Monday, September 9, 2013

Updates 9/9/13

Updates 9/9/13

Thank you for helping make arrival and dismissal safe for our kids and staff! We have seen improvements in the reduction of cell phone usage and folks using the proper identification. 

We still need your help with:
*Keeping dogs off campus; Dogs cannot come into school grounds (past sidewalks) during school hours or after school play.
*Students should arrive to school and leave from school through cars in the carpool line, out the walker door to their parent, through the YMCA through paid membership, or from a bus. Please make sure you let the office know before 3:15pm if there is a transportation change. 
*If you do not yet have a carpool tag or walker tag and are using those dismissal sites, please get one from the office between 8:45am and 3:15pm. 

Meeting Basic Needs
Wiley staff occasionally becomes aware of students needing the basics (shoes, socks, pants, coats, etc.). We could use your help in providing new or gently used goods when the need arises. Money donations will not ever be requested or accepted for these needs. If you would like to be part of an email group managed by Ms. Williams, Mrs. McMillan, and Mrs. Ware where we request items as needed please send your email address to Mrs. McMillan at Again, this will be an as needed request due to our lack of storage for any apparel. Thank you in advance for supporting our kids! Wiley is the BEST village of them all.   

Open House is Thursday!
We are looking forward to seeing you Thursday at our annual Open House. We will start with our first classroom session from 6:00pm to 6:30pm and the second (repeating the first session) classroom session from 6:40pm to 7:10pm. These sessions will be parent focused and provide an understanding of the daily routines and procedures in the classroom. 

The PTA General Membership meeting will not happen Thursday, but will occur September 17th at 7pm in the media center. Please join us as we hear an important presentation from the Wake Bond 2013 team!

Upcoming Dates
Open House, Sept. 12th at 6pm
PTA General Meeting-Wake Bond 2013 Team Presentation; Sept. 17th at 7pm
Early Release, September 27th dismissal at 1:15

Wiley PTA Updates

Continuing Band Performs at musicSPARK - September 15th
The 8th annual musicSPARK festival is coming up this weekend in Downtown Raleigh, and our Wiley Continuing Band is part of the fun! The Continuing Band will perform on Sunday, September 15th from 3-3:30pm at the Main Stage in City Plaza (outdoors, on the 400 block of Fayetteville Street).  Our band students would love to see you there!

Link your Harris Teeter VIC card
Harris Teeter will give Wiley money for every purchase you make of a Harris Teeter Brand product during the school year.  All you have to do is ask them to link your VIC card!  Last year, Wiley earned almost $900 from Harris Teeter.  At checkout, simply tell the Harris Teeter cashier to link your card to Wiley (#2920), or link on-line at and press the re-link button on right, You have to relink your VIC card every school year!

September 14 and September 21 – You can help Wiley earn even more money at the Harris Teeter VIC Link events at Cameron Village Harris Teeter, 500 Oberlin Road, Raleigh.  You and your Wiley students can help shoppers link their VIC cards to Wiley (to raise funds for all of our students), it is that easy!!!  Please RSVP to Stefanie Reed, - We need to have at least 4 families volunteer to make it worthwhile.  The event will be on September 14 and September 21 from 10am to 1pm, and don't forget your Wiley wear!  You do not have to work both days or the entire 3 hours when you sign up. Please let Stefanie know the best day and time.  We can’t do it alone – we need our Wiley parents!!!
Thank you for your support!