Wednesday, January 22, 2014


Wiley Updates 1/22/14

Spelling Bee Winners
Last week's First (in a long time) Annual Spelling Bee was a huge success!!!  Fifth Grader, Carina L. is our winner, with Jasmine Y. and Willa W. are our runners up.  All the students did very well!! It was exciting to have Penn Holderness as our Pronouncer and Dr. Baines and Dr. DeNeef as our judges. Congratulations to all that participated!

5th Grade Magnet School Session 
As you probably know, the magnet application period will be Jan. 28 - Feb. 9.   If you are considering magnet options for your child, you will find important information that you need at   Click on the "school assignment" tab and enter your street address to determine both your base school assignment and magnet options.  The application will need to be completed online during the application period.  If you would like assistance completing the online application, please call me at 856-7734.  I can help walk you through the application process over the phone, or you can schedule an appointment with me here at Wiley and we can complete it on a school computer (during Jan. 28 - Feb. 9).

You are invited to attend a session presented by Tamani Anderson-Powell of the WCPSS Magnet Office on Friday, January 24, 12:00 -1:00 PM, in the media center.   She will explain the "in's and out's" of the magnet application process and answer any questions you have.  You may bring a bag lunch if you're hungry!  An RSVP to me is encouraged but not required.  I hope you can attend this informative session! 

If your child is planning to go to his/her base school, then no action is necessary.  Please contact Mrs. Williams if you have any questions about the magnet session 919-856-7734 (Mrs. Williams' office). 

Check Out Your Child's Art Online
Ms. Rose is using her Wiley website  to post student art work. The site changes almost daily, so check it out often!  

Meet and Talk with Superintendent, Dr. James Merrill
Share your thoughts about district initiatives and ideas on school improvement with Dr. Merrill at upcoming Superintendent Direct Line sessions. Find out more, including times and locations, at this link:

Science Olympiad Summer Camp
For those of you in the Triangle area, Science Olympiad will be offering 6 weeks of NCSO summer camps in NC State's campus for rising 3rd - 6th graders.  All the camp information is on the website, their friends get a special discount - enter the coupon code NCSO for $25 off each camp!

Upcoming Important Dates
January 28, 6:30pm Third Grade Read to Achieve Parent Information Session
January 28, Report Cards go home 
February 14, Early Release, dismissal at 1:15pm
February 17, Teacher Workday, no school for students