Monday, May 18, 2015

May 18

Wiley International Carnaval Photos:  If you would like to save and print your own photo booth pictures, please visit Then, click on the EVENTS link.

Volunteer Appreciation Breakfast:   Calling all of our incredible Wiley volunteers!  Please allow us to celebrate you at our Volunteer Breakfast on Monday, June 1st at 8:45am.  No matter how big or small your contribution, we are grateful for you!  Your invitation is here.  (Surely, you’d hate to just sit around after eating such a delicious breakfast … make plans to stay to volunteer at Field Day. See below!) 

Media Center News:  The media center will be open for book check out through Thursday, May 21. All books and magazines that have been checked out by students are due back Friday, May 22. Lost books can be paid for by a check made payable to Wiley or cash in the exact amount (we cannot make change). If you pay for a lost book and later find it, you can donate it to the library or keep it. We cannot refund money. Please contact Ms. Molloy with any questions about lost books. Thank you!

Field Day:  We will need your help for Field Day to be a success once again this year.  K-1st-2nd grade games will begin at 9:30 and end at 11:30.  Students in 3rd-4th-& 5th will begin at 1:00 and end at 3:00.  Volunteers will be able to sign up for a game when they arrive at school on the day of the event.   All volunteers must already be pre-approved in order to take part in our activities.  You may volunteer for the whole day, or just during a certain time period, but please let me know so that I can ensure that we have full coverage.  If you are interested in helping please send me an e-mail ( or send a note to school with contact information.  This year we are also having our volunteer breakfast before field day, so it would be a great way to allow us to thank you for your time and energy, as well as help out one more time this year!   

End-of-Grade testing:  This week, our 3rd-5th graders will take their end-of-grade tests for Reading & Math.  Fifth grade science will be administered Tuesday, May 26.  

One more shout-out for Ms. O’Brien!  Ms. Ware and I were honored to join Ms. O’Brien at last week’s WCPSS Teacher of the Year banquet.  Thank you, Ms. O’Brien, for representing us so well! (And thank you, PTA, for sponsoring & supporting us at the banquet!)

Wiley Spotlight
This week, the spotlight shines on Reggie Eaddy, Wiley’s custodian. 

Here's what Mr. Reggie had to say:  
What do you like to do during the summer? Fish, play basketball with my son, and sleep.
If you could work anywhere (other than Wiley), where would it be?  So many choices … The Oval Office - White House, Washington DC
Who was your most memorable teacher? Mr. Williams – Wendell Elementary School, Wendell, NC.  He had the ‘power of the pen’ … which meant that he wouldn’t argue back with you, but he would use his pen to write it down and send it to the office. 
What is something that you are most proud of, that most people wouldn’t know about you?  My kids – Jade (age 12), Kayshawn (age 11), and Latrell (age 6)
If you could have anyone as a teacher who would it be?  My father; he was a great teacher. 

 Upcoming Events
Monday, May 18:
Tuesday, May19: EOGs
Wednesday, May 20: EOGs; field trip – Ms. Kurtz & Ms. Leigh’s class
Thursday, May 21: EOGs; Family Night @ Pullen Park & Jersey Mike’s dining night out
Friday, May 22: EOGs

Don’t forget that Monday, May 25 is a holiday and there is no school!

Please consult the calendar on our website: for additional upcoming events.
Don’t forget to follow us on Twitter, too … @wileyelementary

News from our Wiley PTA
Pullen Park Event and Restaurant Night:  Pullen Park Social Event & Restaurant Night:  On Thursday, May 21st, the PTA will have the last social event and restaurant night of the year. Jersey Mike’s on Peace Street will be donating a portion of the proceeds to the PTA. Grab some sandwiches and head to Pullen Park (408 Ashe Ave) for an evening of fun with your Wiley friends. We have reserved the Carousel Pavilion beginning at 4:00. Rides at Pullen Park are $1.

Peace St. Jersey Mike's:
200 West Peace Street
Raleigh, NC 27603
Tel: 919-832-7972

Pullen Park:
408 Ashe Ave
Raleigh, NC 27606

Tel: (919) 996-6468

Monday, May 11, 2015

May 11

Thank You!  On behalf of the entire Wiley staff, please accept my sincerest gratitude for the outpouring of love during last week’s Teacher Appreciation Week! 

Letterland Event:  Please consider joining us Saturday, May 16 from 10 a.m. – 4 p.m. at Pullen Park to celebrate Letterland.  Haven’t heard of Letterland?  Just ask any Kindergarten, First, or Second Grade student!  Free admission into the park, and rides are $1.  Flyer can be found here

Did you hear?  At Wiley’s wild and crazy pep rally last Friday, a $10,000 check was presented to Ms. Khan and Wiley as part of Target’s #thanksabillion campaign.  Ms. Khan and Ms. O’Brien, along with all of our Wiley teachers, were honored with lots of loud noise! 

