Wednesday, September 4, 2013

new (limited time) way to support Wiley!

An Easy Way to Raise Money for Wiley!! 

Here's an excellent way for you to get your advance gate tickets to the NC State Fair (Oct. 17-27) and help WILEY raise money!

For every $7.00 adult advance ticket sold, two dollars will be returned to the school.  For every children's advance ticket ($3.00), one dollar will be returned to the school. This money will be used to exclusively fund instructional supplies like iPads, software, and books. 

Please feel free to forward this email to relatives, neighbors, and friends!! The more tickets sold from WILEY supporters, the more money is returned to the school. 

To be sure the money goes back to us, you will need to enter our school code number, which is 620 and is also available from the advance ticket online site:

Don't wait too late:  Once the fair starts, the ticket price increases, and no money comes back to us.