Monday, December 2, 2013

Updates 12/2/13

Wonderful World of Wiley Updates

Guest Blog from Ms. Kurtz and Ms. Jeffries
Specialized Instruction at Wiley
The special education team at Wiley provides specialized instruction and related services to meet the individual needs of Wiley students who qualify for services according to the mandates of the Individual with Disabilities Education Act. Students in grades K-5 receive individualized academic assistance developed by their IEP (Individualized Education Plan) team.  Instruction is provided on a continuum of services, from consultation to full day support, to meet the varied needs of our learners.  Students who qualify may also receive support in Speech, Occupational Therapy, and Physical Therapy.  
Wake County also provides parent and family support. Special Education Services maintain a Parent Information Center Blackboard site with a wealth of information, including the Special Education testing and eligibility process as well as a guide to the commonly used forms and acronyms.  You can visit the site at:  Additionally, Special Education Services has established the Office of Family and Community Connections as a clearinghouse for community resources, procedural advice and general questions.  They can be reached at (919) 431-7334,  (919) 431-7143 (Spanish line) or by e-mail
Wiley has a rich history of meeting the needs of all students and the special education team is proud to be a part of that tradition.  

Good study habits are important for all students:

--Establish a study time. Choose one that works best for your child. Some kids need to blow 
off steam right after school, while others like to finish homework right away. 

-- Create a study space.  Make sure your child has a quiet, comfortable, well-equipped place to work. It 
should be free of distractions, especially noise from the TV. 

--Take study breaks.   Help your child determine a strategy that works best for them.  Some students enjoy setting a timer while others prefer to take breaks after completing activities such as taking a breather between math and social studies activities.

--Role play.  Your child may enjoy pretending to be the teacher and recite what he has just learned.

-- Plan ahead. Long-term assignments are perfect opportunities to teach the value of 
planning. If your child has to write a book report, for example, split the project into parts 
and set a deadline for each one. 

--Celebrate effort.  Use phrases such as “You really worked hard on that assignment” or “I notice you put a lot of thought into this project.”

Fifth Grade Williamsburg Field Trip Fundraiser this Saturday, Dec. 7
To take advantage of the Jingle Bell Run taking place this Saturday, 5th grade students and parents will be holding a bake sale Dec 7, from 8:30 - 11:30 am at the corner of St. Mary's and College Streets.  100% of the proceeds will go toward the 5th graders' Williamsburg overnight field trip in the spring.   Many of our Wiley families already participate in the run - come out to support all of our Wiley runners and the 5th grade students' fundraiser.  Thank you!
If you are a 5th grader's parent, we hope you'll volunteer with your child - please use this LINK to sign-up. 

Upcoming Important Dates
Winter Food Drive begins Dec. 2
Preliminary Spelling Bee Test, Dec. 4 (only for students who have entered)
PTA Executive Board Meeting, Dec. 5 6:30pm
Wiley Band Holiday Concert, Dec. 12, 7:00pm

Winter Break, Dec. 23-Jan. 1

Wiley PTA Updates

Winter Thanks Needs You
Don't forget Winter Thanks is coming up on December 12th. This is Wiley's way of saying "THANK YOU" to all of our Wiley teachers and staff. Attached is a doodle poll if you would like to sign up to bring food the morning of the 12th. Also attached is the Winter Thanks flier,a hard copy of which went home in Monday's folder a couple of weeks ago. Let's let our Wiley family know how much we appreciate them. 

Sign Up for Winter Thanks food donation HERE

Thank you,
Tina Hlabse
Co-chair Winter Thanks