Wiley International Carnaval: The annual International Night at Wiley was a huge success. Students showcased their extensive language knowledge, while families and community members were able to expand their knowledge of other cultures and enjoy a family meal with our entire community. What a joy! Thank you to all volunteers and staff who helped with the months of planning to make the event such a pleasure. We look forward to next year's event and welcome any feedback and volunteer inquiries now. Email Sadie Hoover at to share. Additionally, if you would like to save and print your own photo booth pictures, please visit Then, click on the EVENTS link.

Books are Magic:  The store opened today!  Thanks to the generous support of our Wiley families, the Books are Magic library is full of books that will supplement some of our students’ at-home collections. For more information about the Books are Magic programs, click here.

Wiley Spotlight
This week, the spotlight shines on Kathy Jeffries, Special Education teacher. 

What do you like to do during the summer? Read! Read! Read!  I also like to spend time with family, both near and far.
If you could teach anywhere (other than Wiley), where would it be?  I've been at Wiley for a long time....I think I'll just stay a while longer.
Who was your most memorable teacher? Miss Tonnies - She was my second grade teacher and the inspiration for me to become a teacher.
What is something that you are most proud of, that most people wouldn’t know about you?  My family - four children and four grandchildren (almost five).
If you could have anyone as a teacher who would it be?  Anyone because there is always someone who knows something that I don't know but want to know.

 Upcoming Events
Monday, May 11:
Tuesday, May12:
Wednesday, May 13: 
Thursday, May 14: Third Grade field trip to Science Museum; last day of Y-Learning afterschool program (note: this is Y-Learning, not YMCA afterschool care)
Friday, May 15:
Saturday, May 16:  WCPSS Letterland event at Pullen Park

Please consult the calendar on our website: for additional upcoming events.
Don’t forget to follow us on Twitter, too … @wileyelementary

News from our Wiley PTA
International Carnival: Wow! Just when you think that events at Wiley can’t get any better, the committee in charge of International Carnival, shows us what teamwork can really accomplish. The success of Friday’s celebration, exemplifies what this year has been about --the Wiley family, working together, in a spirit of unity, with positive leadership, to create something wonderful for our kids. Thank you to Sadie Hoover, the language teachers, the elective teachers, Stef Reed, Laurie Holderness, Katherine Hite, and all the volunteers who helped make this night a success!
Pullen Park Social Event & Restaurant Night:  On Thursday, May 21st, the PTA will have the last social event and restaurant night of the year. Jersey Mike’s on Peace Street will be donating a portion of the proceeds to the PTA. Grab some sandwiches and head to Pullen Park (408 Ashe Ave) for an evening of fun with your Wiley friends. We have reserved the Carousel Pavilion beginning at 4:00. Rides at Pullen Park are $1.
Congratulations Go Green Club!  Wiley’s Go Green Club, mentored by Patricia Brezny, won the US Green Building Council’s Environmental Stewardship Challenge, in 3 categories. Wiley Elementary School placed 1st in the 'Sites' category, 2nd in 'Energy' and 3rd in 'Waste.'  They won a total of $950, to fund their club efforts for the upcoming year!
The Environmental Stewardship Challenge is a competition for K-12 schools. USGBC NC provides seed money and a Mentor to each school to help get them started. Students select projects to improve their school environment in one or more of the following categories: Energy, Water, Recycling, Indoor Air Quality, Site. Students work on their projects beginning in September and continue until the month of March. Students should engage the entire school population to increase the impact of their projects, and document their projects throughout the year. At the end of the Challenge, the documentation is judged by independent judges and cash prizes are awarded in each of the 5 categories.
Wiley PTA Open Positions:  Were you inspired by any of the PTA events you attended this year, or do you have ideas to make them better? Whether you have 15 minutes a week, or an hour a day, we can find a job for you! Below are a few of the programs and committees that need your help to make next year’s events a success.
Advocacy  This committee is tasked with improving communications and relationships between school staff and families; educating families and caregivers on important issues related to the health and educational success of their children.
VP Student Support and Enrichment  Vice Presidents are expected to attend monthly board meetings and submit reports, oversee and support committee chairs, act as liaisons between PTA Board members and committees, and support board sponsored events throughout the year.
Fun Run  This committee oversees the preparation, communication,  Event is scheduled for late February-early March. Preparation begins in December with the most significant time commitment during mid-February to mid-March. During the two weeks of the event, commitment can be 1-2 hours a day or more.
Healthy Lifestyles  This committee will promote healthy lifestyles by conducting programs and events that promote health education, physical activity, and parent involvement.
Gardens and Grounds  The International Gardens and Grounds Committee helps maintain the Wiley gardens and landscaping throughout the year.  Responsibilities include organizing regular Saturday grounds workdays 5-6 times during the school year, as well as coordination of people and materials.
Merchant Rewards  Merchant Rewards Committee manages programs and fundraisers which partner with businesses to bring in cash for the PTA. In the past, these programs included Harris Teeter Together in Education, Target Take Charge of Education, BoxTops, Food Lion, and Tea Collection clothing. Merchants may be added / revised each year.
Wiley Wear  Wiley Wear committee manages Wiley logo item sales throughout the year. The committee distributes and collects order forms, places the order with the printer, and distributes the clothing order.

