Monday, September 22, 2014

September 22

Updates from the World of Wiley

The Wiley staff wishes to thank our incredible PTA for the Brueggers breakfast that was served last Friday!  What a nice start to the day!

Interims were scheduled to go home this week; however, the district has revised the date and they will go home with students Wednesday, October 1.

To minimize distractions and to ensure the safety of your child, we request that all changes to afternoon transportation be submitted by 3:15.  If you must make a change request, you may do so by calling 919-856-7723.  

Please remember that Thursday, September 25 is a Teacher Workday, and students do not come to school.  

The Wiley Spotlight
Please allow us to introduce the members of our Wiley team by highlighting them in our Wiley Spotlight! 
This week, the Wiley spotlight shines on Mrs. Chris Hahner, our Instructional Resource Teacher and 2013/14 Teacher of the Year. Enjoy this interview with Mrs. Hahner: 

What do you like to do during the summer?  I like to be outside – hiking, running, being on the lake.   I also like to read, cook, and spend time with my family.
If you could pick anywhere to teach, where would it be? Why? (And you can't pick your present job).  I would like to teach at The International School in Billund, Denmark. The international population appeals to me, and I am intrigued by the creative and innovative approach of the Lego group that defines the school. 
What's the funniest thing that has happened to you while teaching?  There are so many!  I was teaching about the rainforest to a group of first graders and the roof started to leak due to a pipe bursting.  The students were amazed that I could make it rain in the class, just like the rainforest. 
If you could have anyone as your teacher, who would you pick and why? Mister Rogers – he inspires me.  He really understood the importance of structure and play.
Who was your favorite teacher in Elementary School? Mr. Langan, Fairview Elementary School, Mountaintop, PA

Upcoming Events:
Tuesday, 9/23: Chick Fil A restaurant night in Cameron Village, 4-8pm
Thursday, 9/25:  Teacher Workday
Tuesday, 9/30: Open House - PTA meeting and classroom visits/curriculum information sessions, 6:00 p.m. 

Sunday, 9/28Playground Clean-up Day, 1:30-3:30pm
Saturday, 10/4: Jellybeans Skate Night, 5:15-7pm

Friday, 10/17: Early Release

News from Wiley's PTA

Last Chance for Directory Edits:
We are putting the final touches on the directory and need any updates you have! Last chance for edits will be via email / form on Tuesday 9/23. Please reach out to with any questions / edits.
Playground Cleanup Day Sunday 9/28
Join Go Green and Gardens & Grounds on Sunday from 1:30-3:30 to clean out the prairie on the corner of  the K-2 playground. This is the first step in making that garden a great place for our children. Please bring any gardening gloves and implements that you have to the event and come prepared for fun.  Email to let her know that you are planning to come.

Childcare Signup for 9/30 Curriculum Night
The PTA and YMCA Afterschool will offer free childcare for school-aged children the night of 9/30. You do need to sign up ahead of time at the following link by 9/27. We look forward to seeing you there.

Clubs are Here!
Information will be coming home in today’s folder on club signup. This year, we have vendors and PTA members offering the following clubs in addition to Band which began earlier:

-KidzArt (Tues 3:45-5:00)
-Club Scientific (Wed 3:45-5:00)
-Go Green (Fri 8:00-8:45)
-Chess (Fri 3:45-5:00)

Look for signup information in your folder today. Need-based financial aid is available if fees are an issue. Contact Hadley Cairns Heath at with any questions.

Update on BAC 6 Meeting with Christine Kushner
We had a very interesting and informative first Board 6 Advisory Council meeting.  Christine Kushner, our School Board member, and Laura Evans, Director of Student Assignment for Wake County Public Schools, presented the proposed school enrollment proposal, a version of which the school board hopes to pass in December and then implement for the 2015-2016 school year.

The plan is ultimately a response to growth in Wake County and is primarily driven by how to fill the new schools that last year's school bond made possible.  Yet, as Ms. Kushner continually reiterated, while growth is mainly concentrated on the edges of Wake County, the board remains committed to keeping central schools strong.  Ms. Kushner is a huge supporter of magnet programs, which is great for Wiley!

One of the objectives of the magnet program is having healthy diversity in schools.  Achieving this sometimes involves changing base addresses of magnet schools, and the plan does propose adjusting Wiley's non-contiguous base area.  However, since current students and their siblings are eligible to remain at their existing school no Wiley student will be forced to change schools unless they so choose.  The redrawn base will help ensure our school community remains diverse, helping Wiley remain a vibrant magnet school.

You can check out the proposed enrollment plan at  Let Meredith Nelson, Wiley PTA Board 6 Advisory Council Representative, know if you have any questions (