Worley at spring.book.fair@wileypta.org.