More information on PTA positions and committees can be found at If you are interested in any of the above positions, or in becoming more involved in Wiley PTA, please contact Teresa Jones,, or Elyse Lyons,

Monday, May 4, 2015

May 4

Spirit Week:  To kick off International Carnaval, Wiley will be having a SPIRIT WEEK, which begins today through May 8th. This spirit week incorporates ways to investigate the world, hear others' perspectives, and take action. We hope you will enjoy this fun week by showing your true Wiley Spirit. View the SPIRIT WEEK FLYER here

International Carnaval: International Carnaval (formerly International Night) is this Friday! Please mark your calendars for May 8th from 6-8 pm. Food Trucks and the Photo Booth will begin opening at 5:30 pm.  We are still in need of volunteers. Please check out this sign-up link HERE to see if there is a spot where you can help. Please take a look at theInternational Carnaval flyer to see a more detailed schedule, list of food trucks, and a map of the event. We look forward to showcasing our International Studies theme with our Wiley family and friends. 

Wiley Spotlight

This week, the spotlight shines on Ann Coventry (Lead Secretary & Book Keeper) and Margaret Price (Fifth Grade Teacher). They are pictured above clowning around during the recent fifth grade Williamsburg trip.  

Here's what Ms. Price had to say:
What do you like to do during the summer? Travel – I enjoy going to the beach and traveling the east coast.  I also enjoy visiting family in South Dakota and New York. I am currently planning a European summer. 
If you could teach anywhere (other than Wiley), where would it be?  There’s no other place like Wiley!  (So, I’m a permanent fixture until I’m wheeled out.)
Who was your most memorable teacher? My middle school social studies teacher in Fort Knox, Kentucky - he motivated his students while always bringing out the best in them. 
What is something that you are most proud of, that most people wouldn’t know about you?  When I taught fourth grade (in Rapid City, SD), my class won a National Principals Award for a website we designed on Native Americans. I missed the awards ceremony in Atlanta because we were grounded due to the events of 9/11.  

Here's what Ms. Coventry had to say:  

What do you like to do during the summer? I like to go to the beach when I have a chance to do so. 
If you could work anywhere (other than Wiley), where would it be?  Singapore – I enjoy visiting there, and I have family living in Singapore. 
Who was your most memorable teacher? Mrs. Anderson - the Head Mistress at my boarding school in London. As an eight-year old child at a boarding school without my parents, she was extremely kind and loving to me. 
What is something that you are most proud of, that most people wouldn’t know about you? I am a trained chef and worked for the Prime Minister of London.  I have cooked for Michael Palin, the Monty Python team, and many other celebrities. 
If you could have anyone as a teacher who would it be?  Ms. Price!  She taught both my children.

Upcoming Events

International Spirit Week, Teacher Appreciation Week, Single-Subject Acceleration testing
Monday, May 4 – Water Awareness Day – wear blue
Tuesday, May 5 – International Relationships Day – wear crazy mismatched clothing
Wednesday, May 6 – Language Day – “hello” hat day
Thursday, May 7 – Environmental Respect Day – wear earth-loving outfits for Flower Power Day – dress 60s
Friday, May 8 – You Day! – wear a flag on your shirt or clothing from your native country; International Carnaval; International Week Pep Rally @ 3

Please consult the calendar on our website: for additional upcoming events.
Don’t forget to follow us on Twitter, too … @wileyelementary

News from our Wiley PTA
Teacher Appreciation Week is Here:
It's time to show our teachers and staff just how much we appreciate them!  Many of you have signed up to volunteer and/or bring in food for the Staff Appreciation lunches Monday-Thursday this week.  If you are, please label dishes so that they can be returned and remember that we will be feeding 60-70 people. Thank you! 
We are so fortunate to have such wonderful teachers and staff at Wiley.  This week provides us with a great opportunity to show our teachers how much their hard work means to us.  Something as simple as writing a note or bringing in flowers means a lot! 
There are still opportunities available to volunteer to help with the lunches. Consider signing up for one of the spots to set up / clean up:  
Thank you in advance for helping make our teachers feel appreciated!

International Carnaval and PTA Election is this Friday—Friday May 8th!
International Carnaval (formerly International Night) is this Friday! Please mark your calendars for Friday, May 8th from 6-8 pm. Food Trucks and the Photo Booth will begin opening at 5:30 pm.   Our committee has been very busy organizing, creating, contacting, and delegating!  We are down to the final details, and you might be able to help. Please check out this sign-up link to volunteer:
We look forward to showcasing our International Studies theme with our Wiley family and friends. In addition, we will be electing our 2015-2016 PTA Exec Board at this event.
Nominations are as follows:
President: Teresa Jones
Vice President: Elyse Lyons
Treasurer: Christine Belledin
Secretary: Hadley Cairns-Heath

Pullen Park and Jersey Mike’s Restaurant Night on May 21st
Our last social event of the year will be a combined event. Grab dinner at Jersey Mike’s and come to Pullen Park to enjoy dinner with your Wiley family. Details to follow in next week’s blog, but mark your calendar for this fun event.