Guest Bloggers Coming Soon
Beginning next week, I am excited to announce guest bloggers! I will feature a blog entry written by two staff members about a topic related to one or more of our global competencies: Investigate the World, Communicate Ideas, Recognize Perspectives, and Take Action! Dr. Cecconi-Roberts and Mrs. McCann will start us off next week with ways to support your child in Communicating Ideas through Effective Questioning.
Upcoming Dates
PTA General Membership Meeting-Wake Bond 2013 Team Presentation; Sept. 17th at 7pm
Early Release, September 27th dismissal at 1:15
Classroom Cleaning Day; October 3 at 4:30
Wiley PTA Updates
Classroom Cleaning Day: Volunteers Needed!
Wiley is having a massive Classroom Cleaning Day on 10/3/13 from 4:30 to 6pm. Five volunteers are needed for each classroom, help is also needed for other school spaces. To sign up, go to:
Phantom Fundraiser Starts NOW
Each year, the Wiley PTA needs to raise money to cover the expenses of offering the programs that make Wiley such an exceptional place to learn and grow. The Phantom Fundraiser is Wiley’s the most important fundraiser—and the most straightforward! Families simply decide how much they can afford to contribute and then make a donation. There is nothing to sell, nothing to deliver. And best of all, Wiley receives 100% of the amount you contribute and your contribution is 100% tax deductible. The Phantom Fundraiser is an important way for families to contribute to the programs we value that will not otherwise be possible. These programs include the Cultural Arts programs, the Talent show, International Night, Science Night, grants for teachers, Wiley Partners tutoring and mentoring programs, Winter Thanks and Staff Appreciation, the beautification of Wiley grounds, and many other programs. No amount is too large or too small! Our budget for school programs will be discussed at the general membership meeting Sept. 17, 2013 (at 7:00pm). A letter will be coming home in Monday Folders with more information about the Phantom Fundraiser and an envelope to send in your donation. If you wish to donate on-line using PayPal, please go to the Phantom Fundraising link on the Wiley PTA website: And, if you have any questions, please contact Wiley PTA’s Ways & Means Committee Member, Heather Davis Bauer (
Raleigh Ballet
Please see this FLYER about tickets for the Raleigh Ballet that also supports the Wiley PTA!