Inaugural Guest Blog Post
This week, I am excited to introduce a new feature of our blog. We will have a blog post authored by two Wiley teachers. They will share information on how our international magnet elements "look" at Wiley in a variety of ways.
Today's Guest Bloggers are Sra Henderson and Mme Mehta
The Wiley staff, parents, and curriculum encourages students to investigate the world beyond their immediate environment and to become globally competent students. One of the ways students achieve this is through our language electives.
Studying a foreign language can be a daunting task for many people. Students at Wiley have been taught how to pay close attention when listening to a conversation in French or Spanish. They will no doubt hear some words that sound similar to English words. Teachers go over the conversation or song and have students identify words that they understand or recognize. The same can be said for reading a text in a foreign language. Many Spanish, French and English words have Greek or Latin roots. This makes it much easier for readers or listeners to recognize cognates. A cognate is a word with similar spelling and sound that is used in other languages. According to there are more that 20,000 cognates!!!
Ask your child to point out cognates to you. To see how much you understand during a French conversation, try listening to a Disney movie scene in French or Spanish on with your child or pull up a text from a Google search on a subject that interests you and see how much of it you and your child can understand or decipher. The world of foreign languages is at your fingertips, literally.
In our language electives at Wiley, we continuously develop strategies to help students to increase understanding of languages.
Look for Dr. Cecconi-Roberts and Mrs. McCann's post next week with ways to support your child in Communicating Ideas through Effective Questioning.
Tutor Training
Tutor training will take place on Tuesday, Oct. 8, 3:00-3:45 pm, in the French and Spanish rooms. All tutors, whether working one-on-one with the same student each week OR providing in-class support to various students, are strongly encouraged to attend. Please RVSP to Judy Williams,
Wiley Celebration!
As you know, Wiley's German teacher during the last two years was Ms. Gabriele Verhoeven. We all adore her and were constantly impressed with her teaching of our students! We were not alone--Ms. Verhoeven was just named the 2013 AATG K-8 Outstanding German Educator by the AATG. This prestigious award is given annually in recognition of innovative teaching, extraordinary talent, and exceptional leadership in the German teaching profession. This outstanding achievement is an honor for Ms. Verhoeven and her Wiley students! It is also a bittersweet celebration, because Ms. Verhoeven had to leave Wiley in August due to the needs of her family. We miss her, but are OH SO proud of her! Please join me in sending her celebratory thoughts.
Safety Reminder
Always sign in to the office when you are on campus. Please come straight to the office when you arrive on campus, sign in, and only go to the location of which you identified. This helps everyone maintain a safe, secure learning environment!
Don't Forget Friday is an EARLY RELEASE DAY. Dismissal will begin at 1:15pm.
Upcoming Dates
Early Release, September 27th dismissal at 1:15
Wiley PTA Updates
Thank you to everyone who came out on Tuesday for our presentation on the school bond. Kim Gazella, co-ordinator of Friends of Wake County, the school bond steering committee, spoke to us about why she believes it is so important voters vote for the bond on 8 October. She also answered questions from parents.
Kim explained that while the primary purpose of the bond is to build new schools to provide seats for students (our county continues to grow!), it also provides money for some updates at existing schools. Specifically, Wiley is slated to receive electrical panel and HVAC upgrades as well as exterior work to preserve the building and safeguard it from water infiltration and deterioration.
If anyone has any questions about the bond, you can contact me and I will then send them on to Kim. Also, if anyone would like a lawn sign let me know and I will try to get one to you.
Meredith Nelson
Advocacy, Wiley PTA
Tutor training will take place on Tuesday, Oct. 8, 3:00-3:45 pm, in the French and Spanish rooms. All tutors, whether working one-on-one with the same student each week OR providing in-class support to various students, are strongly encouraged to attend. Please RVSP to Judy Williams,
Wiley Celebration!
As you know, Wiley's German teacher during the last two years was Ms. Gabriele Verhoeven. We all adore her and were constantly impressed with her teaching of our students! We were not alone--Ms. Verhoeven was just named the 2013 AATG K-8 Outstanding German Educator by the AATG. This prestigious award is given annually in recognition of innovative teaching, extraordinary talent, and exceptional leadership in the German teaching profession. This outstanding achievement is an honor for Ms. Verhoeven and her Wiley students! It is also a bittersweet celebration, because Ms. Verhoeven had to leave Wiley in August due to the needs of her family. We miss her, but are OH SO proud of her! Please join me in sending her celebratory thoughts.
Safety Reminder
Always sign in to the office when you are on campus. Please come straight to the office when you arrive on campus, sign in, and only go to the location of which you identified. This helps everyone maintain a safe, secure learning environment!
Don't Forget Friday is an EARLY RELEASE DAY. Dismissal will begin at 1:15pm.
Upcoming Dates
Early Release, September 27th dismissal at 1:15
Classroom Cleaning Day; October 3 at 4:30
Gardens and Grounds Day; October 5 at 10:00am
Wiley PTA Updates
Calling all Wiley Volunteers
Interested in being contacted about volunteer opportunities at PTA events this year? Please complete this brief survey to let us know what you’d like to help with and how to contact you. There are both day and evening opportunities available. Note that by completing the survey, you’re just letting us know that you are interested, rather than committing to a role at the event.
Questions? Reach out to
Free Money for Wiley!
Target has extended the deadline to give Wiley a dollar for each vote it gets. We have 200 votes so far. Let’s double that by Sept 30! Just a click is all it takes, so share with friends and family! You can click every 7 days. Just go to this link and press the vote button:
Wake County Bond Information Relevant to WileyFree Money for Wiley!
Target has extended the deadline to give Wiley a dollar for each vote it gets. We have 200 votes so far. Let’s double that by Sept 30! Just a click is all it takes, so share with friends and family! You can click every 7 days. Just go to this link and press the vote button:
Thank you to everyone who came out on Tuesday for our presentation on the school bond. Kim Gazella, co-ordinator of Friends of Wake County, the school bond steering committee, spoke to us about why she believes it is so important voters vote for the bond on 8 October. She also answered questions from parents.
Kim explained that while the primary purpose of the bond is to build new schools to provide seats for students (our county continues to grow!), it also provides money for some updates at existing schools. Specifically, Wiley is slated to receive electrical panel and HVAC upgrades as well as exterior work to preserve the building and safeguard it from water infiltration and deterioration.
If anyone has any questions about the bond, you can contact me and I will then send them on to Kim. Also, if anyone would like a lawn sign let me know and I will try to get one to you.
Meredith Nelson
Advocacy, Wiley PTA